Western countries are very concerned about China's economic growth slowly, and many Chinese people can feel the impact of China's economic situation on themselves.The Chinese market expects that the government has introduced various stimulus policies. Only not to discuss where the Chinese economy comes from and where is it?

China's economic trajectory since 1949 has never been promoted by the ruling party.The political interests of the ruling party determine the concept of their persistence, and the concept determines the goal of the ruling party. The goal determines that the ruling party has affected the economy through the policy formulated by the government.Chinese society determines productivity, and the upper -level building determines the economic foundation.This is the creative achievement of Marxist Sinicization.

In the past, China's economy was a political decision

In 1956, the socialist transformation campaign set off in China in 1956 changed China's production relationship in three years, established the city's ownership of the city and the collective ownership of rural areas. The private economy was basically eliminated.The private economy must also accept the party's leadership.The mainland government has established a socialist economy in China. To be precise, it is the first stage of communism, or the primary stage.This economic method is not the result of the natural evolution of productivity, but the party established by the party based on Marxism's vision and the Soviet Union.The mainland government depicts a magnificent blueprint for the people, so he has the motivation to create history.

Although the three -sided red flag movement launched by Mao Zedong brings a huge tragedy to China, this is only the price of the party's hard explore.Even if Mao Zedong's launch of the Cultural Revolution caused the Chinese economy to collapse, this was considered the efforts of the party's hard exploration.

Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up is based on the painful lesson of accepting the Cultural Revolution. He realized that economic construction should be used as the party's working center and abandoned the political route with class struggle.After Deng Xiaoping's proposition became the consensus of the mainland government, he changed government policies and immediately released the productivity of hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

After the changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern European dramas, Deng Xiaoping urgently promoted the process of reform and opening up more urgently, threatening that "whoever does not reform, go down", the army leaders proposed to escort reform and opening up.The strong politics promoted the rapid progress of the Chinese economy, and China's rise came from this.Deng Xiaoping's logic is to develop productive forces and is the basis for consolidating the status of the ruling party.

Now the Chinese economy is still decided by politics

The huge achievements of the Chinese economy in 40 years have changed the society, the private economy has grown, and the owner of the private economy is becoming more and more bold. Ma Yun attacks the financial policy of the mainland government in public and ignores the party's leadership.

People's ideas have changed, and quite a lot of intellectuals embrace universal value.Marxism's faith was shaken, and many party school teachers criticized the Communist Party in class.People's Daily pointed out that officials who do not believe in Marxism -Lenin to believe in ghosts and gods should wake up.These phenomena threatened the leadership of the mainland government and the evolution of peace is completely possible.As a result, all aspects of China's political intervention in the economy appeared.

First, strengthen state -owned enterprises and curb the private economy.2008 is an important historical boundary.After the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, Chinese senior leaders firmly believed in the shortcomings of the market economy, and firmly believed that the economic operation model under the control of the Chinese government was better than the Western economic model.At that time, China was entering the deep -water area of reform. At this moment, the financial crisis was encountered, giving the Chinese policy maker not need to further move towards the reform of the market economy.

It is imminent to grow bigger and stronger state -owned enterprises.The People's Japan newspapers pointed out: "State -owned enterprises, especially central management enterprises, have occupied a dominant position in the main industries and key areas that are related to national security and the lifeblood of the national economy. They are important pillars of the national economy.The economic foundation also plays a pillar role, and it must be done well. "According to this idea, the private economy will inevitably encounter ceiling in China, and the various resources held by the state are inclined to state -owned enterprises.

Second, relieving the elimination of private ownership is the need for not forgetting the original intention.The development of private economy will inevitably change people's perception of private ownership. If people's philosophy has established a social foundation for peaceful evolution and color revolution from believing in public ownership to believing in private ownership.In 2018, the most authoritative journal was published by the communism, entitled communism, to eliminate private articles, and violently attacked the trend of liberal privatization in Chinese society.Seeking such an article is definitely not personal behavior. This is the official reminding people to firmly establish the belief of communism.Eligible criticism has always been regarded as an economist Wu Jinglian who advocates reform and opening up, which is to lead the direction of public opinion.

Third, advocate "common prosperity".In 2021, the Chinese ruling party officially launched the long -used "common prosperity" plan, emphasizing that common prosperity is the essential requirements of socialism and the wealth of all people.It is necessary to properly handle the relationship between efficiency and fairness, and build a system of initial allocation, re -distribution, and three distribution."Three allocation" means that individuals or enterprises are used to donate part of their disposable income for charity.

In order to respond to the party's call, Alibaba promised to donate 100 billion yuan (RMB, about S $ 18.6 billion) to the common prosperity, and Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Technology, donated about 1.8 billion euros to charity (about S $ 2.6 billion) Stocks.E -commerce giant Pinduoduo announced the investment of 10 billion yuan to launch the "10 billion Agricultural Research Special".Tencent donated 50 billion yuan.But no one knows whether their donations are out of love or must be.When Bill Gates invited Ma Yun and others to donate naked, Ma Yun refused.

Private interest drives the private economy owner to chase wealth, and politics requires them to have the ideal of communism.

Under the slogan of eliminating private ownership and common prosperity, Chinese public opinion is not to affirm that Ma Yun, Liu Chuanzhi, Chu Shijian, etc. have contributed to the Chinese economy.On the contrary, when Sima Nan and other network big V launched a attack on Liu Chuanzhi, he won many people applauding.

The extremely important background reason is that the gap between the reform and opening up has caused the gap between the rich and the poor. The people have the psychology of hate.I will miss the prefabrication of the past.The old generation's longing for the former unbalanced society has affected the post -90s and post -00s. The younger generation's dissatisfaction with the gap between the rich and the poor and the ignorance of history make them together with the old generation.Mind) The psychological group in the book.

Under the atmosphere of Chinese public opinion to the owner of the private economy, the owner of the private economy understood that "we need us to be helpless choice and eliminate us as a lofty ideal", so the rich in China embarked on "Run Run"path of.The employment goal of young students in mainland China is civil servants and state -owned enterprises. The situation of public entrepreneurship and innovation has not appeared, and the motivation of the Chinese economy is gradually weakening.

Statistics is also a political decision

Fourth, ideology and security are higher than the development economy.The 20 major political reports of the mainland government highlight the security.Rough statistics, 89 times security, Marx mentioned 29 times, the market mentioned 18 times, and the struggle mentioned 22 times.The report pointed out: "We establish and adhere to the fundamental system of the guidance of Marxism in the ideological field. The new era of the party's innovation theory in the new era is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

Why emphasize ideology?The answer is: "If the people we cultivate do not believe in Marxism ... the tragedy of" the country's country will not be able to return to the first month of the first month "in the Eastern European drama changes, the CPSU collapse, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union!"

Sorting out the development of China's "political decision -making economy" is to emphasize that the governing philosophy of the Chinese ruling leader is consistent, that is, to safeguard the party's interests and maintain the mainland government's goal of leading China to communism.Different periods, the focus of the governance of each leader is different, but there is no essential difference.

Today, China's economic difficulties are a necessary cost of highlighting security and ideology. Any measure seeking to stimulate the economy cannot escape the palms of the Buddha.The Chinese economy must always accept political leadership. This is the reality of China and the most important perspective of observing the Chinese economy. The largest variable that the Chinese economy is always unchanged is politics.Analysis of the economy with economic variables is shallow, and it may be incorrect, because statistical data is also determined by politics.

The author is a commentator in Shanghai, China