Singapore police have destroyed the largest money laundering gang in the local area in recent years, and the amount involved is as high as 1 billion yuan, causing attention at home and abroad.In this operation, the police arrested 10 suspects in Fujian, China, and 12 were assisted in the investigation. Eight people were wanted.These people are associated with some of them, and some have already been included in the wanted list in China.

Police also frozen the gang's local assets, including 105 real estate, 50 luxury cars, brand bags, jewelry and wine with a total of more than 800 million yuan.According to reports, the gang purchased real estate locally in 2017. One of them bought 20 newly launched luxury apartment units at a time in May last year for 85 million yuan.

Criminal gangs usually secretly store unbelievable wealth in the financial system, and then bleach the dark money by purchasing real estate, opening a shell company or investing in financial assets.After different cover, including forgery of documents, they incorporate the cleaned property into the financial system and become a legal entrepreneur.

The Office of the United Nations Drugs and Crime Problems estimates that the total amount of money in the world is equivalent to 2%to 5%of the global GDP.This means that the criminal gang was cleaned from 1.9 trillion to $ 4.8 trillion unjust money each year.

Singapore is an international financial center and a wealth management center.Last year, Singaporean's assets managed 54 trillion yuan, an increase of 16%over the previous year.Massive funds pour in all directions, making the money laundering gang organically multiplier. Through fake documents, funds are moved into the Singapore financial system under the name of investment.In addition, Singapore is an open market. People can freely purchase real estate, invest in financial assets or open a company, so they are used by illegal people to engage in money laundering.

Criminal gangs are laundering in local money, staining the reputation of Singapore, and also affecting the operation of the Singaporean Wealth Management Center.In order to curb the money -laundering activities, the supervisory official has already or about to introduce a number of precautions and review measures to improve the compliance cost of the industry.

In addition, the criminal gangs will not hesitate to put heavy funds, and buy a large number of real estate, luxury vehicles and precious jewelry, distorting the Singapore market.In Singapore, real estate and cars are rare items, and the demand for Chinese people is very high.Criminal gangs from foreign countries sweep these items unscrupulously, coupled with their wealthy wealth and arrogant behaviors, attracting the attention of Chinese people. Not only will it nourish the wind and extravagant style, but also encourage the richness and exclusive psychology among some people.

At the time of developing the Wealth Management Center, Singapore's regulatory agencies have spared no effort to ensure that Singapore will not be reduced to a hedge of heaven or criminal gangs for money laundering.Singapore has formulated severe corruption, drug trafficking and severe crimes (confiscation of interests). The money launder has faced a fine of up to 500,000 yuan or in prison for 10 years, or both.In addition, falsifying documents intentionally deceived people will face 10 years of imprisonment and fined fines.

On the other hand, Singapore is tightening the control of the family wealth management office to avoid criminal gangs to wash money through this channel.The Financial Administration is currently in response to the risk of money laundering in the family office for public consultation.It plans to require a single office to maintain business relationships with its regulated financial institutions, and financial institutions are responsible for anti -money laundering review.

Even so, insiders pointed out that the recently destroyed money -laundering gangs are just the tip of the iceberg.Criminal gangs always use the pipeline drilling gap of the Singapore Wealth Management Center to launder money.This is also a challenge facing all the global financial centers.

The recently destroyed gang has purchased real estate in Singapore as early as 2017. One of them was a director of local listed companies.Before they came to Singapore, they were wanted by Chinese public security.This gang can show many years outside the Singapore. In terms of cracking down on money laundering, Singapore regulators and related industry players also have room for continuing improvement.

Banks and financial institutions are the first line of anti -money laundering. They must report to the regulatory official when discovering suspicious transactions.In addition, real estate agencies, casinos, rural clubs, famous watches, high -end jewelry and brand bags are obliged to notify the flow of suspicious funds.To prevent criminal gangs from drilling the gap, it is necessary to cut off all the channels for their money laundering.

Although in business talks, they cannot expect luxury and high -end service operators to refuse to buy and sell properly, but they may ask them to register for any pure cash buyers and report them in time.Assisting criminal gangs to laundering not only illegally, but also affects the reputation and social atmosphere of Singapore.In the crime of eliminating money laundering, the industry is responsible.

The Singapore police dispatched more than 400 law enforcement officers this time, successfully destroying the money laundering gang involving 1 billion yuan, and it was very popular.It also sends a clear signal to the world and criminal gangs: Although Singapore actively develops the business of wealth management centers, it has a zero tolerance for criminals or family use Singapore as a shelter or abuse Singapore financial facilities.