Source: China Youth Daily

In the summer, many minors chose to perform medical beauty plastic surgery. Some medical institutions also regarded minors, college students, and quasi -college students as key targets, and attracted their attention through various marketing methods.

In recent years, the popularity of the medical beauty industry has not decreased, and medical beauty is no longer the choice of "mature" people.According to the 2022 White Paper of the Medical and Aesthetic Platform's new oxygen, the medical beauty industry in the medical beauty industry was released in the first quarter of 2022.What are the risks of minors to do medical beauty, and how to carry out security?

Minor also has appearance anxiety

appearance anxiety is affecting minors.Mo Mo posted online and recalled, "In junior high school in junior high school, the words of English lessons, English teachers saw my nose and said, 'xxx has a big nose.'", She felt that she did not hate the teacher because of this, but "so many yearsI will occasionally recall her words. "Xiao Misk also shared her experience: the girl was unpleasant to be obedient by boys in junior high school, and this maliciousness did not disappear after plastic surgery. Even after graduation, she would participate in class gatherings. Some students pointed at her change and continued to make fun of her.

Xiao Ke began to contact the medical beauty at the age of 17, and did double eyelid surgery, hyaluronic acid injection and other projects in high school."At that time, my mother asked me if I had any wishes. I said that I wanted to squeeze my eyelids. Later, my parents paid the money together, so I did it." In the face of the question of "why", Xiao Ke was very frank:"I have pasted double eyelid stickers since junior high school, and I have to post every day. I feel that the double eyelids look good ... I felt that I was not beautiful enough at that time. I am not confident." Now Xiao Ke is 24 years old.The improvement of cognition, she no longer moves the knife frequently.

In addition to appearance anxiety, minors are also facing the impact of new marketing.Various medical APPs mix advertising marketing content with amateur plastic surgery cases, displayed on the first screen, cooperate with free "simulated double eyelids", "AI skin measurement" and other technical test items, as well as a large number of "newcomers special", "miss and wait, one, etc.The sales methods such as "year" attracted the attention of young people.In addition, some advertisements appear on major social platforms in the form of personal sharing, and some platforms have even become the hardest hit areas of false information.Between true and false, it is difficult for minors to distinguish.

Wang Keming, deputy chief physician of Plastic Surgery Surgery Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, believes that there are two major categories of medical aesthetic project treatment for summer students.Table moles and orthopedic rectification of upper lip deformity and nasal deformity.Relatively speaking, minor surgery is still the main treatment."Minors to do medical beauty projects often because deformities affect their mental health. These minors seeking no time, only when they have a vacation, they have time to perform surgery."

It is undeniable that minor medical beauty projects have its necessity.For some children who are born with regrets, the medical beauty project can bring them appropriate remedies.Some netizens posted a statement: "Junior high school classmates were scarred by boiling water when they were young, leaving bangs that had been faced for more than ten years and a half. After the operation, the bangs slowly combed it ...The hair, not participating in collective performances, and led the prize, lowered their heads and dared not to see people who were afraid to see 'bad faces', and now I can finally lift their heads to enjoy a sudden wind that suddenly blows. "

Thinking about the beauty of minors

The physical and mental development of minors has not yet matured, and there is a large hidden safety hazard in medical consumption.Wang Keming did not recommend performing pure beauty surgery for minors."From a medical perspective, minors are still growing and developing in a non -stable state. In addition, relatively large surgical projects may even affect the growth and development of facial features." He pointed out that medical beauty projects are icing on the cake.Although there are also minors, accompanied by parents to consult with eyes, nose and other items, Wang Keming pointed out that the recovery time of eye and nose surgery is relatively long and involves multiple choices. It is generally recommended to do it after college.

Medical Faculty, Chief Physicians of Plastic Surgery, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University, pointed out that from medical perspective, in many cases, minors cannot do complex medical beauty projects."For example, if the rib rhinoplasty was taken before the age of 16, the first affect the development of the ribs. If the nasal bone develops again after a few years of rhinoplasty, there may be deformity and deformation." Wang Keming also encountered similar similaritySeeking beauty, "She had a leather surgery when she was young. After a few years, she was not as good as expected, and the repair was difficult."

The medical beauty industry involves professionalism, safety, aesthetic and other aspects. Even adults will inevitably "step on the pit". The aesthetics of minors are changing.Compared with the ability of medical risks to economic risks, it is even more insufficient.

Xiao Ke encountered a "rollover" during nasal comprehensive surgery: "I did not seek the help of my parents at the time, and I didn't even tell a few friends." She went to the medical institution alone to take blood, testing, and surgery, surgery, surgery, and surgery.Finally, a installment payment agreement of 12,800 yuan and a total of 24 periods was signed."At that time, I was not very good at defending rights. When I went to consult, the doctor flickered me to do a higher price. For the first time, I didn't do it well for the first time.I can do it again for a while.

A few days ago, the Chinese Consumer Association issued a consumer reminder to remind the majority of their families and minors to treat the needs of medical beauty rationally.It is mentioned that when the minors are diagnosed, they should choose a regular medical institution, follow the doctor's advice, truthfully fill in the age, and follow the professional assessment and reasonable suggestions given by the main doctor from the perspective of physical health and normal development.At the same time, parents and minors consumers should check the diagnosis and treatment plan, contract content and charging details in detail before surgery, and communicate in detail with their own objective needs and physical development.Sexual and contraindications.For marketing gimmicks such as "affordable medical beauty" and "1 yuan medical beauty experience" for some unspoken medical institutions to recruit "enrollment" of minors consumers, sell various projects and products, and induce them to use loan platform borrowing or installment payment in installmentsConsumers should not blindly listen to the words of such medical institutions, and they must make objective and rational choices.

Wang Keming said that the number of medical cosmetic institutions is increasing. As long as it is a regular, medical qualification hospitals, they can consult. Public and private institutions can consider, but minors should be cautious if they have to perform surgery."If the surgery is not good, the later restoration will bring a lot of burden, and the psychology will also be traumatized. It takes longer psychological recovery." He emphasized that most of the problems finally came back to medical safety issues.

He suggested that consumers consult more doctors to fully explain their needs, compare the solutions given by different doctors, and objectively evaluate which treatment plan is more in line with expectations, and avoid blindly undergoing surgery due to opaque information."In addition, consumers have a great impact on the psychological obsession of the surgical plan. For example, consumers have to do surgical items that do not meet conventional logic.The effect is very troublesome again. "

Supporting legal umbrellas for minors

At present, Chinese laws and regulations have provided relevant regulations on medical cosmetology for adolescents. Article 20 of the Management Measures for Medical Cosmetic Services implemented from May 1, 2002 pointed out that "the unaware of the consent of the guardian shall not be abilities or have no ability or abilities or have no ability to act or have no ability or abilities.Limit behavioral people implement medical cosmetic projects. "Local regulations also include similar regulations. In 2014, Guangzhou issued the provisions of the protection of minors in Guangzhou. First of all, the minor medical beauty must be approved by its legal guardians;The Regulations on the Protection (Revised Draft) are clearly stipulated that it is required not to requestWith the consent of the parents of the minors or other guardians, no institution may provide medical cosmetic services to minors and formulate corresponding punishment regulations.

In addition, the medical beauty advertising law enforcement guidelines issued by the General Administration of Market Supervision in November 2021 are clear, focusing on cracking down on good social fashion, creating "appearance anxiety", and poor appearance and "low energy", "laziness", "poverty" and so on.Negative evaluation factors do improperly associated or will be outstanding with active evaluation factors such as "high quality", "hard work" and "success".The Beijing Medical Beauty Service Contract (trial) demonstration text jointly issued by the Beijing Municipal Health and Health Committee and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau also emphasized that beauty medical institutions "must not create appearance anxiety."

In recent years, the issue of minor medical beauty has also become a focus of attention to the two sessions of the country.In 2020, Liao Huazhu, a representative of the National People's Congress, suggested that "except for some congenital defects that need to be medical cosmetic surgery, young people are not allowed to make plastic surgery."Hu Wei, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 2022, also submitted a relevant proposal at the National Two Sessions, suggesting that "the order is prohibited from performing a non -essential medical surgery for young people under the age of 18."

The newly revised Minor Protection Law (implemented from June 1, 2021) clearly required that it is necessary to refine the restrictions on minor medical cosmetology.From local to the country, gradually refine the restrictions on minor medical beauty, and strictly regulate the supervision policy of the medical beauty industry, which has accelerated the process of the rule of law and normalization of the medical cosmetology supervision of minors.

Lawyer Weng Guanxing, a law firm in Shanghai Yantai (Lingang New Area), introduced that from the perspective of the basic principles of law and the specific provisions of the Chinese Civil Code, the law has always been not encouraged to engage in the development of their own intelligence and physical development.Understanding of affairs, including medical beauty and cosmetic surgery.Although the current adolescents have formed a preliminary understanding and awareness of the objective society and the world, their mental development has not yet fully matured and is easily promoted and induced. Therefore, according to existing medical technology, the law should be plastic and medical beauty of pure beauty attributes.The project adopts a conservative attitude.

Weng Guanxing believes that there are two special characteristics for minors to accept plastic surgery projects. One is that the plastic surgery method of pure beauty should be prohibited in principle.Avoid the use of minors for publicity, including foreign spokespersons that are already adults abroad but still belong to minors in China.In addition, Weng Guanxing suggested that in the construction of a minor protection system, it can be "regulated systems that establish medical beauty and pure beauty and plastic surgery for young people" in principle prohibitions and exceptions to restrict conditions ".Standard "standards, standardize, assessment, training and supervision and punishment systems of medical aesthetic plastic surgery industry" and "Standards for the Medical and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Industry Persons' construction.