On the evening of July 19, the Central Committee of the Mainland Government and the State Council issued an opinion on promoting the development of the private economy (hereinafter referred to as the opinions). From eight aspects, 31 specific measures were proposed. One of the core goals was to boost confidence in the development of the private economy.EssenceSubsequently, all walks of life across the country were full of policies and measures to develop private economy and private enterprises.This is undoubtedly a good thing. As for the effect, I personally think it is yet to be observed.

From the perspective of public opinion, the response in society is not as warm as expected.Except for Ma Huateng and others, other private enterprises have kept silent, including ordinary people, including some small and medium -oriented owners, have a relatively flat response. Unlike in the past, when there was a favorable policy of major reforms in the past, they cheeredEssenceChinese netizens who have always seen the wind are rain, this time has not set off a wave of emotional orgasm.Why is this so?

Objectively speaking, the current faith in China's private economy is not caused by a single factor, but a comprehensive factors.It has both the influence of China's economic transformation, but also related to the adjustment of private enterprises' own structural adjustment, and is also greatly impacted by international geopolitics.Under the well -known international economy and political situation, China's long -term export growth rate is likely to have difficulty changing the trend.

But the most fundamental reason for the poor economic confidence is the following aspects: First of all, in the background of the weakened economic, some places and departments are treated with it.Confidence in the private economy.In recent years, some places and departments have been eroding private enterprises one after another to restrict and restrict specific policy measures that are not conducive to the development of private entrepreneurs and are not conducive to the development of private economy.

The author has personally met a street in a certain city (one of the Chinese administrative divisions, the administrative status is the same as the town and township, which belongs to the township administrative district).Make landscape transformation.The most important part of the landscape transformation is to demolish the shops along the line. The reason given by the street office is "the low -end form of these industries."These business subjects have neither illegal nor crimes, just because the administrative department replaces the market and identified it as "low -end industries", they have to end their business.As for how much funds and energy they invested in this business, and how they live in their lives, the corresponding competent authority does not need to consider it.This typical typical typical example is that a paper administrative order in previous years has made the teaching and training industry completely shuffled.

Secondly, insufficient protection of private economic rights and personal rights of private enterprises.

It is undeniable, "No matter whether white cats and black cats, the mouse is a good cat", it is bound to the reform and opening up of China's reform and opening up to break through the traditional rigid ideological concepts, bring profound impact, and make the ideas of reform and opening up wider.New ideas, new concepts, and innovation are constantly emerging.However, this guiding ideology inevitably has some negative effects.

Under the influence of this set of guidance ideas, the Chinese nationals gradually form a value of "no means, as long as the goal is achieved".Under the guidance of this value, many Chinese private enterprises do have a certain degree of original sin in the original accumulation of capital.In fact, this has also become a sword of Damoris hanging on a large number of private companies.

The far away is Gu Chu's military case, Chongqing sweeping black waves and a large number of private entrepreneur cases, and nearly the Lan Shili case and Sun Dawu case.Of course, these are relatively famous. Many small and medium -sized enterprises have become defendants for various reasons. Entrepreneurs have become defendants, business owners are detained, enterprises are unmanned, accounts are frozen, and normal capital operations are blocked.Closed and employees were unemployed.The so -called rabbit dead fox sadness, the emergence of such things has brought obvious strikes to entrepreneurs and private entrepreneurs, and play a negative role in their forgiving spirit.

Extreme left thought tide is easy to return

Once again, public opinion in China has shifted in recent years.In a deep -rooted social environment such as China, many extremely left trends are very easy to return. In recent years, this trend has been very obvious.Some so -called online V, scholars and official media have set off waves of the noise of the private economy, private enterprises, and private entrepreneurs.They either try to derogate or even deny the great contributions of the private economy in reform and opening up, economic development; or that China's private economy has completed its historical mission and should retreat to the historical stage.

Under the common role of the above major factors, many people in the society think that the wind direction of China is going to change, the policy is going to change, and the situation is going to change.

The practice of more than 40 years of reform and opening up has proved that China's private economy, private enterprises, and private entrepreneurs have stubborn vitality. They are not afraid of difficulties, but they are afraid of the government's policy discomfort.To the basic guarantee.I am afraid of "night pot", and when the country needs it, I will be held and holding, and I abandon the performance when it is not needed.They are more afraid that domestic public opinion will change, and the direction of the country will change ... These concerns have undoubtedly increased the anxiety of enterprises and erode the foundation of the confidence accumulation of reform and opening up.As a result, the private entrepreneurs can run the road, the negative response that cannot be run, and some simply lie flat.

In short, the current faith in Chinese private enterprises is fundamental, as far as its essence is concerned, it is simply a Chinese -style crisis!

The author is a Chinese economist and a financial columnist