Recently, Lian Zaobao · Exchange Station published a series of letters of readers who discussed euthanasia.Most articles believe that the advantages and disadvantages of euthanasia should be reviewed, but they tend to support legalization between the lines. So far, only a specialist and a clinical professor, Mr. Zheng Chungui, objected from their professional experience and knowledge.

In the article published on the Lianhe Zaobao · speech on the eve of the National Day, Professor Zheng discussed several points: First, no matter how hard the condition is, he never encountered patients who actively requested to end life; second, clinical dataIt shows that in countries with euthanasia and legalization, some patients change their minds at critical moments, so there is a risk of accidental killing.It is not Anle to die.

The reason why euthanasia has become a topic may be related to Singapore's three years after three years, and it will enter a super -aging society. At that time, more than 20%will be over 65 years old.As life span extensions, more health and social problems will follow.For example, the elderly may lose their dignity due to illness, badness, dementia, etc.; for example, they take care of them for a long time to form a huge psychological and financial pressure on their families; the continuous increase in public medical expenditure is another concern.

In addition, the invisible social problem with the continuous decline of fertility rate is more unmarried singles, and in his later years, he may have to face the desolate situation of loneliness.This concern of the essence of life's meaning may be the incentive that makes euthanasia more worthy of consideration.

As the readers who discussed euthanasia in the submission and exchange stations said that this is a sensitive topic that must be handled carefully.It can even be further said that if you think deeply, this may be even more cruel. It may be very uncomfortable to discuss it -the premise of supporting euthanasia is to consider the meaning of life from the individual, and the lack of higher ones lacks higher ones.angle.

May wish to understand from another related cutting surface.When it comes to topics related to fertility, public opinion believes that grandparents have played a very important role. If they can help children take care of their grandchildren, they may help encourage more fertility.However, there was an opposition to say that it was unfair to ask the grandparents to ask his grandparents, because they had sacrificed young and powerful days to raise children. In the later years of retirement, they should "live for themselves".Binding of young responsibilities.

This involves a more "selfish" torture.From a personal perspective, it seems reasonable to enjoy the hard work with his wife's freedom after retirement.From the perspective of "continuing the incense", it should be the ideal state of enjoying his old age.Of course, due to the disintegration of existing values and social norms, similar discussions will appear; just as whether it should be legalized and euthanized.

Professor Zheng believes that the highest belief in doctors must respect life. He quotes the deep -rooted medical ethics spirit of Western medicine and moral scholar: "Doctors must maintain their greatest respect for human life." It is understood that modern medicineThe hospital requires all medical students to study and oath Hippokrad the oath during school: "First of all, not to hurt people (FIRST, Do NO HARM)."

Respect for life is the general rules of all civilizations.The "Ten Commandments" of traditional Judaism and Christianity have "non -murderers"; the first article of "five precepts" of Buddhism is "not killing"; Professor Zheng quoted Confucius "unknown life, knowing death", expressing his euthanasia.The retention attitude reflects these ancient wisdom.

Of course, these wisdoms point to the ideal of civilization, because in reality, there are many tragic examples of murderers.However, there is a direction of hard work. After all, there are more examples of cooperation in human history, otherwise it will not develop to today's material standard.This division of labor and cooperation must be cross -generation. Former generations and trees and descendants have been cool and passed down from generation to generation.The significance of life must be surpassed, otherwise human beings will be difficult to have a bright future.

Although there are many reasonable reasons on the surface, the potential trap of euthanasia is to violate the highest civilized precepts of respect for life.The Nazi Germany slaughtered millions of Jews, not sudden, but from the righteousness of rejuvenating the morals of the German will and purifying the righteousness of the Aryan descent.No matter how well the reason is, once you get rid of the "non -murderer" commandment, there is a risk of slipping to the abyss of hell.This is probably the core consideration that must be cautious about euthanasia.

Of course, the current dilemma is reality and cannot be avoided. The aging of the population and the phenomenon of more possible loneliness are forcing people to think about the way of response.The answer is certainly not so simple to euthanasia.Professor Zheng mentioned the way to optimize the end of the nursing nursing.In the long run, I am afraid that I still have to return to the source of a more fundamental fertility rate.

In this era of rich material but loosening of traditional specifications and values, there should be a right or wrong with objective standards.No longer heavenly righteous.However, interpersonal cooperation must be based on the common right and wrong standards, otherwise basic mutual trust and tacit understanding cannot be generated.This means that to strengthen the tendency of interpersonal cooperation, it is necessary to rebuild or return to ancient wisdom.One of them is the short -term thinking that beyond myself, focusing on the meaning of life on a more solid collective or community.

As the African proverb says: "Nourishing children must raise the power of the whole village", especially in small families in the fast -paced urban environment.Various emotions and moral resources of folk communities).The decline in fertility rate is already a world -world challenge, and baby shortage has appeared in major countries.Whether the local fertility rate has fallen has passed an irreversible inflection point, and experts must also demonstrate, but the answer to the aging of the population is obviously not euthanasia, and it is richer in the meaning of life.

This is another annotation of "unknown life, knowing death".