Source: Taiwan China Times Society

On the occasion of Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde, the Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China levied temporary anti -dumping duties on polycarbonate imports imported from Taiwan, and pointed out that the Taiwan party violated the WTO rules and expanded the investigation of trade barriers to Taiwan.Polycarbonate has been canceled by the land for zero -tariff treatment based on the ECFA collection list. The Ministry of Commerce and State and Taiwan Affairs spokespersons have not hinted that the tax discounts of "all confiscation" ECFA earlier lists will not be ruled out in the future.This is the clearest signal released by the Beijing official to ECFA to date.

The bottom line of thinking official business

Cai Yingwen's continuous effect of ECFA, which has taken effect for 7 consecutive years, is not only regarded as a barometer on both sides of the strait, but also becomes a demon mirror of the DPP.Many people in the wild often ridicule the Tsai government. Since they resist cross -strait exchanges and promote the Taiwan economy away from the mainland market, why not simply stop ECFA?In fact, ECFA is constantly being a fake issue, but ECFA covers the early collection list of 539 zero tariffs of goods, whether the facts are "suspended".

If the ECFA is really "in the end of life", it is necessary to complete the final program through the formal negotiation channels through the agreement.The problem now is that because the DPP does not recognize the 1992 consensus, Beijing has always adopted an attitude of being unable to read, and it is impossible to restart the formal negotiation in order to terminate the ECFA.Secondly, the current ECFA is really only "architecture". In addition to the zero tariff treatment of early collection lists, the remaining goods and trade and service trade have become "rotten tail buildings".Announcement can confirm whether the ECFA collection list treatment continues to the following year.

However, the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland announced on April 12 this year that it launched a survey of trade barriers to Taiwan. At the latest, it ended on January 12 next year, the day before the presidential election ended.The 2455 items (now expanded to 2509 items) on the survey list, not only deliberately displayed "equivalent" in terms of number of 2,460 products banned from the mainland in Taiwan, but also exceeded the 539 items of 539 items of ECFA early collection lists.EssenceIf the mainland "follows the law" after the investigation process, it can be announced by the 2024 election results to announce the conclusion that if Lai Qingde wins, the results of the investigation will inevitably be unfavorable to Taiwan.The fame will be settled into a bureau.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland, the conclusion of the investigation of Taiwan trade barriers has been determined, and the anti -dumping tax shape of the polycarbonate single goods is the same as the "first boots", and the other wait for the 2024 elections.The anti -dumping survey was launched publicly last November. Although it was market behavior and economic considerations, the time point for the taxation tax was a political decision, which was intended to counter Lai Qingde to cross the United States.Especially the affected companies that have been taxed this time include Taiwanhua and Chi Mei, indicating that the mainland is no longer afraid of being accused of "no goodwill to Taiwanese businessmen", because the existing Taiwan -based Taiwan -benefit Taiwan policy has limited the benefit as "in Lu in Lu in Lu in Lu in Lu in Lu.The scope of Taiwan enterprises, in addition to the public affairs.

The discount clear zero arrows on the string

"On Lai Qingde, the ECFA tax reduction is stopped."The two reeds of the Ministry of Commerce and Taiwan Affairs Office sang the new script of the mainland to Taiwan after the 2024 election.

Mainland leader Xi Jinping has proposed "bottom -line thinking" and "extreme thinking". Taiwan must also think that if the 2024 election ended with Lai Qingde's victory, how will they keep the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait?What kind of extreme pressure will be faced with land?At least at the economic level, from this anti -dumping investigation and paid taxes, to 2509 investigations against Taiwan trade barriers, it is obviously spreading the "Yangmou" of Taiwan. Taiwan does not need to speculate or have fantasies.

After the local election of the DPP in December last year, the land side quickly responded to the demands of the Lanying County and the city and cities on the quarantine of agricultural and agricultural quarantine, and through the Kuomintang senior management and county heads of the city and city, some problems became solved, butUnder the basic pattern of the DPP Central Committee, it is difficult to change.If the results of the next election are in line with the expectations of the mainstream public opinion of the DPP, the two sides of the strait will naturally return to a state of peace and stability. The new and old problems that have occurred in the process of economic and trade interaction in recent years can be communicated through good faith and officially restarting post -520 post -520 post -520 post -520 restarts.Consultation solves, the continuation of the treatment of ECFA Wet Taiwan continues or even deepen the dividend, which will not be a problem in the future.

But in turn, Lai Qingde will win the presidential election. Because the mainland is unique and clear for its Taiwan, the bone card effect of the Taiwan economy, diplomacy, and military pressure will inevitably occur.Lai Qingde is still escaping the regulations on the Constitution and Cross -Strait People's Relations of the Republic of China. Although the vocal sound and the legal Taiwan independence are cut, they dare not abolish the DPP's Taiwan independence party platform, which complains with the self -determination.fall back.

The preferential treatment of Taiwan's Taiwan trade "clear zero" has been arrowed on the string.If Cai Yingwen's cross -strait relations within his tenure are the mountains and mountains, and it is not subverted.This is by no means alarmist, but the crisis of each Taiwanese.