In November 2022, the Chinese government lifted a rigorous zero -epidemic zero policy and was finally welcomed by the overseas tourist market that was almost frozen for three years.Almost everyone feels that the enthusiasm and traveler's desire that have been suppressed for three years should come to the time of blowouts, especially Chinese tourism and service related departments.At least, everyone thinks that the number of people entering China in China should be the same as before the epidemic, that is, the same period of data in 2019.

It can be understood that a completely frozen market takes a period of time to recover, but it seems that this recovery is particularly rugged and long.I noticed that the data released by Chinese tourism institutions in June this year has been relieved for more than half a year, but the number is not ideal.

According to the data of the official website of the Shanghai Tourism Bureau, the number of overseas tourists from Shanghai and other ports from Shanghai and other ports. The data in June this year fell by 57%compared to the 2019 epidemic.63%.

Is the global tourism market so terrible?It doesn't seem to be, the number of entry passengers in Singapore has returned to 90%before the epidemic.Few countries have slipped as many as China.Some foreign tourists with specific tourist attractions are even more sighing.The National Forest Park in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province is the shooting place of the "Floating Mountain" in the film Avatar. The scenery is very spectacular and can impress tourists.But as of mid -May, there were only 25,600 overseas tourists here, and the number of overseas tourists in the first five months of 2019 was 500,000.

There are about 5 million travel practitioners in China. If you add other related supporting industries, the number is larger.A healthy and booming overseas entry market can not only meet the better experience of tourists, but also become an important engine of economic growth, but also about the livelihood and rice bowls of millions of people.But what are the reasons blocked overseas tourists to travel to China?

What is the reason for the decline in overseas tourists

1. The willingness and interest of lowering.The reduction of overseas tourists' willingness and interest in China's entry tour is difficult to comprehensively prove with an objective data.However, from personal observation, you can feel it, and from the perspective of big data analysis, the click rate statistics of overseas travel websites can be proved to prove this decrease.

Why are overseas tourists willing to travel to China as in 2019?This is an analysis of seeing wisdom.Personally, a big background is China's major western countries. In the past few years, it has entered the strong confrontation cycle of tooth return to the eyes, and the rational dialogue has evolved into an irrational mutual disgust.This emotion has also spread from the official level to the folk level, and it has deliberately distorted and enlarged some of the Western media; coupled with the scandal and some political events that Chinese government officials have continuously lowered China's international image, allowing China's international image and letting letSome overseas tourists are discouraged.

Second, trouble flights and visas.The Russian and Ukraine War continued, and the flight negotiations between China and the United States were not result. The current direct flights are still less than 20%of the level before the epidemic.Visa is also an obstacle. Most countries need to apply for visas to travel in China. This process will spend a lot of time and money cost.Chinese foreign tourists' main sources (Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, the United States, Australia, and Canada) can basically go to most countries in the world.

The trend of international tourism is getting easier and casual.The preparation of China's visa is laborious and labor -intensive, which will directly dispel some tourists' plans to travel to China.

Three, hard network walls.Compared with 2019, an important change is that more and more people develop mobile phone dependence. It is difficult for many people to not watch social software for one hour.However, China has a network firewall. The social media commonly used by foreign tourists cannot be used in China. This inconvenience has become increasingly magnified in the past few years.I remember a small example around me, and a Chinese child who grew up in Europe returned to China with his father. After returning to Europe, his classmates told him, "Are you missing?"How can I not find you on the Internet?The child's face is innocent and I don't know where to answer.

Why do China build a network firewall? We do not discuss it, but from technical means, it is not a complicated thing to do not restrict overseas tourists' mobile phone access to overseas websites.Moreover, this wall blocked photos and videos from overseas tourists blocked the best publicity channels for the Chinese tourism market.

Four, one ride -riding Chinese mobile phone application.Chinese mobile phone applications are very convenient, and all aspects of daily life rely on it.Moreover, the development of 4G and 5G networks, coupled with mobile payment, has made quite a lot of Chinese residents not be exposed to cash for a long time.However, the convenience of mobile phone applications to Chinese residents in the fog of an overseas tourist who is new to the sky, but the mobile phone application has made overseas tourists struggling in China.

Five, high "expensive" ticket price.This has been criticized a lot.We make an intuitive comparison. There are no tickets in Sentosa Island in Singapore. Putuo Island in China had no tickets, but now the tickets are set directly at 160 yuan (about S $ 30), with a holiday of 200 yuan.The price of the Yellowstone National Park in the United States is $ 25 per car (about S $ 33) per car. It is valid for seven days. It can enter and exit at will within seven days.Yuan.

The pricing strategy of Chinese local governments, the fishing market, directly lower the attractiveness of the Chinese tourism market, whether it is domestic or overseas tourists.This is also an important factor in China's tourism market for nearly 100 billion US dollars. The consumption of Chinese tourists traveling overseas exceeds the consumption of foreign tourists in China.

6. Fierce international competition.Striving to attract overseas tourists is the basic national policy of many countries. Especially during the relatively stagnant period of the economy, the tourism market has become a stock market, and the competition between the country and the country in the tourism industry is becoming more and more intense.The similarity of the history and culture of China, Japan and South Korea has made Chinese tourism face direct competition in Japan and South Korea.For many Westerners, East Asia is a concept of geographical culture. To a country in China, Japan and South Korea, is not much different for many people, at least in diet and traditional culture.Where to serve, good air, and convenient (no visa), where they go.South Korea has grown into a popular cultural export country in the past years, and its attractiveness to young people has gradually enlarged.In recent years, Japan has also vigorously developed tourism to alleviate domestic economic pressure. The number of foreign tourists has increased from 8 million in 2012 to 31 million in 2019.But China did not see strong measures.

China has magnificent natural landscapes, long human history, charming regional style.From the perspective of tourist experience, China has a very safe public security environment, a developed transportation network, and a clean and tidy city appearance. It is a tourist destination with a very good cost performance.With so many advantages and conditions, China's overseas tourists' entry tour market has no reason to make such a situation.China is indeed facing severe international political situations, but at this moment, it is necessary to attract overseas tourists.The lack of overseas tourists means that China has lost an opportunity to show its better image to the world.Face -to -face communication is always the best way to eliminate misunderstandings and prejudice.Give full play to your own advantages, face your own shortcomings, and face challenges frankly. China's entry tour market will come from blooming butterflies.

The author is a Singaporean who works in Shanghai