The Northeast Asia Fair has a historic turn due to the U.S., Japan, and South Korea's summit.The symbol of this turning point is a mechanism for the establishment of security cooperation in the United States, Japan and South Korea.According to the US National Security Consultant Sarawan, "the summit marks the new era of cooperation between the United States, Japan and South Korea."According to the Korean President Yin Xiyue, "establishing a new milestone for the three -sided cooperation."According to Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong, "We are indeed creating a new history. The international community is at a turning point of history."

Korea leverage historic turning

Yin Xiyue is the most active activist to promote this historical turning point. He actively resolves the contradiction between Japan and South Korea and lays the foundation for this historical turning point.For Koreans, Japan has never officially apologized or atonement for the brutal colonial rule on the Korean Peninsula from 1910 to 1945.For Japanese, South Korea, a neighboring country, is sometimes unbelievable and repeatedly violated the commitment, including a treaty agreement designed to soothe historical wounds.

The rapidly changing geopolitical environment brings the challenges that they cannot respond alone to Japan and South Korea, forcing Yin Xiyue to call Japan a "shared universal value" partner.Behind South Korea's transformation of Japan's position is North Korea's unscrupulous launch of missiles and nuclear weapons threats.The outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War made South Korea, which was highly sensitive to war, had to make major historical choices.

Kishida responded slowly to the olive branch of Yin Xiyue's active extension, but the Russian and Ukraine War became the best living textbook for Japanese politicians to rethink, forcing JapanChanges and changes in the situation in the Taiwan Strait.Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "There is something in Taiwan in Taiwan", and Kishida stated that "Ukraine may be Tomorrow's East Asia" is a passive response to the Russian and Ukraine War.

The reconciliation of South Korea and Japan provides a good opportunity for the Indo -Pacific strategy of the United States. The United States' dream of the three -kingdom of the United States, Japan and South Korea has been established overnight.The United States has been trying to introduce a series of partnerships to persuade India -Pacific allies to cooperate more closely. For example, the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework, the "Quartet" negotiation mechanism, etc., can not connect Japan and South Korea.It was a guarantee that North Korea's showing off forces, the Russian and Ukraine War and the Taiwan Strait to integrate the United States, Japan and South Korea, and also provided a guarantee for the 100 military bases and 80,000 garrisons that the US military in Japan and South Korea.

North Korea is a stirring of Northeast Asia

North Korea is a restless country, and every time the peninsula is stirred up.In 2022, North Korea conducted nearly 100 missile tests to set a historical record. Among them, a Mars-17 Intercontinental ballistic missile launched in November, which can carry multiple warheads to the United States.One month later, North Korean leader Kim Jong -un personally supervised a test of a solid fuel rocket engine. The launch speed was faster than the liquid fuel rocket, and it was more difficult to detect and be able to achieve a premier.North Korea is the only country that clearly uses nuclear weapons first.

The world generally believes that behind the North Korean regime is the support of China and Russia, especially the Chinese people pay the price for the North Korean regime with blood and life.The older generation of Chinese leaders has different views on supporting North Korea. For example, Du Runsheng, the father of China's rural reform, believes that anti -US aid North Korea is the biggest mistake since the establishment of the government in the mainland government, which has caused Mao Zedong's major contradictions after the establishment of the government.

He who once served as Secretary Zhang Wentian, the early mainland government, also agreed to Du Runsheng's point of view.He believes: "The fact is that the United States does not want to fight with China, and even unintentionally fights world wars .... Mao Zedong misjudged the war and the United States, mainly because the world has entered the era of peace and development.Chinese leaders also determined that they are still in the era of war and revolution. According to Lenin's imperialist theory as the United States. "

When China actively engaged in reform and opening up, it also actively promoted the peaceful resolution of North Korea's problems.In 2008, the six -party talks of North Korea's nuclear issue ended, showing that China promoted the limitations of North Korea's efforts to abandon nuclear weapons.With the change of Sino -US relations from enthusiasm to cold, and with the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is tight, and North Korea's position in China and Russia's foreign strategy has increased.

On August 14, China opposed the UN Security Council meeting on North Korea's infringement of human rights, on the grounds that it would only "exacerbate confrontation and opposition."On August 15, Kim Jong -un and Putin congratulated each other, promising that the two countries would develop a "long -term strategic relationship".On August 17, a senior commissioner of the United Nations Human Rights said that many serious and universal human violations in North Korea are directly related to the pursuit of nuclear technology and ballistic missile technology in the pursuit of the regime.The support of China and Russia to North Korea shows the tendency of splitting the international community.

The three countries in the Northeast Asia structure have become the power to balance the opposite of the three countries of the United States, South Korea, and Japan, but must not blame any party to any party.As a result, the formation of the Northeast Asia pattern today is not a one -day cold. The starting point of this pattern is the confrontation of ideology. The concept of governing the country held by the leader determines the direction of the country.It is impossible for politicians to move around the country. Administrative official decisions are subject to legislative agencies, and legislative agencies are subject to the choice of citizens.

The U.S., South Korea, and Japan are changing the Indo -Pacific pattern

The formation of

The formation of the pattern is caused, and the fruit will form the next fruit.That is to say, the joint statement issued by the United States and South Korea issued the "David Camp Spirit" will affect the situation in Northeast Asia and extend to the Indo -Pacific region.The three countries of China, Russia, and North Korea will also make corresponding targeted reactions.Such interaction is not conducive to world peace and economic development.

The United States is the biggest winner of the United States, South Korea and Japan. The joint statement stated that "We will strengthen coordination in promoting democracy and protecting human rights.. We enter this new era together. Our common values will become our guidelines. A free and open Indo -Pacific area will allow us 500 million people to be safe and prosperous and will become our collective goal. "South Korea and the United States are consistent with their goals and actions. "It can be seen that the evolution of relations between the three countries of the United States and Japan and South Korea will be conducive to the implementation of the US global strategy. In the final analysis, South Korea and Japan will rely more on the United States to protect themselves.Essence

The adverse effects of the United States, Japan and South Korea's joint statement on China are obvious.Joint statements to criticize China in the South China Sea to support its "dangerous and aggressive behavior" engaged in its "illegal marine rights sovereignty".The statement also accuses the Chinese government of "do not meet the rules -based international order and destroy regional peace and prosperity."The joint statement stated that "we are now carrying out three -sided cooperation in the elasticity of the supply chain", which is the extension of export restrictions and investment restrictions on China's implementation of the Bayeng government.

China, which adheres to the philosophy of struggle now, will never succumb to the United States, and foreign measures are also attractive.China's highest diplomat Wang Yi assured Russia that the Chinese government's position on the issue of the Ukrainian war was not shaken.On August 14, the Minister of Defense Li Shangfu visited Russia and White Ross, and Li Shangfu said that China and White Ross were "hardcore brothers".On August 18, a statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that China -Russia naval ships have been patrolling in the Pacific Ocean.

Campbell, an Indo -Pacific Affairs Coordinator of the National Security Council, claimed that US -Japanese and Korean relations will be a "decisive trilateral relationship in the 21st century."However, the power of the three countries of China, Russia, and North Korea cannot be underestimated.Both China and the United States are preparing for the worst things between the two countries. China is talking about "insisting on focusing on war and fighting" and "dare to fight, can fight".The United States gathered the seven major fleets, and the six aircraft carrier battle group conducted a military exercise of "Large -scale Exercise 2023", indicating that the United States prepares two front lines and nuclear warfare.I hope that China and the United States can absorb the positive results of the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, which is to eventually avoid the occurrence of war.

The author is Shanghai current affairs commentator