Recently, two elections in Southeast Asia have shown different development and performance styles. Two of them are like two mirrors, erected on both ends of the political spectrum of Southeast Asia.Drip.

One of the elections occurred in Thailand. On May 15th, the results of the parliament of the parliament were released.After the victory of the People's Party led by Prime Minister Hun Sen, he announced that he would resign from the Prime Minister and recommend his eldest son, Hongma in the succession.Hongmanet is also the current deputy commander and commander of the Cambodian Royal Armed Forces.

Pan Tower and Hongma Nei are young talents, and they are also infinitely promising.The 42 -year -old pagoda has a bachelor's degree in financial science from Thailand, a master's degree in public policy from Harvard University, and a master's degree in business administration from MIT. After returning to ChinaI have received a chance to worship this year (although it was later obstructed by the military and failed).The 45 -year -old Hongma Ni -born Prime Minister's family graduated from the West Point Military Academy in the United States with excellent results and obtained a master's degree in economics from New York University. After returning to China, he became a senior leader of the minister.

It seems that both of them have been highly recognized by their respective domestic, and the birth of the two is by no means an accident.Sunak, Melonney in Italy, Zerrenki in Ukraine, maybe Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed Salman, North Korean Header Kim Jong -un, etc., all reached the pinnacle of political power around the age of 40 or even earlier, and evenUndertake the test of different political environments.

Under the shroud of the halo, the two mirrors show some of the same content behind different appearances.The difference is that the political experience of the two people is very different. The Tower has no experience in governing in Thailand. Whether it can have a qualified and excellent politician ability in the future needs to be proven.However, his achievements in the field of family business and political propaganda have proven himself, so he became a political candidate supported by the most voters.Hongma Nei is just the opposite. He has been trained for many years in Cambodia's politics. Under the blessing of his father, all his achievements have been magnified, and all low -key have gained strength, and gradually formed a political situation without opponents.

For the two, the common challenge in the future is that in order to become a successful politician, you must accept the test of reality and politics.Putta needs to gain a governing status and proves the ability in the process of governing, instead of only winning the election; Hongma Na will slowly prove that he can maintain the existing regime after leaving his father's care.

The two -sided mirror can also take out a very different political environment in the two countries, as well as many of the political topics and development history that need to be considered.In the second round of Parliament, Congta was eligible for candidates when the candidate for the Prime Minister was abandoned because the stake in a media group during the campaign violated the Thai Constitution.However, in fact, he did not get the support of the 250 military members of the House of Lords. In the face of a powerful military group, in Thailand with the tradition of military administration, even if he won more votes, he still seemed helpless and weak.Hongma Na has no such concerns. He is the leader of the army in itself. There is a powerful military background and the support of decades of political resource support behind it. At present, it seems that there can be a peak of power without risks.It is exactly the shaking and doubt of the people, so they are proud of no large -scale riots during the campaign.

From the perspective of political culture, the political participation of the Thai people has been fully mobilized, and the appearance of the pagoda has accelerated this process.The difficulty of difficulties can be regarded as the iconic event of the progress of political civilization.As he said, Thailand could no longer go back.

Correspondingly, although there are 18 political parties participating in the Cambodian election, the only candlelight party, which can slightly challenge the ruling people's party votes, has been excluded, and each party can only be in the 21 -day campaign promotion period.Hold four large -scale campaign propaganda parade activities.This situation is obviously set to maintain the existing power structure. It is one of the signs of political ecological rigidity and solidification, and there is no sign of significant changes or progress.

From the two mirrors of Putin and Hongma, they not only see the personal abilities and literacy of the two, but also the political ecology and trends of the two countries.In the summer of 2023, this is a very good window period that observes the development of civilization in the regional regional.

Fortunately, the mirror of the Thailand's Pagoda of the Thailand shows us the political literacy far beyond the region.After the prime minister failed in the first round of the Prime Minister, he admitted that he would recommend others to replace himself again.After being disqualified from the candidate of the Prime Minister, he left the venue, and asked his colleagues to take care of his voters with a smile.This kind of respect and soberness of power is probably the realm that most of the so -called politicians in the world have not yet achieved!

The author is a commentator in Yangzhou, China