In recent years, China has introduced a series of support policy measures for the major cooperation platforms such as Hengqin, Qianhai, Nansha, and other Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao.The following is referred to as the planning), which has made a special deployment of the river -cooperative zone located in the northern part of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the central and southern part of Shenzhen.

Recently, Xie Laifeng, deputy director of the Hong Kong, Macao and Regional Development Research Institute of China (Shenzhen) Institute of Comprehensive Development, said in an exclusive interview with a GDTODAY reporter that the Heba Cooperation Zone is the only national platform in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area with the theme of scientific and technological innovation.In the future, through major policies such as "white list", seminars management and fiscal and tax discounts, the rules of scientific and technological innovation areas will be promoted to create a more open and international technological cooperation environment, attracting more scientific and technological companies and R & D institutions from the world.

Planning will promote cross -border free flow of scientific research elements

Xie Laifeng said that the plan to clearly clear the task of "building an international competitive industry with international competitiveness" is very example, the plan pointed out that the customs supervision area of Shenzhen Park will explore the establishment of new management models for the research and development of new biopharmaceuticals such as cell therapy and gene therapy, and pilot the restrictions on the access of foreign biomedical enterprises in foreign biomedical enterprises.

In terms of promoting the cross -border freedom flow of scientific research elements, the plan proposes to adopt "highly convenient entry in the country" for scientific researchers in advance, implement "first -line liberalization, second -line control, freedom in the district", and build international international in the Shenzhen Park.Data -specific channels, explore international information and communication facilities such as the construction of international communication entry and export bureaus.Xie Laifeng said that this will help river sets to break through the existing institutional barriers in the risk supervision of scientific researchers, the risk supervision of goods, cross -border flow of science and technology funds, and data cross -border interconnection.

It is worth mentioning that the plan is also targeted at cross -border circulation to explore the implementation of the "whitelist" of scientific research institutions and enterprises.Xie Laifeng believes that the setting of the "white list" is a new type of regulatory system and model."For example, on the problems of data cross -border flow, biological sample tissue cross -border, setting the" whitelist "can better strengthen the control of risk, and at the same time, it can better do stress testing and exploration on element cross -border flow."

In order to attract more overseas scientific research talents, the plan clearly builds a tax burden environment that converge with Hong Kong in the Heba cooperation zone, and provides subsidy policies for qualified overseas high -end talents and personal income tax negative tax negatives."At the same time, the plan emphasizes reforms in the scientific research management system, docking with the international management system, and creating an international scientific research environment.This will enhance the attractiveness to international scientific researchers. "Xie Laifeng said.

Hetao and Qianhai can be combined to form a more complete industrial chain

The total area of the river cooperation zone is 3.89 square kilometers, including the Shenzhen Park of 3.02 square kilometers and a 0.87 square kilometer Hong Kong park."Due to the small physical space, the river can be highly focused on the development of scientific and technological innovation. Qianhai will cooperate with Hong Kong to develop financial, modern logistics, trade, professional services and other modern service industries. Qianhai and Hetao can achieve coordinated development through advantages."Xie Laifeng said," For example, the Heba Cooperation Zone can conduct cutting -edge basic research and small -scale trials before putting on production. After the Qianhai Expansion District has a good advanced manufacturing foundation, the combination of the two will form a relatively complete industrial chain."

The schematic diagram of the Heba Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (Screenshot of the Hetao Propaganda Movie)

At present, the Shenzhen Park of the Heba Cooperation Zone focuses on the three universities of life sciences, information sciences, and materials science. It has substantially promoted and landed more than 150 high -end scientific research and industrialization projects, forming the development of biomedical, artificial intelligence, and EDA tools for development., Fresh and technological clusters such as quantum technology.In addition, a series of major scientific and technological infrastructures such as the "Top 100" universities in Hong Kong, the Future Network Research Institute of the BRICS Future Network Research Institute, the future of major scientific and technological infrastructure of the network test facilities, and the International Quantum Research Institute and other major scientific research projects have all landed here.

Xie Laifeng believes that the plan will help He style attract financial institutions such as international technology companies, scientific research institutions, and venture capital.He suggested that the local government should build iconic projects as soon as possible, attract the settlement of leading enterprises with international influence, play a leading role in leading, and inspire investors' confidence.