On September 1, the Chinese will have the opportunity to select the next election president from three qualified candidates.They were Huang Guosong (75 years old) of the former chief investment officer of the Singapore government investment company, former state -owned assets of Dalman (66), and former president of Yingkang Chen Qinliang (75 years old).The presidential election is a national event and must be treated carefully; but the election is also a political activity that is easy to affect voters' emotions, so it is necessary to avoid passion for drowning reason.Therefore, re -understanding the function of the election president to prevent the campaign from getting out of focus, and confusing with the national election is the homework that the young first investment tribe should do.

The Constitution has a clear definition of the responsibility of the election president.The election president is not a regime outside the government. The main responsibility is to protect the state's reserves from being abused by the government and ensure that the person in charge of government agencies meets the high standards of professional and integrity.Therefore, in addition to the second key as a national reserve band, the election president has not been given the role of supervising the government -the latter is mainly played by the Congress Opposition Party.It is clear that you will not make a joke that misunderstand Feng Jing as a horse during the election presidential campaign.

The reason why the president wants to be elected is to whether to use state reserves. If the opinion of the government can provide legitimacy and independence.However, the president is also a symbol of unity of the whole people and should be supported by Chinese people.Regardless of whether the election president or the national election, any election must have competition, and competition will inevitably have a sense of opposition.This has internal tension with the president's unity symbol.Therefore, whether it is a candidate or voter, you must keep in mind the functions and roles of the president of the election, and keep the division in the election and voting, so that the election will be the gentleman's dispute between "giving up and drinking down".

Elections must be divided into the nature of the competition, which will inevitably provoke the emotions of all participants.On the one hand, politics needs enthusiasm, because political indifference is not conducive to the benign operation of democracy; but on the other hand, overheating political passion can cause endless disadvantages and even cause social confrontation.How to maintain a balance between the two tests the collective wisdom of the whole people.Although theoretically voting should be a political activity of rational selection, and selecting candidates who best represent their own value and interests, but practical experience shows that emotions often have more people's voting tendency.This is a helpless reality that must be accepted.

Therefore, all candidates are responsible for ensuring the basic rationality of the campaign tone. Not only should they avoid the enthusiasm of the supporters, but they must also lead by example to remind the people to take the election correctly.EssenceThe election president represents the country and symbolizes unity, so the election process must have the solemnity and seriousness.It can be imagined that occasionally unexpected situations may occur during the campaign, so that those who want to be more lively to take the opportunity to coax.At this time, how can candidates respond to truly reflect their personal atmosphere and height.

Chinese people also have an unspoken responsibility in the presidential election.At the moment when social media prevails, those who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, there will be opportunities for the wind and waves anytime, anywhere, encourage people's emotions, and even manipulate negative emotions to stimulate election.The Chinese will not be holding a lively attitude, or even devoting themselves to it, to ignite the wind, and lower the style of the election.Although this is not a national general election, the Chinese people need to be vigilant and not let themselves become the object of manipulation of other people.In the era of increasingly rampant international cognitive wars, this reminder is not worrying.

In the end, no matter who wins, he is the president of the whole people. He shoulder major responsibilities and deserves the support and respect of all Chinese people.Remember this, when the Chinese people voted for the sacred vote in their hands on September 1, they must adhere to the attitude of choosing sage and ability to prefer the next election president for the country.