U.S. President Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, and South Korean President Yin Xiyue held the first summit of the Three Kingdoms in David Camp in the US Presidential Resort on August 18.Yin Xiyue said that this is indeed a "historic day."The BBC describes this matter as a "Diplomatic Coup". The New York Times said that this is the "Pivotal Moment" of the Asian security situation. Economist Weekly was as early as August 10th.Emphasizing the historical significance of the summit location, especially Roosevelt and Churchill's important meeting during World War II.

This summit alarm in the world, one main reason is that "the realization of many people think impossible."For example, a scholar who was in charge of Japanese and Korean relations in Washington many years ago, a scholar who was in charge of Japan and South Korea's relations with Japan and South Korea recalled: "(On President Bush), we can hardly let the leaders of Korea and Japan see us in the same room in the same room.. "The obstacle here is the profound historical memory of Japan's brutal colonial rule on the Korean Peninsula. It has not diluted from the Korean people with time.Essence

Therefore, when Europe and the United States celebrates the unprecedented David Camp Summit, it is still worried that whether South Korea and Japan can achieve historic reconciliation like French countries.Almost all reports emphasize that the Korean and Japanese leaders are facing the challenge of election politics and voters' wishes.Biden also complimented the "political courage" of Japanese and Korean leaders in front of the summit.How far can the Korean and Japanese cooperation directed by Uncle Sam?It still needs to be tested on time.

This is the geopolitical reorganization of Northeast Asia in Beijing, but it is an international consensus.

Aside from Bayidon's diplomatic words, in terms of the mature and diverse political environment in South Korea, Yin Xiyue has a great political courage, and dare not dare to take the greatness of most voters.Behind the series of diplomatic actions since the Yin Xiyue government came to power, it was the change in the attitude of South Korea in recent years. In polls, the ratio of the Korean people's negative attitude towards China has surpassed the disgust of historical rivals Japan.

To experience this great change, you can return to 2002. The vicious compete for the Football World Cup to host the FIFA, forcing FIFA to have to allow the two countries to run the World Cup.At that time, the European International Pioneer Trinks co -organized by the New York Times and the Washington Post posted a comment from a British expert, describing the historical grievances of South Korea and Japan and the one -sided side of South Korea.This article can also be found on the New York Times website. The alarm sentence is: "South Korea holds dual standards. In the eyes of South Korea, there is nothing in Japan to do right, while China has nothing wrong (South KOREAhave dough Standards. If japan can do no right in Korean Eyes, China can do no money). "

This is still the South Korean public opinion before China became South Korea's largest trading partner (2004), showing the attention of Deng Xiaoping in the early 1990s, regardless of Pyongyang's opposition, and made a attention to the establishment of diplomatic relations with South Korea.The Beijing Global Times admitted earlier this year that "some Koreans have repeatedly '" Chinese practices in recent years ", and when Yin Xiyue publicly compares the Taiwan issue with the Korean Peninsula at the beginning of the year, the polls show that there are actually 90 % of Koreans on China.I feel that there is no difference between the above -mentioned old texts from the International Pioneer Tribunal.

21 years is just a moment of history. The Korean attitude towards China has changed so vicissitudes, especially in the younger generation, with complex international and domestic reasons.However, as the Global Times is blamed on the "misleading of Korean media and the Internet", it is not only one -sided, but also unsuitable.A diversified society cannot suppress different opinions and public opinion.Then there is the conspiracy theory of "international forces control". Beijing officials are not too much for internal and external propaganda.How can the trade volume rises by double -digit every year, but it cannot prevent South Korea from being so far back to China ’s public opinion?

It is worth noting that South Korean folk attitude towards North Korea also has similar changes.

Once upon a time, the North Korean regime has considerable appeal and influence on the left wing of South Korea. From the colonial era, a large number of North Korean groups moved to Japan are Pyongyang's largest political resources and gold master in overseas.However, the "Pioneer" policy of the North Korean Golden Starting Regime regardless of domestic people's livelihood disasters, and even announced that the "simulation" nuclear attack on South Korea has made Pyongyang completely lost the political and moral authority of Korean compatriots and overseas Koreans. It has also deepened South KoreaThe security threat felt by the public.The changes in South Korean polls to China also directly associate with security threats. The hustle and bustle of the "Sad incident" is a good example.This is also an era of the former pioneer forum to report the old pioneer forum. Cultural identity is increasingly increasingly the trend of the difference between ideology and social system.

China's national interests are closely related to the Korean Peninsula, which is a historical normal, especially in modern history.Shen Zhihua, an expert in the History of the Cold War History of Shanghai East China Normal University, made the final "Tian Dynasty" based on a large number of original materials: Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung and China -DPRK Relations (2018 Chinese University Press Removated Edition).It is often the party that loses the actual interests in the "lip and teeth relationship" in China and North Korea, especially in Chapter 5 of the book.At last, it was emphasized that it was Deng Xiaoping's pragmatic diplomacy that ended this period of "not the normal relationship of modern countries."People naturally hope that the achievements of Deng Xiaoping's era will not be reversed again.

The author is engaged in scientific research in North America