This year is the 30th anniversary of Wang Gu's talks. A large number of media reports and reviews Wang Daohan, chairman of the Sea Association representing mainland China 30 years ago.After three days of intensive consultation in Singapore, Singapore signed the Cross -Strait Notarization Certificate Research Agreement on April 29, 1993, and the Cross -Strait Registered Lister Inquiry Agreement Agreement The two sessions and the talks system agreement and Wang Gu's talks were connected.Trust and development.Among the four agreements, the content of the joint agreement with Wang Gu's talks is the most simple, but it is also the most important.I noticed the following terms: "This joint agreement is effective from 30 days from the date of signing the two parties. This common agreement is signed on April 29.

What attracted my attention was "four copies in one, and both sides held two copies."The text of this agreement was written in simplified characters and traditional characters (called orthopedic characters), respectively.From the outside, the original agreement was only on April 29, and there was no year.The two sides each hold a simple and traditional document. After signing and replacing the text carefully, each of them plus the year: the mainland simplified character version was used in 1993 AD, and the Taiwan Better Body Edition was used in 1982.It seems that the two sides can be described as the format and content of the text, just to find the "orthodox" status for their own side.This is the practice of "must also be known" in Chinese traditions.In addition to persistence, it also showed the position of "mutual denying" that year.This involves "Language of Politics" and is also "Politics of Language".

Written dual structure

From the historical interpretation, since 1949, because of the different politics and political opinions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese writing of Chinese worlds and spoken applications formed the Chinese world.This article uses the Chinese and Chinese and Chinese and Chinese -language observation objects that are accepted by the three places (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong) and the New Malaysia region, and explain its dual structure forms in three points.

Historian analysis, since Qin Shihuang unified the Huaxia Empire, the Chinese culture calendar has not fallen for more than 2,000 years. The most important reason is that the text of Li Si's "book and text" has maintained the unity of the text under the differences of voice differences in various places.In exaggeration, the simplicity dispute between the "one text and two characters" has been regarded as the "one text and two characters" on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the past two thousand years.Whether it will be in a long time in the future, it is worthy of our attention to observation.

Since ancient times, the discussion has taken the unification of Chinese as the norm.In fact, under the unified framework, different degrees of differences have never completely disappeared.As far as the Chinese society is concerned, it is called Mandarin in mainland China, Taiwan is called Mandarin, and the official name of the New Malaysia area is Chinese, but international teaching is collectively referred to as Chinese.The names of all parties are different, but there are differences in the same difference.

In fact, the Chinese character system has experienced many years of evolution, which has not caused major political disputes.

In terms of modern Chinese, the generally common writing forms generally used before 1949 are not only for many years, but they have never been called traditional or positive characters.However, the simplified suggestions of Chinese characters have never stopped since the May 4th Movement.As early as 1936, the Nanjing National Government announced the first batch of simplified words, which was the first official attempt for the simplification of Chinese characters.In fact, in the early years, Taiwan did not exclude text simplification.Luo Jialun (also the early May 4th Sports Jianjian in the early May 4th Movement) of the Examination Institute in March 1954, the promotion of long -text simplified characters in Taiwan Central Daily was printed into a simplified character sports single.In June 1969, Taiwan officials also proposed to sort out a simple pen.By the 1960s, the mainland officially launched a simplified word plan. Taiwan began to adhere to the maintenance of traditional Chinese culture, holding self -use "orthodox", promoting "orthodox characters", and seeking simplified characters as heresy, and opening a context of Chinese pan -politics.

The mainland was established after 1949 to establish the China Text Reform Commission to implement simplified words.In 1956, the State Council passed a resolution on the announcement of the "Chinese Character Simplified Plan".In May 1964, the Chinese Cultural Reform Commission published a total table of simplified characters. Simplified characters became national text standards.In addition to mainland China, it is also adopted for Singapore, Malaysia and the United Nations.

For many years, Hong Kong and Macau have been common in traditional Chinese characters; Chinese schools in several overseas regions have also continued to adopt the early internal character textbooks from Taiwan.Due to the different use habits, cultural identity, and ideology of the three places on both sides of the strait, the two sides are still arguing.In the dispute, the two sides have different voices.

Taiwan has the claim of "knowing the book simplification". It is recommended to recognize orthodox characters, but writing can be written in simplified characters.Some people in the mainland also put forward the discussion of "consciousness and simplification", and believes that the traditional Chinese characters and simplified characters can be compatible and coexist.For many years, during the meeting of the People's Congress and the CPPCC, some representatives of the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC proposed to review simplified characters and even restore traditional Chinese characters.Such suggestions have attracted attention and have public debate, but there is no substantial result at present.

However, in actual application, both sides have taken appropriate measures based on practical considerations.As early as the 1950s and 1960s, when cross -strait was conducting publicity activities, in order to achieve practical results (such as airdrop leaflets), they all used the familiar text (simplified characters or traditional characters).After opening the three links on both sides of the strait, in order to receive tourists from the other side, they naturally use the familiar text.A more obvious example is that the document of the Wang Gu's talks mentioned above is "one in four, and the two sides hold two copies", temporarily put the text differences aside, accept the "one text and two words", and recognize each other.

Voice symbol dual structure

The differences between contemporary Chinese, in addition to the disputes between simplified and traditional Chinese characters, there are also Chinese Pinyin universal in the mainland and the binary and historic and historic and historic and long -standing phonetic symbols.

As early as 1928, the National Government of Nanjing announced the phonetic symbol based on Chinese characters, and was implemented in primary and secondary schools and overseas Chinese schools across the country for a long time.After the National Government moved to Taiwan in 1949, it still carried out Mandarin in phonetic symbols.In the mainland, after the founding of the Republic, the Latin alphabet Pinyin system Chinese Pinyin scheme was promulgated in 1958, which was uniformly implemented in mainland China.After joining the United Nations, Chinese Pinyin has become the United Nations Chinese standard term, like simplified characters; at the same time, Singapore, Malaysia, and several areas have also abandoned phonetic characters and accepted the Chinese Pinyin scheme as a Chinese education standard.

In contrast, the Chinese Pinyin solution uses Latin 26 letters to mark pronunciation, which is commonly used in international pinyin.The acceptance of the Chinese Pinyin solution internationally is much higher than that of Chinese phonetic.

From the 1950s to the 1970s, mainland China experienced a series of political movements such as anti -rights and cultural revolution, which was relatively closed.During this period, Taiwan has been promoting Chinese education overseas for a long time. Textbooks use authentic characters to indicate pronunciation with phonetic symbols. At the same time, it also provides international Chinese teaching in Taiwan. It uses positive characters and phonetic symbols. It is an important international Chinese learning center.At that time, due to special historical reasons, Singapore Nanyang University had a period of time to pick up international students from the Soviet Union to specialize in Chinese. Naturally, it adopted the simplified characters and Chinese pinyin in the mainland.

Chinese schools established in the United States and Canada from early (from Taiwan) students and overseas Chinese communities have also adopted textbooks written by the Taiwan Overseas Chinese Committee to teach and read voices and orthodox characters.It has only been open in the mainland in the past 30 years, and the number of international students and new immigrants has increased. New Chinese schools established in the United States and Canada have naturally used simplified characters and Chinese pinyin.Simplified characters / traditional characters and Chinese Pinyin / phonetic symbols in parallel have also extended to overseas.Today, international students and immigrants from Taiwan have a relatively reduced reduction. From the perspective of long -term trends, the influence of mainland China has increased daily, and it is also an international official language recognized by the United Nations.Chinese Pinyin DangThe general trend of Tao seems to be difficult to reverse.

The diversity of Chinese language words is the most obvious in dialect.Especially in southern China, due to the obstruction of mountains and rivers, commonly known as "hundreds of miles", there are various local languages (dialects).However, it is generally believed that no matter how much differences and differences in the local dialects in China, because the text is "books in the same text", it does not prevent China's unity and national identity.

Chinese linguists have always been controversial about the division of Chinese dialects.Some people divide Chinese into seven dialects, eight dialects, and even ten dialects, without conclusion.In fact, no matter what kind of division method is adopted, these generous users can sometimes not understand each other.The Chinese dialects can also be divided into many dialects, and the second dialects can be divided into several dialects.

The seven Chinese dialects commonly used refer to the northern dialects, Wu dialect, Gan Yan, Hunan dialect, Fujian dialect, Guangdong dialect and Hakka dialect.Among them, the internal divergence of Fujian dialect can also be divided into five sub -dialects: northern Fujian, southern Fujian, Fuzhou dialect (Fuzhou dialect), Central Fujian dialect, and Xianxian dialect, which are independent in linguistics.

Fujian dialect universal in Singapore refers to the Minnan language based on the Zhang (State) Quan (State) Spring (State) and Xiamen (Gate) region.Among the six dialects (Fujian, Chao, Guangdong, Hakka, Qiong, and Rong), Singapore, in addition to the "Fujian (Fujian) dialect", Chaozhou and Hainan dialect are in the southern Fujian dialect in Chinese dialect classification, but it is justThe Singapore dialect gang group has long developed its own unique cultural and identity, and cannot be classified as a category in terms of sociological significance.

For more than 200 years, Singapore has lived in a migrant society, and diverse nations and dialects have lived in one place.In terms of the surname of the Chinese "Guo", according to the 1990 records, English Pinyin (usually pronounced according to dialect), there are as many as 36 (English) surnames, including the GUO officially used in China!

In Singapore, the coexistence of diverse dialects causes the separation of dialects and even opposition, which also affects the effectiveness of education, especially bilingual education based on English and Chinese.In 1979, under the auspices of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, he launched a Chinese movement and advocated "speaking more Chinese and less dialects."Since 1979, it has been unremitting to 44 years since it has been promoting Chinese to effectively reduce the status and functions of dialects.

According to the Singapore Census, 76.2%of Chinese families used dialects as their main families in 1980, and by 2020 to 11.8%.In contrast, households with Chinese as the main language increased from 13.1%in 1980 to 40.2%in 2020.In these 40 years, the fastest growth rate is English; from 10.2%to 47.6%.Li Guangyao warned when the Chinese movement opened in 1979: "If we continue to use dialects, English will become a common language of Chinese people!" Unfortunately, due to the success of the Chinese movement, it has achieved the goal of "less dialect", but English is looking at it in English.Come or become the common language of the Chinese people in Singapore!

Over the years, the micro -care of the dialect has caused a lot of concern. Some related institutions in Singapore (especially the ancestors) often organize activities to retain relevant dialect and dialect culture, such as the grand Fujian Cultural Festival and Chaozhou Cultural Festival.For example, the Xiamen Association of Singapore established a Minnan lecture at the end of 2020 to promote the study of Minnan.Also popular are the Cantonese and tide lectures hosted by the hall.In June of this year, the Xiamen Guild Celebrate the 85th Anniversary Celebration and held a grand international seminar, named "Southern Fujian Culture in Singapore", and invited 10 speakers from the perspective of folklore, education, language, music, opera, diet, etc. to discuss SingaporeMore than 500 people attended the academic discussion activities of all day, which shows that the dialect culture centered on the hall still has its vitality.It was just that in the discussion of the paper, no spokesman spoke in Fujian.It seems that the seminar reflects his interest in dialect culture. As for the dialect itself, it may be at the end of Singapore.

The trend of the growth trend of Mandarin and dialects has also occurred in China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chinese unification has become the focus of Chinese reform. It is hoped that through language unification, national education can be promoted, illiterate, and cultural unity can be brought, and national identity is condensed, and the knowledge and culture of the general public can be improved.

However, dialects, as the root of local culture and local traditional culture, have irreplaceable functions.Now some big cities in China have a phenomenon of "going to dialects".The younger generation speaks Mandarin in school and returns home, but it cannot fluently use hometown (dialects). This trend arouses the concerns of people with care.

In different regions, there are disputes between "Pushing" and "Bao Fang" (such as "defending Cantonese" and "protecting Shanghai dialect"); to save the crisis of disappearance of dialects, the ideal situation is of course Putonghua and dialect bilingual in parallel, whileIt's not zero -sum game.In the future, it is worth paying attention to whether it is possible to "push" at the same time.

A special case is Hong Kong today.As a special administrative region, Hong Kong, with Chinese and English as a legal language, enjoys the same status.At the same time, the language policy of "Biliterable and Trilingualism (English and Trilingualism): two texts are Chinese and English (for writing), three -character referring to Cantonese, English, and Mandarin (spoken).In Hong Kong, traditional Chinese uses traditional Chinese characters (although there are no laws), and school teaching is used in English and Cantonese.Such a multi -speaking language policy can be regarded as a manifestation of one country, two systems.Now on the Legislative Council meetings and government press conferences, three languages will be provided in real -time translation.In addition to the usual traditional Chinese, government documents or web pages also often prepare simplified Chinese.Due to the close interaction between Hong Kong and the mainland, the contact between the official documents or the contact of the newly -private immigrants and the former Hong Kong residents are increasingly frequent, and multi -language must be maintained and used.In the long run, is the future trend step -up or diverse?In addition to the "50 -year -old", will there be a language adjustment of language, such as simplified characters replace traditional characters?Or school starts Mandarin teaching?How does Hong Kong language policy transform?How to execute?How's the effect?What is the folk response?These are all subjects worth paying attention to research for a long time.

Refers to the Minnan dialect as "Taiwanese"

Taiwan's situation is more special.It turned out that Taiwan's folk mainly used the Minnan dialect (Heilo dialect) and Hakka as the main term.In the early days, the National Government fully suppressed the Minnan dialect and Hakka dialect, and promoted Mandarin as a common language, causing a crisis of local dialect.In the past 20 years, Taiwan's politics has shifted to localization and began to work hard to "rescue Taiwanese words" and renamed the southern Fujian dialect as "Taiwanese", emphasizing the Taiwan standard.In recent years, it has even proposed "the blueprint for the development of the 2030 bilateral national policy". It is necessary to fully promote English teaching. In English as the second language, the purpose is to "plant the English power of the Chinese people" to improve the international competitiveness.This discussion itself is very controversial, lacks legitimacy, and is incurable. However, the ruling party is intended to do it. The purpose may be the ultimate of language politics.Taiwanese and English have become weapons to de -Chineseization.

For more than 70 years, due to the political separation of cross -strait politics, the dual dual dual structure status of simplified coexistence in text and both Pinyin's phonetic phonetic is used.The long -term split on both sides of the strait has deepened the differences in Chinese, but between the same difference, the unique vocabulary and language characteristics of their respective development have enriched the diversity of Chinese in large quantities.

At the same time, under the wave of globalization, a large number of population movements have emerged in China, including domestic immigrants and international immigrants.As far as the international population flow is concerned, whether it is studying or immigrants, it has reached an unprecedented scale.

In the past 30 years, China has risen, national strength has increased daily, and Chinese has also greeted the wind. It has surpassed the national borders and became international languages.In the Greater China cultural circle, in addition to the three places on both sides of the strait, there are many Chinese and non -Chinese users in the New Malaysia region and various continents.

Network promotes diversified interaction

Another important factor is the popularity of the Internet, which facilitates all partiesCommunication and mutual influence.The differences between Chinese voice and vocabulary in various places do not affect communication, and diverse interaction is the situation.As an international language, the content and usage of Chinese coexisting, developing and changing in China and overseas. The content already has the diversity of linguistics, becoming a language that is active in the community and vitality.

The trend of Chinese diversification in the 21st century has a deep impact on all levels of politics, culture, and identity, and it is worthy of in -depth discussions.Will the future Chinese continue to coexist in dual (or even diversified), or will it tend to unify?This is not only a language subject, but also a political issue, but also a cultural topic.

The author is a lifelong honorary professor of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore

Original carrying 2023 issue of Asian Weekly