Source: Guangming Daily

Recently, the topic of "40,000 to 60,000 children in the summer vacation in 4 days" has appeared on the hot search, which has attracted parents to expose summer bills on the Internet. Among them, there are not a few of them.Some parents leave a message to laugh at themselves: "Half of the wallet during the holidays"; there are parents who vomit: "It is recommended to shorten the child's cold and summer vacation,‘ swallowing beast ’is really worry -free and effort and money!”

What projects are parents pay for the "Sky Price Bill"?Is it reasonable or excessive consumption?Parents must spend money to allow their children to spend a meaningful holiday?The reporter launched an interview and investigation.

1. Selling anxiety push high discipline supplement bills

"The summer vacation in the first grade is terrible, and the gap is enlarged without hard work." "The summer vacation in the fourth grade of elementary school is very dangerous....

This summer vacation has not yet begun, some so -called "senior teachers" have to rendering "the most terrible summer vacation" on the short video platform in order to create anxiety and take the opportunity to sell teaching aid books and courses to parents.

In early July, the Ministry of Education issued a notice to conduct off -school training "supervision seedlings" in 2023 summer special operations, which clearly stipulates that training institutions and media shall not issue off -school training advertisements in violation of regulations, and require severe crackdown on summer illegal training.Since the summer, a number of individuals and institutions for illegal training have been investigated and dealt with.

Under the punch of the regulatory punch, the style of the holiday supplementary class was greatly reversed.However, driven by interests, there are still some individuals and institutions in a more hidden way to give parents anxiety for the manufacture of re -classes and let them pay for it.

Ms. Liu, the parent of Beijing, revealed to reporters that starting the summer vacation, she can receive two or three so -called "famous teachers' studio" calls every day."Generally, the phone on the phone generally claims to have a 'famous teacher' sitting, and there are just a few disciplinary training courses vacancies. Now they can retain the number of classes for children and get price discounts., But their tone of speaking is very bluffing. If they just encounter a parent who is anxious to get angry for the children, it is likely to report to the class in a mess. "

"Telephone sales are still easier to identify marketing methods. The marketing of some underground discipline training courses is more hidden, and it is difficult for ordinary parents to know." Ms. Liu told reporters that in order to expand the enrollment, some underground training classes will allow staff to pretend to be pretending to pretend to beParents, the parent groups mixed into the Internet, created the topic of academic performance in the group, set off anxiety, and then recommended the tuition class of "they are on" in the name of parents."Some parents who originally compared the Buddhist department, after seeing the fierce discussion in the group, may move the idea of making up classes, and obediently reported the training class recommended by this 'parent'."

Qiqi from Shanghai, a primary school student, is about to be promoted to the fourth grade of elementary school after school.This summer, she was busy traveling between three lines, namely logical thinking classes, language expansion classes, and Chinese school classes."Say it is logical thinking, but it is actually the Olympic class; the language expansion is the English class; the Chinese school is an extracurricular class. Many training courses have changed the online enrollment after changing a 'vest."After starting the class, some people will do marketing on their own online platform, start a live broadcast to connect with parents, and let parents buy their own books or teaching aids. The online course is used as a gift. "These three tuition classes on the light are onIt took nearly 20,000 yuan."I was a 'child's slave' to" work "for the tuition teacher." Qiqi said ridiculed.

How expensive is these hidden underground tuition classes?Ms. Wang from a county in Zhejiang calculated the account for reporters.This summer, Ms. Wang introduced the two disciplines of Chinese and English to the son of the third grade through a friend."The language is 200 yuan an hour, one -to -one online, 3 times a week; English is the next one to one, 500 yuan 2 hours, 3 times a week. Two courses will spend 8,400 yuan in one month. This is for one month.Our small county is very high. "

After "'Double Subtitle', most parents have dealt with discipline training relatively rationally. However, some parents still maintain the inertia of 'everything by making up lessons'.. Some illegal tutoring institutions and individuals have grasped this kind of psychology of parents and use various marketing methods to give anxiety to anxiety.Zhu Yan, a special expert in family education, pointed out in blood.

2. Do not obey and compare in class, study class, study

"2,000 yuan in two weeks of football training, 1,800 yuan for 4 days of art calligraphy training, 6,000 yuan for natural research camps, more than 40,000 in the British summer camp ..." This is the summer of the second grade elementary school students in Haidian District, Beijingbill."Everything is for children. It doesn't matter if the price is higher. We just want to take the child to improve their physical fitness, broaden their horizons, and improve their comprehensive ability." Mother Yangyang said.

The idea of Yangyang's mother represents the mentality of a considerable part of the parents.As the first summer vacation of the epidemic prevention and control policy, the interest class of sports art, parent -child tourism, study, and study tour have been popular with parents.A media survey for the summer vacation of children in Zhejiang showed that interest classes and tourism accounted for children's heads for summer vacation this summer, accounting for 26.34%and 24.5%, respectively.In addition, parents' enthusiasm for research and study tourism is also unprecedented. Data from a tourism platform show that the order volume of research products in July increased by 280%from the previous two months.

Online parents have exposed thousands of bills and tens of thousands of bills. Is these inputs worth it?Zhu Yan said: "In the summer vacation, parents spend money to report to their children to report sports, art and other interests, bring their children to travel, and participate in research. Generally speaking, it is worthy of recognition. RelativelyThe online class is a significant progress. At least it reflects that the parents' mentality is slightly easier, and the vision is becoming open. "

In reality, whether parents spend high prices, it must be worth it?In the name of "Tsinghua University", Ms. Yang from Zhejiang chose a study camp for her son Doudou before the holiday. The price of 5 days was more than 5,000 yuan.In the introduction of research advertisements, children participating in the group can enter Tsinghua or Peking University to visit and communicate face -to -face with the students of Qingbei.But when Doudou came to Beijing with expectations, he was only pulled by a bus to the school gate of Peking University to check in and took a photo, saying that the good communication with the "Xueba" was gone."Children are very frustrated. We also have a feeling of being deceived. Ordinary tourist groups will also take tourists to the gate of the North China to check in, but the price will be much cheaper." Ms. Yang said.

In the interview, the reporter also learned that there is also a blind obedience and comparison between parents in the consumption of extracurricular classes and research tourism.Seeing that relatives and children have learned the dance body, let their children learn to dance; when they heard that friends and children go to the UK to travel, they also let their children participate in the British summer camp -only forgot to ask the child to ask the child: "Do you want to go?" In this regard, Sun Yunxiao, a researcher at the China Youth Research Center and the vice president of the Chinese Family Education Society, said: "Parents report to their children interesting classes, travel or study for children, must pay attention.Is your interest or your parents' interest? Be sure to respect the child's interest and needs, and make a choice suitable for children.I spent money and tortured the child in the end. "

How can children get harvested during the summer travel, money is not white?This is a work that tests the intentions of parents.Sun Yunxiao shared a case."I have a friend of Beijing couples who have brought one child and a daughter to do holiday family studies in the early years. Each time I travel, my parents will combine the natural and human landscapes of the travel place with related literature, history, and geographical knowledge.For example, when traveling along the Yangtze River, you will prepare to write the Tang poems in the Yangtze River in advance; when you visit the central axis of Beijing, you will understand this part in advanceHistorical geographical background.As a result, children are now interested in historical and culture. Every city goes to the museum first.This has developed a good habit for children, and it will be of great benefit to their future development."

3. Understanding and companionship is more important than spending money

Niu Niu from Baoding City, Hebei Province is about to become a primary school student in September this year.This summer, parents often took him 6 years old to climb the mountain around Hebei. After frequent exercise, Niu Niu has been able to use his equipment to walk for 13 kilometers independently.

Niu Niu proudly told reporters: "Last week, I rode a bicycle with my parents and my mother, and it was far away." Mother Niu Niu explained that they took the child to ride for the first time a while ago.Killing, "I'm still surprised, I didn't expect Niu Niu to persist."

Different from many parents who register for the "young connection" for children and parents who pay the "sky -high billing" for their children. Most of the activities that Mother Niu Niu arranges to give her children does not need to be spent."Our family likes to take him to outdoor activities and get close to nature. If we do not go out to climb the mountain, we will go to the park to walk, ride a bike, exercise with fitness equipment, and make friends with children." In daily life,Mother Niu Niu will guide Niu Niu to do some housework. "He usually takes the initiative to help pack the tables and wipe the ground. Sometimes he will help wash the dishes after eating.

Talking about the academic problems after school, Mother Niu Niu was not very worried. When he was in elementary school, as long as the child's attention was concentrated, he should not be worse than other classmates."It is the most important thing to have a healthy body and mind and happiness."

"For parents, it is not directly related to whether it is meaningful to spend holidays with children." Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education and Sciences.

So, how can children have a healthy, safe, fulfilling and meaningful holiday?Sun Yunxiao believes that from the educational concept, parents should first realize that holiday life is not a continuation of school life, but should be based on colorful family life and social practice.Only by creating a better life experience for children can children have a meaningful holiday.

"At present, Chinese primary and secondary school students generally have insufficient physical exercise, too little outdoor activities, lack of opportunities to get close to nature and understand the society, information acquisition channels, insufficient autonomy, and passiveness.An opportunity to promote the healthy growth and comprehensive development of children. "Chu Zhaohui said.

"During the holidays, parents must first allow children who are busy for a semester to get sufficient rest, spend time and energy to do things other than learning.Old people and so on are the foundation of high -quality holidays. "Chu Zhaohui said," In addition, let children engage in more outdoor activities, sweat forces, and stretch their bodies. In the vast world, children's curiosity and exploration desire can be being ableStimulus, vitality and vitality can grow vigorously. "

Because of a lot of time being arranged by parents and teachers, many children have problems with lack of autonomy, and holidays are an excellent opportunity for children to cultivate children's autonomy."The method is also very simple, that is, letting the child be the master." Chu Zhaohui explained, "Parents can guide their children to plan and design activity plans, arrange their time, urge themselves to implement themselves, return the holidays to their children, and let them discover themselves.Potential, become a better self. "

"As a key part of the growth of adolescents, a high -quality holiday is jointly created by families, schools, and society. Parents must establish the concept of scientific education, pay more attentionBlindly follow the trend. The school should deeply understand the connotation of the holidays, and lead the improvement of students' comprehensive literacy with proper and flexible work design. The society must take the initiative to participate in collaborative education, so that science and technology museums, museums, research bases, high -tech enterprises, etc.Effectively play the role of educational. Household schools work together to allow children to better promote the development of social cognition, natural cognition and self -cognition, and lay a solid foundation for the formation of healthy personality and physical fitness.It is the true significance and value of high -quality holidays. "Chu Zhaohui said.