Source: Guangzhou Daily

Author: Hongyang

On August 21, the State Administration of Radio and Television of China and relevant units such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held a mobilization deployment meeting in Beijing to manage the "baby" charges and operational mobilization work.It means that you need to set the problem of "watching TV difficulties and watching TV troubles", and effectively improve the satisfaction of the people watching TV.(August 22 People's Daily)

Technology and greedy with greed are enough to play a market for disability. Family smart TV is a living example.Today, the smart TV screen is getting larger and larger, the sharpness is getting higher and higher, and the content is richer. According to the logic of technological evolution, the audience should watch TV more, the more and more like, but the reality is: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence: watching the intelligence.TV has become a "technical work", which is a dual test of audience ability and patience.

When you turn on the smart TV, the normal process is: two start -up advertisements pop up first, only by "return" can it be closed (some are not closed).After entering the "Menu", the TV channel is hidden in many channels. It is not easy to find it quickly (especially difficult for the elderly with poor vision). Once you press it wrong, you will enter other channels and can't walk around for a long time.After some operations, I can't see the TV screen without taking it for a few minutes.For the elderly of the mainstream audience on TV, such cumbersome operations are not friendly enough, so that many elderly people have begun to miss the era of "one click".

As for the charging of "Set Wa", it is even more important and full of routines.The reason why it is said that the "doll" charging is that there are so many "dolls" on the one hand, not to mention the value -added service requires payment, and some services that originally belonged to cable television are sometimes included in the charging ranks; on the other hand"After the user became a member, after becoming a member, there were different levels of members, and members of different segments waiting. One layer was set, and the end was not seen at all.In short, a word is "chaos".

"Set the Wawa" charges, who did you hold it?As a merchant, of course, I hope to use this method to claim the user and let users keep paying money. In the long run, it is not only the user who has been stuck.Let's talk about the smart TV itself. "Playing flowers" in the charging mode, in order to limit the user's choice, sacrifice user experience, and improve the cost of viewing in exchange for short -term benefits, which is tantamount to doing against users.The inevitable result is that the audience continues to lose and the ratings continue to decline.Besides the effect of communication, TV is an important carrier of information dissemination, policy promotion, and popularity. The loss of the audience directly leads to discounts for the communication effect.

Obviously, this is not the beginning of the development of TV technology.Whether it is the history of application technology and the process of television technology innovation, it can be derived: technology should be people -oriented.Only by serving people and satisfying people can have a broader prospect and more sustainable space.The fees and operations of intelligent TV "dolls" are complicated. In a sense, it is a manifestation of technological innovation departure from the original intention and mistakes. It is a blame by the management department into the governance vision.For the industry, this is also an opportunity for self -correction and reshaping the ecology. It is necessary to find a combination and balance point between social benefits and industry interests to strive to achieve a glorious and glorious and avoid damage.

Return the remote control back to the user's hands to make smart TVs more humane and closer to the people's longing for a better life.Dot strength.