Recently, the national reserve project has become a hot issue.The programs produced by Asian News (CNA) have been introduced and explained for the first time, and explained the operation of the reserve and the information that political leaders want to convey.

Simply put, the reserve is too important for the development and survival of Singapore.Although we don't know how many billion yuan of reserves have been accumulated since the founding of the People's Republic of China (the government knows of course, but it is not disclosed because the weapon of the country cannot be shown), but we know that the country has a considerable amount of insurance, which can be in the country that can be in the country that can be in the country that can be in the country that can be in the country that can be in the country.When Singapore encounters crisis, it comes in handy to help everyone spend difficulties without having to borrow and borrow off -borrowing.Suddenly, the crown disease epidemic that is coming and paralyzing the global economy instantly is a living example.Prior to this, it was a global financial crisis caused by the financial turmoil of Wall Street from 2007 to 2008.

In order to ensure that the reserve that can be saved at any time is not misappropriated or abused, the leader of the founding of the country of Founding of the country hurts his brain, and you can hardly come up with various preventive mechanisms, including stipulating that each government must ensure the balance of revenue and expenditure.The fiscal deficit will not appear at the end of the term.Only when they encounter a particularly emergency situation, the government can ask for reserves, but they must get the consent of the president of the candidate president who enabled the second key of the state treasury.At the beginning, the amendment to the Constitution and gave the election president's power mainly hoped that once an incompetent or populous government was unexpected, the president could play a guardian role to protect the reserve.

The task of elected presidents is actually not only there.His important powers include: the appointment of the person in charge of the leaders of the important countries and government agencies, such as the judges, chief prosecutors, chiefs of the armed forces, chiefs of Luhai and Air Force, director of the police, director of the Corruption Investigation Bureau, Chief of Audit, Chief Accounting Ciren, President of the legal agencies, directors of government companies, and so on.Of course, as the head of state, he is also a symbol of unity.

This has formed a very special and close relationship between the government -reserve — the election of the president.The People's Action Party's government is hard to change the president to the election, which is actually a kind of concern, that is, if a populist and incompetent government appears in the future elections, trying to please voters by implementing various populist policies, it will inevitably move the reserve.The idea of gold, and the party party is private, destroying the entire system to ensure the effective governance and operation of the country.In that case, the election president can play a "defense" role.Regardless of whether the government wants to empty the treasury or wants to use relatives to achieve the purpose by replacing the heads of various agencies, the election president has certain power to reject it.

But such a defense mechanism may only be applied to the so -called abnormal election results, that is, voters are affected by some kind of emotional factors.government.The government and the political parties representing it, if you want to spend money through populist policies to buy people's hearts, or take the opportunity to be full of private sac, the reserve can be protected to a certain extent.After a few years of resisting, the weak government's weaknesses were exposed and lost their hearts. They were abandoned in the next election. The rational government returned to governance to clean up the disabled.

However, if you choose a more thoughtful population or corrupt government?The so -called "thief is a villain, wisdom to be a gentleman", it can implement a gradual approach, let the voters gradually taste the sweetness, buy people's hearts, and slowly lead everyone to the road of populism.

First of all, such a government may throw some measures to please voters as soon as it comes to power. If the consumption tax rate of the previous high -adjustment is canceled, and even the tax rate is further reduced, many voters may clap their hands to applaud.Because, in their opinion, anyway, "the government is rich", and the consumption tax is not counted.

Secondly, it may also change the use of the contribution of the return on reserve investment, which will adjust the current 50%to 55%first.It is also easy to persuade voters to do so. It should not affect the overall situation with 5 percentage points.If the new government has more than two -thirds of the seats in Congress, it can be more likely, such as changing the authority of the president by modifying the constitution and other channels, making the government easier to use reserves.Once institutional corruption occurs, all prevention mechanisms will be abolished.

Some people may say that Singapore cannot have such populist politicians or political parties. Elections in the past few decades have proved that Singapore's voters are rational.But we must notice that the social environment has changed greatly.In the past, the reason why the DAP had been able to obtain high -vote continuous administration was the primary factor, but at the same time, it was also because the strength of the opposition camp was too weak, and the general professionals also disdain to join.This situation seems to be quietly changing, and now the opposition party has won two sets of constituencies, and its wings are gradually abundant.Professionals are now on the streets in Singapore, and those who take scholarships are more like crossing the river.In a small pond, more and more fish, the opportunity is relatively reduced, and more and more people think that they are conditional but not reused.This will be a favorable condition for the opposition party to absorb professionals. Although professionals may not be the material of politics, at least it can give voters a illusion that there are also talents in the opposition party.

Secondly, after decades of development, the founder of the founder of the founding of the country in previous elections has gradually decreased, and young voters who have not suffered have gradually become the majority.More people are more preferred by European and American -style democracy.

Third, there are no special factors that can prove that Singapore will not have populist politicians or political parties.The experience of the United States and the United Kingdom shows that the old or so -called mature democratic countries will also have politicians like Trump and Johnson.Once a clever politician or a heroic politician appears, voters are easy to be fooled.

Therefore, prevention of populism is particularly important for Singapore, and the election president is an important line of defense, and it is important to serve anyone.Once our politics slipped towards populism, it is likely to be on the road of no return.All prevention mechanisms can be used for a moment, but it is impossible to resist the wave of populism for a long time.Finally, the most solid line of defense is actually voters.If Singaporean voters can reach the height and quality of Swiss voters, the security of the future and reserve of the country is full.

Therefore, how to prevent populist politics from rising should be a subject that Chinese people must think deeply.In other words, in fact, we must ensure that we have worked hard and maintained the integrity political system and talent that we have used to continue from generation to generation. We will not be corroded and destroyed by populist politics.Only in this way can we truly guarantee the safety of reserve.

The insurance and rescue functions of reserve reserve are obvious to all.This is to a large extent to the proper management of reserves and the returns obtained by cautious investment over the years.Premier Li Xianlong pointed out that if there is no contribution to this return on investment, the government must fill the difference (fiscal revenue and expenditure), and it must increase the consumption tax from 9%next year to 19%, or double the corporate income tax, or personal income taxRelding more than doubled.

Therefore, the national reserves are like a geese that will launch golden eggs. Such a "source of wealth" cannot be found in other countries without natural resources.One of the heavy responsibilities of the government and the president is to protect this goose.To avoid the geese who will have golden eggs, become the geese in the fable, and be killed by the farmer who wants to take out all the golden eggs, there must be the people's rationality and wisdom, as well as the determination of resistance to populist politics.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress