Asianan's severe situation on the front and outside of inside and outside.Internally, especially in Myanmar, the problem is delayed, and an effective solution cannot be found. The outside is facing the dangerous new situation of the overlapping of international geopolitics and geographical risks, and the unity of Ya Jing's unity faces unprecedented challenges.

As the host of the 43rd Asian Security Summit, when Indonesian President Zoko opened the speech at the plenary conference, he made Yajianda a huge boat, saying that the leader of Asian was in negative to the hundreds of millions of people on this huge ship.Major responsibility.As a leader, it is necessary to ensure that the ship can continue to sail forward, take the captain's responsibility, and jointly realize peace, stability and prosperity.

The question is, what should Ya'an do?In dealing with the tricky internal issues of Myanmar, there is no other way to continue to put pressure on the military government in addition to the five points of consensus.It is not easy for the military government to change attitudes, and it takes time and patience.The leaders of Asian'an recently issued a 19 statement at the summit, which strongly condemned the violence and attacks on civilians in Myanmar, and directly pointed the spearhead to the military government.In response, the military government once again expressed a violation of resistance, pointing out that it was "one -sided" and "not objective".The military government also required Yajia'an to strictly abide by the provisions and basic principles of the charter, especially in the internal affairs of the member states.In fact, in the past, it was also supported by Cambodia and former Thai government.

With the announcement of this summit, the Philippines will replace Myanmar as the chairman of the Asian Terry Delivery in 2026. The Myanmar issue will continue to be continued in the next few years.The national democratic alliances, including Wengshan Shuzhi, have been dissolved.How to continue to put pressure on the military government has gradually changed and avoiding the split of Asian security is a problem that the leaders of Asia in Asia must be accurately grasped.There is no doubt that if the internal problems are not handled well, it will not only affect unity, but also affect the overall reputation of Asia, as well as the core role it occupies in regional affairs.

Faced with the chaos, the unprecedented split of the world's geopolitics and geopolitical economy, Prime Minister Li Xianlong pointed out that Asia in Asia must strengthen internal unity and step up contact with all countries.At the same time, it cannot slow down the pace of regional economic integration. It must keep pace with the times and develop new cooperation areas, especially the digital economy and green economy.

In terms of overall strategy, Ya'an insists on not choosing a side station.Individual member states will inevitably become the target of China and the United States for winning, but they must focus on the overall situation, and consider the long -term interests of the country, so as not to lose due to small loss, or to become a vassal of a large country.It is believed that leaders of various countries have realized that Asian security is the best security guarantee for everyone. The more united the Asian security, the more stable the overall economic development is, the core roles can be more prominent, and the more individual member states can maintain autonomy and independence.

Although the two Senior leaders of China and the United States did not attend the Asian Summer Summit, senior executives of the two countries emphasized their relationships with Asians and issued positive signals.Other countries such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada, India, Russia and other Asia Delivery Dialogue partners, as well as the delegations from nine international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank gathered in Jakarta, explaining the importance of Asia's Gyrity, and the regional area in Asia.Continue to actively actively active expectations in international affairs.

There is no doubt that the fierce games of the two major countries of the United States and China, as well as the economic protectionism and so -called derivatives derived from this, not only affect the two countries itself, but also promote the movement of the Asia -Pacific and the world economic sector.This is the largest external challenge faced by Ya'an.Asian'an must not only maintain the autonomy, but also actively mediate between the two major China and the United States, try to promote the dialogue, use Lu Zhonglian's role, and avoid any incident of wiping guns.Premier Li pointed out at the East Asian Summit at the Asian Security Summit followed that the global tension situation has a negative impact on East Asian cooperation. The state of the summit should implement the Assembly Pacific Outlook through the Summit's mechanism, establish mutual trust, and respond to joint challenges.

In addition to the role of geopolitical politics, Yaxian is now one of the most important economic growth engines in the world and has also become China's largest trading partner. Therefore, for China and the United States, it is also extremely important in geographical economy.EssenceTherefore, both countries are also necessary to enhance their economic connection and cooperation with Asianan.In this regard, it is important to try to eliminate various political obstacles. For example, if China can reach the South China Sea Code with legal binding power as soon as possible, it will be able to make the Asia -Pacific regional economic cooperation more upper level, which will also help, and it will also help.To further consolidate the stability of the area.