Source: Chengdu Business Daily

Author: Yufeng

Recently, the Internet celebrity "iron head punish evil and promote good", after the release of counterfeit videos to obtain fans accumulated, it has wielded the big stick into the field of Chinese education and training.After he reported that Hangzhou New Oriental's illegal supplementary classes aroused attention, a large number of netizens sang anti -tuning during the live broadcast, and it ended for an hour after the broadcast. Many cooperative merchants also said that they had terminated goods cooperation.In his latest response, remarks such as "the next goal will be Hebei Hengshui Middle School" and "I will not touch the teaching industry for the time being" and other comments have caused heated discussions.

It is reported that in the video, "iron head" threatened to let the re -classes "break the roots" in Hangzhou; reporting in advance is due to its unfair education.But for this approach, different voices have appeared: some parents of parents expressed their support and believed that they should not make up lessons and have unhappy fairness; but some parents believe that parents cannot guide their children to learn and need formal supplementary classes.

I have to see that since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, a lot of results have been achieved.But is the "double reduction" policy in the compulsory education stage applied to the high school stage of non -compulsory education?According to reports, the staff of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education told the media that high school mainly implemented in accordance with relevant regulations. How to refer to specific details according to specific details."The dual reduction policy is aimed at the stage of compulsory education. As long as high school is voluntary, it is not the school's centralized and compulsory courses. From my personal understanding, this should not be illegal."

Compared with compulsory education, high school has stricter learning and selection requirements, and the college entrance examination is the most important big test in life.As some parents are worried, children have poor grades, school teachers are general, and they have no time and ability to counsel their children. Do you sit at the child to teach your studies?Many students also have their own learning needs and eager to obtain better education and environment.

Even if everyone is called by "iron head", everyone does not make up for classes, and everyone stands on the same starting line?Not to mention the differences in educational resources in various places, county education may not be comparable to the provincial capital education.Parents with better economic and cultural levels also have more advantages. If you are rich, you can ask for one -on -one teaching. Parents with high cultural level and time can directly counsel their children.In contrast, parents who are generally and busy with their livelihood are more unfavorable. The dream of "self -harder to cultivate children to a good university" becomes farther.

What we want to oppose and curb is "compulsory supplementary classes" and "invalidation classes". It should separate students' autonomous and spontaneous learning needs from disguise.

What is fair?Fairness should be a lot of hard work, a little bit of hard work, not absolute preparation, not a knife.A student spend more time learning to find better educational resources, and then get better results, which is fair logic.If you simply let students look at the topic that they can't understand at home, it is not true education fairness, and it is not conducive to talent training and student quality.Fairness should give different people the right to choose different choices. "All must" and "don't" become two extremes.

In the logical world of the "iron heads" of Internet celebrities, it seems that fairness is equal to "absolute average", which is "I can't have it without you."It should be seen that whether to make up classes and how to make education more fair is a public issue that requires the whole society to think and discuss, rather than sending a few videos to someone to do stress.In this way, not only cannot bring fairness, but it may fall into a kind of public opinion trap, and society should not be wrapped in this.At any time, people's pursuit of progress and self -improvement is the driving force of society, not a "sin".