Professor Rong Shicheng of the Department of Chinese University of Singapore, Professor Rong Shicheng of the new book of the new book of the retirement reporter Wang Zhenchun 15: When writing preface yesterday, it revealed three important information: 1. The series of roots is the Chinese Book of Chinese Books of Princeton University in the United States.One of the few new horses collected by the museum's collection; second, the first and second episodes of the root series are one of the three documents that Rong Shicheng enrolled in Pu Da's doctoral degree, which helps to develop his research horizons.The two books are the dialect group identity of Professor Mai Lifang, a Taiwanese scholar, as well as a comprehensive investigation of traditional Chinese traditional drama · Qiyi in Southeast Asian Chinese Chinese scholars.The Chinese daily life -general class of Chinese people in Singapore. "Singapore Street" is one of the core of the eight major narratives. The reason why the street is used as the core is the reading experience of its roots many years ago.

In the preface of Rong Shicheng's "series of roots" and "Singapore Research", the root series suddenly rose to the reference level of Singapore Chinese social and cultural history.


Root series is the result of Wang Zhenchun's writing with a unique perspective. He wrote the history of the native city of the city with a unique perspective, and stated the Lion City with a easily stroke.The election situation is the Lion City: When the Xinhua Poetry was selected in the fifty years, the chairman of the council Zhang Qi'e instructed me to include the only authors of it, the prose of Wang Zhenchun;Essence

History of the street, the roots of history

Yesterday, the chapters on Hainan Street have at least three characteristics: 1. The narrative style of continuing Wang Zhenchun's past root, describing history from the street, and history.As the author said in the postal record: "When looking for the roots, you need to take advantage of the roots. The root series is written when you have roots." When you have roots, the roots are found, the old -fashioned taste is there, and the elderly are there.Or the history of an industry is in their mouths, and the lectures will definitely gain. There must be gains. With the camera, pat the old street and the old scene, and keep the history with photos. "

In Wang Zhenchun's pen, the staggered streets are like a delicate embroidery picture.In the past, the old street may change or disappear with the pace of urbanization, but people and things on the street can leave a contour through text records.Seizing these history is to shape its own roots -tightly maintaining the root of cultural pulse and social vanity.

"History" is wild history, mostly the folk street talks and legacy.The history of the wild is not all fictional. For example, the Hanshu arts and Wenzhi quoted the words of the Three Kingdoms period: "Fine rice is a cricket, the street talks, and the fine words are also very fragmented.If you want to understand the folk customs and the people, the emperor will set up the post of "稗 之", and let the officials tell him about street discussion and gossip.The novelist was out of the official, and later generations equated the novels of the wild history with the gang officials.

Secondly, yesterday, Hainan Street was written in the form of recalling and field visits.The author has worked for more than 30 years before his retirement. The interview experience is old. In addition, most of the old people on Hainan Street speaking in Hainan dialect in the old man. The author is Hainan and visited the folks with his hometown.In addition, the author takes photos at any time, evokes more memories from the photos of the old street, to prove it, and through the interoperability of literature, the reading experience of Lion City is more profound.

For example, the article on Huantan Store on Hainan Street presents the old shop of Liu Yucheng Huahaotian.Old street scenes and old photos are accompanied by a strong old tree in the photo, and the vicissitudes of the times double.

Third, because of the heritage of news reports, the original appearance of Hainan Street yesterday in constructing and restoring the culture of the Chinese people's people in Singapore, in some writing fragments, also verified the authenticity of the events of mainstream historical discussions, and and of.Make it more three -dimensional.

For example, the city council election and grassroots member He Peizhu two texts suddenly pulled the reader back to the political atmosphere of Singapore in the 1950s.circumstantial evidence.

Construction of Singapore history

Recently, the sorting and constructive sound of Singapore Chinese culture is endless. I am also thinking about "what is the construction of Singapore history and culture".What way should Singapore's history be constructed more reliable?After simply organizing, I summarized the following ways of several ways, and used this to attract jade:

First, historical and cultural writings written through academic research or folk research, such as Chen Menghe's master's paper early Singapore Chinese newspapers and Chinese society (1881-1912) (translated by Hu Xingrong), Xu Zhenyi's doctoral dissertation in the south ——— The spread and change of Chinese folk literature and art in Singapore, and Lin Kehong's master's dissertation.In this kind of writing, the author of the author, Shi Guan, is important.

The results of folk research, such as Li Guoliang's big -eyed chicken, Yueyue, Huang Ziming's Youying Zhen Shengsheng: Centennial Cultural Cultural Culture process, etc.The research and publishing of these cultural and historical writings are usually carried out under relevant official funding.Of course, there are also writings between academic and popular. For example, the first draft of the history of Singapore Chinese literature edited by Huang Mengwen and Xu Yixiang, combined with the strength of 10 scholars and writers in China and Singapore;Singapore, Malaysia, and 37 historical researchers in Malaysia and China are written.

Second, the historical context presented by the combination of political reviews and current affairs comments, such as Lee Kuan Yew of Alex Josey -the struggle of Singapore (translated by Wu Jungang), Chen Jiachang's knowingLi Guangyao and so on.This type of writing is closer to the rigorous academic writing on the discussion framework.

Third, the historical and cultural fragments carried through the form of memoirs or campaigns, such as Li Guangyao's memoirs 1923-1965 (translated by Chen Xincai, Zhang Qingjiang, Liang Wenning), Li Guangyao's memoirs 1965-2000 (Liang Wenning, Lin Huixia, Li Huiling, Li HuilingTranslation), Tian Liu Memoirs (Five Series), Yuandian's love also literature and hate and literature.Time veins are clearly a major feature of this type of writing.

Fourth, the historical and cultural trajectory presented through the form of character interviews or historical materials.Hong Kong and other.

Fifth, the historical and cultural trajectory presented by prose strokes, such as Hu Jiandi's prose collection for a long time, the prose marks of the county, and Tan Chengfa and Hu Jiandi's prose collection.This type of book basically inherited the "Sanji" writing style of Lion City Sanji and Malay Sanji · Sequel of Malay Sanji in the 1950s.

The writing forms of the above five historical and cultural writing are only used as roughly distinction. They are blended with each other between them.In fact, taking Hainan Street yesterday as an example, Wang Zhenchun's writing style is a combination of third, fourth and fifth forms, which can be said to be unique in the style.

Although Wang Zhenchun does not write wild history novels, if he lives in ancient times, he may be an official who wrote a wild history.

The author is a local amateur writer