Source: Surging News

Since the beginning of this year, the online car ride market has attracted more attention.

A Shenzhen car driver in Shenzhen said that before 11 hours a day, I could earn more than 20,000 yuan a month. Now I run more than 20 orders a day, and I can only earn more than 300 yuan. Sometimes I remove a car rental.The cost and fuel cost, the actual income of the monthly hand is less. "The platform competition is too fierce, the low -cost orders are popular, and now the money is not as good as before."

More drivers to join, more intense market competition, allowing "one -bob" or special orders to be popular, the feeling of online car drivers is the most obvious.

"I never pick up a bite price '." When talking about the "one -bob" order, Master Hu, the driver, told the surging news reporter, "We drove the oil car, who would drive a bite price'."

"A price order now accounts for 30%-40%of my overall single volume." The driver Cui Di (pseudonym) told the surging news reporter that if he did not take the "one price", his daily flow would shrink extremely."I can only bow my head to compromise."

Between rejection and compromise, it is a online car market that has changed.

The "one -bod price" that is difficult to break free

The so -called "one -bob price" is also called "cheap car" and "special express vehicle" on some online ride -hailing platforms.Based on the starting point information, the service provider comprehensively reports the price of mileage, duration, and real -time road conditions, which is consistent with the final payment amount of passengers.Generally speaking, the "one -bob price" order will decrease significantly compared to ordinary orders.

A online car driver shows to reporters that the original price of more than 40 yuan is an express train order. After selecting the "special" mode, the actual amount that needs to be paid is 27 yuan.Among them, 5 yuan will be drawn by the platform, and the income obtained by the driver is 22 yuan.

Under general, the unit price income obtained by the driver in the special model is about 1.5 yuan/kilometer, while the general order income is 2 yuan/km.

In the driver's group where Master Hu is located, many drivers bluntly said: "Who will make a 'one -bob" order, it is better to retreat the car directly. "

According to the rules, the platform will not force the driver to pick up the "one -price" order. You only need to close the background function, and you will not receive the "one -bob" order.But for many drivers, they don't have much choice.

"One-bob order now accounts for 30%-40%of my overall single volume." Cui Di told reporters that he wins with "running volume", and about 40 orders are received every day, which also means "a bite price."The order reaches about 15.

Cui Di, 43 this year, has drove for 4 years.His daily schedule is extremely fixed: get up at 6 in the morning, "work" at 7 o'clock, work 12 hours a day, and take 4 days a month.When it is rare without receiving the order, he will choose to get out of the car, stretch his waist on the street, or walk in a small step. "Usually there is no time to exercise."

Cui Di's feelings are that the platform sending orders will tilt the "one price". If you do not connect the "one -price price", you will not be able to receive the large orders, and may not even receive other orders for a few hours.This has also made many drivers have to open a "one -price price".

This phenomenon has attracted the attention of the regulatory authorities.

On August 15th, the Hangzhou Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the Transportation Bureau and other departments held a meeting to request a comprehensive cleanup specification of the "one -price price" such as "one price" and other taxi companies, and publicized the pricing rules.

Shanghai, Hefei, Wuhan, Shijiazhuang and other regulatory departments have recently interviewed local online car rental companies, asking each online taxi company to reasonably determine the tax price of taxes, implement the price bid, and clean up "The freight rules such as "special price" and "special price" shall not disturb the market order with unfair prices competition.


One of the popular backgrounds of low -cost competition is that more drivers are entering the online car industry.

According to the Ministry of Transport, data interactive data interactive system of online car rental supervision information shows that as of June 30, a total of 318 online car rental platform companies across the country obtained the business license of the online car rental platform.5.79 million copies.

For comparison, as of June 30, 2022, a total of 277 online car rental platform companies across the country obtained the online car rental platform operation permit, and a total of 4.53 million online car driver's licenses were issued in various places.

Simply estimate that within one year, the online car rental industry has poured into 41 platforms and 1.26 million drivers.

This is still the data within monitoring.

In the report of local regulatory authorities, it was mentioned that since the second half of 2022, various online car rental platform companies have played a "price war" in orderThe number of entry control has further increased the number of non -concentration networks.At the same time, the platform company concealed the operation data, and the security management controlled strict control, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of online car traffic accidents in the first half of 2023, bringing great hidden dangers to the safety travel of passengers.

"The current market size of online car rental is similar to the level in 2019 before the epidemic, but the demand has not increased significantly." Liu Ye (pseudonym) who has worked in the online car industry for many years told Surging News reporters that they are generally generally that they are generally generally that they are generally.It is believed that the contradiction between supply and demand in the online car rental industry is more obvious.

Data show that the number of online ride -hailing orders has recovered this year, but the growth rate of orders has slowed significantly after the second quarter, and even in April to negative growth.7.6%.

Many cities have issued early warning of excess capacity.

On August 3, the Chongqing Road Transportation Center issued a risk of online car investment operations that the transportation capacity of taxi reservations for the central urban area of Chongqing has far exceeded the actual needs. It reminds that there are risks in operations, and they must be cautious when entering the job and entry.

In July, the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau issued a risk warning that according to the operating data of the online car rental industry in the first half of the year, the current industry capacity and demand have become saturated.

Associate Professor of Law School of Southeast University and Executive Director of the Research Center of the Traffic and Law and Development Research Center, Gu Dasong said in an interview with surging journalists that the industry generally judges that the proportion of trains and online car rental in the city is remained reasonable.If the number of cars is severely exceeded the cruise taxi, it is judged by this data, which is the imbalance of supply and demand.

Taking Chongqing as an example, as of June 2023, 101,000 vehicles obtained online car transportation permits in Chongqing Central City, while the number of cruise taxis was about 16,000, far exceeding 1: 3 of this.Proportion."In fact, the signal of this market is very sufficient, that is, excess capacity." Gu Dasong said.

Grab traffic, fight for orders

Another major change in the online car rental market is that the aggregation platform at the entrance of hand in hand began to gradually expand the scope of power.

Some people in the industry said that at present, Gaode and Didi City share close to 3: 7.According to public data, Gaode's market share is nearly 30%; daily living users are stable at about 120 million; the average daily single volume exceeds 8 million in February this year.

Gaode is the representative of the aggregate taxi platform.Public information shows that Gaode took the lead in governing a taxi in 2017, only matched resources, and did not provide online car rental capacity.Meituan has also abandoned the self -operated taxi business and has shifted to the aggregation model.

The online car aggregation platform is a typical light asset operation. They integrate travel requirements and match capacity supply with "one -click full network".Holding the traffic entrance, the aggregation platform has held the "life pulse" of many small and medium -sized online vehicle platforms and drivers.

"" The whole taxi enters the whole taxiIn the share of the mouth, Gao Demo's proportion reached 203 %."Liu Ye said that from the perspective of the flow entrance, there were 80 % of the market before Didi, and now the market share has dropped by about 50 or 60 %."

Liu Ye said that the aggregation platform represented by Gaode provides consumers with a price comparison channel. Through each order, it will draw service fees to the online car platform.Through the price comparison, the aggregation platform has attracted more and more traffic, and more and more online car rental platforms are binding with them. "

Among the ride -hailing platforms such as Didi and Gaode, the online ride -hailing platforms on the aggregation platform, and even between the ride -hailing drivers are facing more intense competition.The decline in price is the most direct by -product under fierce competition.

"The pumping of the online car rental platform will basically not change. The upper limit is 30%, which is specified."Because the overall order amount of the platform has been reduced, for example, Gaode launched the 'special car' order, Didi launched the 'special car' order, each overall price is low, and the naturally declined in proportion to the driver's hands.The cheap price attracts passengers. The platform needs to be accepted. It can only be accepted. The driver does not connect or has no business. If you do n’t do it, you do n’t do it. The cheaper the price, the more passengers use it.

Du Ze added that another factor of the driver perceived the decline in income is that the platform subsidy decreases. "Drivers continue to influx, and the platform no longer needs to give such a large subsidy to attract the driver." And, when the demand is unchanged, the increase of drivers also means that the average single volume is declining.

A Fujian online car driver told the surging news reporter that these months are the peak season for online car rental, but the overall orders in some periods do not increase but decrease, and most of them are small orders from three to six kilometers.

How to break the game?

At present, more drivers are still influxed.

According to the statistics of the online car supervision information interactive system, the total number of online car driver's licenses has been issued in various places this year.As of July this year, a total of 5.976 million driver permits were issued, a 3.2%increase from the previous month.The previous data in June was 5.79 million copies, an increase of 206,000 copies from May, and the number of new monthly increases reached a new high.

In contrast, the use of online car rental has not continued to grow significantly.

How to change the contradiction between supply and demand?

Gu Dasong said that there is no effective solution to it yet. The more ways are to temporarily freeze the entry and rest, but this method is also a double -edged sword.The other is to fully disclose information from the market and fully convey supply and demand information to practitioners and investors. This may be a relatively better way.

Liu Ye, as a senior practitioner, also mentioned that "For the income of drivers, it should pay more attention to the average daily single volume and hourly income. It is reasonable to use these two indicators to evaluate."

As for the problem of the platform, some drivers introduced that there are differences in the pumping of major taxi platforms. Different order types and different times will change, and there is no fixed proportion.Although the bill after each order will be displayed, I hope that the platform can clearly clearly draw rules in advance.In contrast, Didi's dumping floating is smaller, but it gives the driver a "sense of security" -the at least income can be calculated.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Transport, as of the end of July, the company's major online ride -hailing platforms and Internet road freight platform companies have announced that the proportional ratio is reduced or the upper limit of the membership fee, and the downward increase is generally 1 to 3 percentage points.

Liu Ye also mentioned that in the case of market saturation, "compliance" will be the development direction of the industry, and it is also a way to solve the low -cost dilemma of the online car.

It can be seen that the regulatory authorities of some cities have begun to clearly require the online car entry platform to further increase the proportion of compliance networks.

For drivers, they need to consider more factors.

Wang Shan (pseudonym), who runs the order in the urban area, said that "there are more people who come to run the car on the Internet." This line is not high. "If you can persist, you can still make a hard work."

Wangshan's car rent is about to expire for more than ten days. He intends to rest for a period of time. "If you can find a hard work, you will not run on the Internet."

Cui Di said, "I won't change careers," I have seen a lot in the past two years, I don't want to go to start a business, and I have made so much money every month. In addition, the income of the online car driver, mineThe family is already satisfied. "