The U.S. government has been secretly carried out the reverse project of the recycled unknown flight objects (UFO) for decades.U.S. officials have not only obtained a seemingly non -human aircraft sample, but also after these aircraft crashed on the earth, taking out the body of the alien pilot from it ...

This is not the bridge in Hollywood science fiction films, but the most sensational content at the Congress hearing held in Washington at the end of last month.In the confirmation of the existence of unknown flying objects to the United States two parties, David Grusch, an intelligence officer who had served in the US Air Force and the National Geographic Intelligence Intelligence Agency, vowed that he talked with him 40People who are familiar with the matter have witnessed or have the first -hand information about the above.

Gruch also co-pointed out with Ryan Graves, a former US F-18 fighter pilot, Ryan Graves, and the US Navy's retired commander David Fravor.The U.S. government concealed the important information of unknown flying objects for members and the public, and these objects actually constitute a national security threat.

The remarks of the three people including Gruch immediately caused a stir.The Republican leadership supervisory committee stated that the investigation would undergo an investigation, forcing the Pentagon to quickly deny the fact that the government covered up in this area.In fact, this hearing can be said to have gradually disclosed more information about unknown flying objects in recent years, bringing a climax.The US official also gives these new names, namely the "unidentified aviation" (UAP).

Hearing will undoubtedly help to improve the positioning of the "unknown aviation phenomenon" topic, which is the latest measures that US officials have reversed in the past long time in this issue.Due to the lack of official confirmation, any seeing alien visitors or incidents and related discussions in a corner of the earth has been regarded as a faithful organs or whimsical who has been regarded as a long time in the past.Daya Hall.

As the U.S. government is no longer silent about this issue, for example, the Pentagon disclosed in April this year that the US government is tracking 650 possible unknown phenomenon cases and released two of them that cannot explain the incidents to discuss unknown aviationThe phenomenon is not as interesting as in the past, and it is easy to laugh or stigmatize.

But does this mean that there is no controversy in UFO or UAP?From the current stage, it may not be that.Gruch's remarks were still questioned. After all, he had never seen any objects he mentioned and lacked more convincing evidence.Some views even refer to his certificate of confession, and it is logically unable to say.Alien people have visited Earth. Since technology will be more advanced than humans, can the US government carry out reverse engineering on the technical technology of foreign star as he said?Is it that Gruch's reverse engineering procedure that the US government is ongoing foreign secret technology is mistaken for more strange things?

Although the Pentagon has recently disclosed some information and videos, officials still do not forget to emphasize that "there is no evidence that there is no alien life", and "no trusted evidence is found, indicating that there are objects that violate the laws of physics law."" ".

Lack of evidence, why not confuse many astronomers and scientists who are deeply interested in finding outer space life.

Whether it is now more advanced telescope, including James Web Space Telescope, which was opened in space orbit last year, its infrared observation function can detect the gas that may exist in life in outer space.It is still a large amount of exterior radio telecommunications collected by the receiving stations in various places. Astronomers and scientists still have not found evidence that there are signs of life outside the earth.

As early as 1950, with the recently released American biographical film Oppenheimer, the key physicist ENRICO FERMI, another key physicist of numerical bombs, co -developed the nuclear bomb.It has said that it is puzzled whether humans are unique in the universe. "Where are the aliens? If the universe is likely to exist in other parts of the universe, why can we not see any evidence?"Later, the "Fermi Paradox" seems to be effective to this day.

It can be said that even if the U.S. government responds to the requirements of all walks of life over the years and improves the transparency of information about unknown flight objects, I believe that it will not eliminate all the mysteries of all walks of life and whether there are all kinds of life outside the earth.In fact, the reason why the U.S. government has gradually disclosed this information is not to help everyone explain doubts.

Some analysts believe that the U.S. government realized that as the US military's activities increased at home and abroad, the number of incidents of unknown flying objects also increased immediately.If you are afraid of being ridiculed by the cold and do not report, you may have a long -term adverse effect on the psychology of the soldiers, and may even delay the progress of military operations.

There are still insufficient remarks from Gruch and others. A series of information from the US government has another intention. Unknown flying object research enthusiasts will only last for a while.As the popular American drama X archives that are popular at the beginning of this century are widely circulated: "The Truth is out there", and humans must continue to explore and continue to find.

(the author is a local current affairs commentator)