Recently, several people ’s Action Party members and ministers have caused public opinion. As the Secretary -General of the DAP, Prime Minister Li Xianlong recently issued a statement in Congress to reiterate the position of the Action Party adheres to the anti -corruption and maintain public confidence.Chen Zhensheng, the Minister of Education, who was in charge of the public service, pointed out that to ensure the smooth operation of the existing system, it is inseparable from the three major keyes of good rules, good people and good systems.The treatment of politicians is relatively simple and simple, after all, everyone is equal in front of the law; but the mistakes from the moral ethics of politicians, because of the small social norms, the standards of standards, and the new consensus must be consolidated.

Because there are similar incidents in the largest party party party in the wild party, members also resigned, providing the Chinese with a rare opportunity to surpass the party's position to objectively and rationally discuss the moral requirements for the people of the followers.Law is only the bottom line of social morality. It is not wrong to do not commit a criminal behavior.However, morality is becoming more and more weak in traditional social specifications, and diverticism's criteria for morality are not easy to determine at the moment.Causes fierce opposition opinions.Because of this, society may be more necessary to make good use of this opportunity and think about how to cultivate a good political culture.

As the values that are generally accepted by modern society, Western liberalism emphasizes the choice of individual subjectivity and refuses to accept the traditional ideas and practices of unpredictable unpredictable.From a positive point of view, this will help people's personality liberation, get rid of some traditional bad habits of human nature, and make society more flexible and creative.From a negative sense, this also disintegrate the stability of traditional society based on common values, and people's desires can be freely stretched out with the loosening of social norms, and even have nothing to do.This further blurred the collective moral judgment standards of society and made people confused on some ethical issues.

For example, for example, an extramarital affair.Although people instinctively realized that this behavior was wrong, but because they were accustomed to respecting the value of individuals for a long time, they could not make a judgment of right and wrong.Although individual choices are worthy of respect, if they are extended to the subjectiveness of morality, they mistakenly believe that individuals can change their moral standards based on their desires, which will easily cause objective social moral standards to collect collectives.The greater danger of doing so is that when objective moral standards become blurred because of their desires, society often becomes a position and emotion when they must make judgments, and it is difficult to find consensus to convince each other.

The dismissal of the party and the opposition to the opposite party involved in extramarital affairs is not only the conservativeness of the local society, but also the moral intuition that reflects the instinct of the host.Although there is no directly pointing out of behavior errors in the discussion, it is only used by "inappropriateness". The society may wish to use this opportunity to reflect on why the omnipotent sentiment is not accepted.The reason or the understanding of marriage -although the phenomenon of divorce is already commonplace, it is even regarded by feminist as a symbol of social progress.The sacrifice that must be paid for a healthy growth environment.A society that is not considered in the next generation must have no future.

Another question is to adhere to the individual's personal ethics. Should I take higher standards?Politicians are also people. Does this mean dual standards?In a sense, the extramarital affairs of politicians should actually be a general standard for society.No matter how sincere the feelings of the third party, the extramarital affairs are the infidelity to the marriage partner who once vowed from one end.In another sense, because their judgment will affect more people in the society, it is not too much to use higher standards to request politicians.The logic of the university's "self -cultivation, Qi family, governing the country, and the world" believes that if politicians cannot control their desires and make family discord, they cannot expect them to govern the country.

Liberalism can become the universal value today, indicating that it is positive, especially the awareness and consideration of lack of human nature.People are not perfect, and politicians also face the temptation of life faced by ordinary people.As Chen Zhensheng pointed out, the open and transparent rules, the system of effective supervision, the non -clear public officials, are the guarantee of Qingming politics.The same key is that society must have a clear standard of moral judgment and tolerance for the mistakes of making mistakes.In this way, we can not go forward and retreat before the right or wrong, and can continue to move forward after correction.