"Dad saves me ... I was abducted!"

"Don't be in a hurry, tell me the number first."

What number? "

"The number we said good."

" # %” ... "(the other party hangs)

The above situations are pure fiction.But giving each family a certification password, which is a good test that "positive body" is a recently told me by a Texer.Today, the sound and face can be easily "deep and fake". Today, the video that the video is not necessarily true, so this method is a bit soil, but it is quite useful.

In the face of life, there are more scammers than mosquito flies, and everyone has to protect themselves.One is the simplest and most rude countermeasure. As long as the call is a stranger, it will not be connected.I have no way to do so, but when I see that the number is "+65" or a long series, it is determined that the comer is not good and never ignores it.Some of these will show where they come from, such as Sri Lanka, Saint Marino ... but most of the origin is unknown.I checked it in a curiosity. It turned out to be Colombia in South America. It was the other end of the earth. I was definitely not so vast.

I have read too much about the scammers because of the review, and I have been numb.But a month ago was particularly angry.Women saw "Hao Kang" on Facebook, so they downloaded the order after downloading, and then they felt inappropriate. They quickly deleted, but the account was transferred to nearly 200,000 yuan.This is not the end. It is even more bad. It is the same scammer. After she called the police, she was pretending to be a investigator to cheat twice.Obviously, this guy is a liar, and he has no bottom line.

There is also a super irony, and even the government's "anti -fraud center" is fake!It seems that the scammers really know psychology, know the most vulnerable point of attacking human nature, and know that the tricks must continue to evolve.

Have you ever heard of "killing piglets"?It is based on the false identity of beautiful women, in the vast crowd of dating websites or facebooks, IG, and WeChat, looking for empty and lonely souls.At the beginning, it was to establish an ambiguous relationship and engage in online dating in different places. When the time arrived -In fact, the words of the masters are fast. Within a few days, they invite prey to bet gambling or buy stocks or something.Needless to say, the money you turned over must be a meat bun and a dog -go back.Sometimes, the employees of the love slaughterhouse will also use the account to be frozen as the grounds. To pay another security deposit, in fact, they are all serial sets.

It must be said that this scam is quite "technical".Two days ago, 88 people caught Batuki, which was the road.It's just that the "sword method" is to trick the other party to play virtual sex, and then extort money with video.

The "Demon" messy dance is getting more and more mad

How can the "magic" dance and more mad, can't pack it?First of all, it is a profit. Perhaps there is such a 100: 10: 1 rule, which is 100 nets, 10 of which will be replied, and finally one will be fooled.In fact, even if the "success" rate is one of 200 points and one -300 -in -one, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the denominator is doing technology.

The law enforcement can be desperately catching, but the arrest is mainly to borrow the account for the so -called money eunuch that the money is turned out.The entire nest was destroyed locally, or the leaders were captured extremely rare, because the French Open could not cover it at all.

Of course, the "Fujian Gang" news recently broke out, I wonder if it is an exception.These people are currently suspected of being charged with money laundering, whether they have criminals, and people who are more curious -where so much money comes from, because they are still investigating and raising the control stage, and follow the principle of innocent guilt, let's put it aside.

Speaking of Qian Qianyu, according to reports, between 2020 and 2022, there were nearly 20,000 people who were investigated, many of which were young people. As for the bank accounts involved, more than 38,000 were involved!

I think the profit and cost were measured before they tried it.It is uncomfortable to lose freedom because of the prison, but obviously it is not enough to curb resistance.Others may also be deceived (only the people who have not become the End of the World in Cambodia).These small coffee caught a batch of batches, but it is just increasing the prison population. It will not make the fraud case less, because the most that the rope is the same.

Among all kinds of bad guys, scammers are particularly annoying.Let me make some comparisons. If readers do not agree, please contain.Let's take the pornographic industry first. We all oppose prostitution and think that it should be eliminated, but compared to fraud, prostitution is at least equivalent to exchange, and you love it, one party meets the physiological needs, and the other party discusses life. Although this is thisNot a decent occupation.We can also deduce to the evil place again. Selling drugs is also exchanged. Drug vendors make money, and the addicts have been addicted.But fraud is a naked person deprived of another person.A deceived B 100 yuan and deducted various costs. The profit may be 80 yuan, but Yi Ping Bai lost 100 yuan, and he would regret it without changing any service or product.It will force the death.Organizing prostitution, drug trafficking, and fraud are not moral, and they are all criminals. They are all abominable, but in terms of equivalent and fairness, scammers are more than those who have leather and drug dealers.

People prevent each other's vacuum

Fraud is not only harmful, but also produces a lot of "external effects".As mentioned at the beginning of my article, worried that they were deceived, some people resisted when connecting the phone, resulting in normal interpersonal communication.Once this psychological mechanism spreads to all social levels, everyone guards each other. For a long time, no matter how much trust, it is unbearable.A society with trustwell is difficult to operate effectively and harmoniously.Everything we want to do has to pay more transaction costs. For example, if a word originally said, people believed it, and then things were done;Time and energy are wasted on useless work.

What we have lost is not just the value of integrity.Like the new version of the recently launched by Overseas Chinese Bank, as long as the customer's mobile phone has "unofficial" application downloads, it is not allowed to use online banking services.This makes some people feel uncomfortable and say that there is a privacy.But the HKMA is recognized, and it is estimated that other banks will follow up.It seems that anti -fraud is the last word, and the right to privacy must also be stood side by side.

In addition, the official acts from three in five, and it is hundreds of people.It is unimaginable to undertake hundreds of reports of the case, and then investigate, arrest, and control them. How much is the law enforcement resources to be locked in the prison in the end?The last thing to pay for is the whole of society.

It can be said that fraud to society, just like cancer cells to personal, cannot heal, everyone is tortured.If one day is true to the end of the cancer, the ending may be devastating.

What should I do?First of all, I can no longer be artificially a knife. I am a fish. It is absolutely necessary to fight back.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the movement of public power has been significantly increased.An example is that as long as someone reports the case, the plot and the fraud routine are consistent, the police can be authorized by the General Procuratorate to read the receipt account to see if the money has been transferred in. Of course, the purpose is to quickly notify and block the number of victims.Or stop loss for the victim.

I even thought that the scammers' behaviors have not been concealed, and even blatantly recruit soldiers to buy horses. Whether the law enforcement should fight against the attack, such as actively "hooking", and then touched the base camp of the upper reaches.Withdrawing the net, or waiting for someone to be deceived.It is stipulated that telecommunications companies and platform operators must cooperate to use the most advanced online security technologyThe cross -department and cross -social fields, especially the formation of a joint force, should be formed by the formation of a cross -judicial area. It should not be difficult to make the yellow dragon directly.

I am just a layman, I don't know if this is over the law or any game rules.However, the trend is that there are more and more scam gangs, there are endless methods, the number of victims and losses has been increasing, and it is no longer active and fast, ruthless, and counter -retrospective.

Punishment and deterrence are not enough

Secondly, when the chaos is used, Shen Yan needs to be pressed.

Sometimes I want to sin and be held in prison, will just be open?uncertain.Many times, the victims were cheated and could not get back.So can the idea be legislative so that the bad guys make compensation with their own property?We know that a person is bankrupt, and he still has to work hard to repay his debt, but the assets of HDB are protected.Suppose we stipulate that in addition to the scammers, we must return the money to the victims. If it is not enough, sorry, the house must be cash out. Will more people be afraid of the family members and the cliffs before joining the ranks of the scammers?Of course, this is an extreme method, but the bad guys keep the house. In the future, the elderly may be fine. The people who have been cheated by the old -fashioned old book have nothing to do. The two situations compare and obviously unreasonable.

For example, for example, the tax evacuator is caught, sometimes not only to go to jail, but also return more taxes and fines.If we say that you have lied to 100,000 yuan and have to pay 200,000 yuan and go to jail, then you will definitely think twice, thought, and fifty -thinking if you want to be a scammer: Can you come?Is the price too big?Insufficient legal curb resistance will only make more bad guys lucky and succeed.

Once again, I always think that some institutions can be more responsible.For example, telecommunications companies, now there are many technical means, including the ascendant artificial intelligence, can identify and block fraud messages and calls from foreign countries.Our telecommunications company is doing it, but it is not enough.Can you please help and make less scammers' phone bills?

There are banks.The vast majority of frauds are completed through account ride. It is difficult for banks to compensate for a bit of strong people.The three major local banks have obtained a net profit of more than 1 billion yuan or even more than 2 billion yuan each season (emphasizing that it is a season, not half a year or throughout the year).Helping the community to carry out anti -fraud education. One is that the case is reduced. You don't have to get so tired. Second, the customer will feel better when the customer queues in the bank.

Finally, do not let the scammers succeed, after all, we have to rely on each of us.

The focus is not greedy. The words "greedy" and "poverty" are very similar, maybe it really has its internal truth.Then there is multiple common sense and rationality. For example, when you see the time salary of two or three hundred yuan, you have to improve your heart defense, because it is impossible for the pie in the sky.On the Internet or on your mobile phone, don't even feel fascinated.What investment consultants, planes, friends are executives of listed companies, family members are tea and tea, etc. They are just "people".By the way, behind that youthful photo, and you Qingqing me, maybe it is still a greasy uncle.

In short, only the less people are fooled, forcing the scammers to invest more and less benefits, and the "business model" can not be continued to enter a new virtuous circle.

But now, in this human war, the kind people are in the situation of beating. They have really retired and they must fight back.

Can't lose.Losing, how can we tell the next generation: This world will be better tomorrow?