Source: Taiwan United Daily News

For the issue of "non -green integration", the party chairman Ke Wenzhe recently threw the bottom line of "three differences", including: not to exclude cooperation, do not take the initiative to contact, do not political stolen stolen, and do not serve as deputy.These principles are equivalent to directly rejecting Guo Taiming's "mergers and acquisitions" or "let the elder brother do four years", but still retain the space for "passive" cooperation with the blue camp.However, Ke Wenzhe's worth of the value depends on how he survives the DPP's siege to decide.

After the emergence of Ke Wenzhe's polls, the DPP has continuously strengthened the power of "beating Ke".Due to the few women participants in the Seventh Kai Dao Parade, the Green Camp took the opportunity to label him on the "revenge girl". Recently, a sister will perform the performance of the "stewardess support group", and the Green Camp has attacked his "materialized" woman.Ke Wenzhe then counterattacked and bombarded the Cai government to "look forward to money"; the DPP mobilized the party's army to recruit Ke Wenzhe to destroy financial discipline during his appointment.Ke Wenzhe looks like the DPP's number one arrow target.

The bridge section that Ke Wenzhe is best at the mayor of the mayor is the "Shark Show" by the media's joint visit.He compared the reporter as a shark. With his signature white eyes and mad words, he transformed himself from the prey into a hunter and created a sound volume.However, this time the challenge of the president, in addition to the media, there are also the fierce DPP giant tooth sharks. Ke Wenzhe's "Shark Show" has changed its status back to the prey.The DPP's "KP Show" is "hunting Ke Wenzhe."

After the polls of Ke Wenzhe took Lai Qingde, the curator and Huang Guochang made a momentum for him to form a watershed.On the same day, Cai Yingwen and the DPP senior officials blowing air -conditioning at the Yuanshan Hotel, but the white power was "blatantly gathered" in Kaidao, invading the door of the Presidential Palace, and the high -level party and government high -rise.Caopted to Qiang Ke.

For a month, Ke Wenzhe has been frequently "turned over", especially the issue of "revenge girls" has been repeatedly controversial.Although Ke Wenzhe lowered his posture to fight for women's identity, he even sang "I only care about you" to his wife Chen Peiqi, and how outstanding women members in the party in the party.But these expressions only show that Ke Wenzhe was beaten to the pain.The people's party hosted the "Northern District Sisters in Taiwan to Choose the Friends of the Philosophy". It was originally trying to show the support of women's support, but a group of female dancers wore tight stewardess and danced, and was still caught by the "materialized female" braid by the Green Camp.Although the role of the curator's anti -approval of the Lai Pinyu of the Green Committee is "materialized anime", Ke Wenzhe once said that beautiful girls are suitable for sitting on the counter, girls who are not put on the streets, are scary on the street, and they are raped than being seduced.Beiliu did not abuse officials as the "eunuch", all of which made his big men's doctrine appear, so that female voters were prohibited.

Ke Wenzhe's eight -year "Ke Zheng" in Taipei has recently become the focus of attacking.Beiliu owed 190 million (NT $ 8.05 million) project funds because of its owing 90 million (NT $ 8.05 million).Gold is a mess.Ke Wenzhe retorted that Beiliu had previously bids six times. In fact, the central government commissioned the Taipei City Government to work on agglomeration. He was fortunate to have a problem that he could not solve the problem that the government could not solve in the past seventeen years.Ke Qian also said that the results of the survey of political style units were released, and everything would come out.

Whether the truth can come out of stones is still to be proved.However, the latest polls announced by various media, although Ke Wenzhe still lives in the "second child", the polls show a decline, and the "favorability" is the bottom.In particular, the loss of women and young votes will be Cheng Kewenzhe's "Achilles tendon".The people's party can be called a "one -person party", and all charm depends on Ke Wenzhe's personal monologue and scolding. However, this is also accompanied by his disappointing risk.

Ke Wenzhe's original golden sentence indeed shows the wisdom and interest that is different from traditional politics.The problem is that Ke Wenzhe is easy to be proud of the shape, and his brain is smooth, and he will say what you shouldn't say in the next second.The shark theory is to "swim faster than sharks". When a speech is controversial, he immediately throws a new topic to transfer people's attention.But when he encountered the presidential election, can he still rely on playing with the voters?How long can his Shark Show be surrounded by the green giant shark?