Saudi Arabia will hold a peaceful conference on Ukraine recently. It is expected to participate in about 30 countries, including India, Brazil, Indonesia, and Egypt, as well as Western countries such as the United States and Europe.According to reports, Kiev officials confirmed that the Saudi Arabia will arrange such a meeting for Ukraine. Ukraine and the Western government hope to establish a consensus from it, and later held a further peaceful summit by the international community to achieve the principle of resolving the Ukrainian war. At the same time, the future establishs the futureSolving mechanism for international armed conflicts.At the same time, some peace plans seeking to stop war are also carried out, including Russian President Putin and some African countries leaders who have just held in St. Petersburg. China and the Vatican are also handling their respective plans.

As Ukraine's counterattack is lagging behind, more and more analysts believe that the Russian and Ukraine War is likely to be unable to end this year.However, Ukraine's determination to expel the Russian army's exit unchanged, and Putin regime seems to have no intention of abandoning the land occupied. As Ukraine obtained more sophisticated and more lethality, such as a bundle bomb, the counterattack offensive entered the Russian country.With equipment and strengthening connections with North Korea and China, coupled with Wagner's mercenaries from Russia to Berlos to gather, making Poland and other neighboring countries increase the alert. These factors are overwhelming that they can't help but worry about the situation.

The probability of

war for a long time, the probability of warfare further increase and expansion has also increased, and the unknown international turmoil risks have increased.At the Russian -African summit, the African Union's rotating chairman Azumani made a close speech that Russia promised to provide Africa with food, but it was still not enough.Putin also expressed his intention to stop fire, but Russia's position is to accept "new reality" in Ukraine, that is, abandoning the territory occupied by Russia.This is certainly not accepted by Ukraine, nor does it meet international justice.

Ukraine supports the Saudi meeting, hoping to reach international consensus under the conditions such as restoring territory and the withdrawal of Russian forces, and strive to take a big step for the end of the war.As Russia, as an aggressive country, the losses themselves are also very heavy. It is estimated that the Russian war deceased is between tens of thousands and more than 100,000, and there are countless arms. In addition to the loss of soldiers, Ukraine has been disabled.Both sides were injured by hundreds of thousands.Continue to fight, each other will face greater and endless loss, and the timing of the country's recovery will also be more far away.

Therefore, Russia should admit that they have launched an invasion error, and they should stop in time. They should not expect to continue to occupy Ukrainian territory before they are willing.The delay of war is helpless to the two countries and the entire world, especially the interruption of the grain supply chain in developing countries, and the rise in food prices caused by it, and the impact of international prices is a factor that both parties must consider carefully.

The tragic

The Russian and Ukraine War shows that in the 21st century, today, the practice of threatening neighboring countries by major powers by force is not only brutal and backward, but also completely insufficient. The determined willpower of the small country to guard the sovereignty and territorial integrity is often underestimated.In fact, after the end of World War II, in the local war involving the great country to the small country, there were not many cases of easily winning in the United States or the Soviet Union.After the 70 -year -old Korean war, the United States has completely dominated the advanced nature of weapons, but the Chinese sea tactics that encounter the cost of life at the expense of life, the two sides have not taken advantage of each other for three years, which is an example.The Vietnam War was a nightmare in American history. Although it invested more than 650,000 troops before and after, it was ended.The subsequent Afghanistan war led to the wolf's departure of the United States and the Soviet Union, not only did not achieve the strategic purpose, but also sacrificed countless children.

The big country has started war against small countries. Unless it is the teacher of justice, such as obtaining the consent and endorsement of the United Nations, it is difficult to occupy a moral highland.As for strong occupation of other countries, unless they are willing to yield like some Soviet Union who joined the Republic of the Soviet Union, they are unwilling to encounter Ukraine, and it is difficult to result in occupation.In an attempt to eat shrimp, it is likely to eat poisonous shrimp. In the end, it loses its own regime. It may also lose to the National Games. The fall of the Soviet Union is the lesson of the front car.

Therefore, the Russians should stand up and retire quickly to end this unrighteous war, can they save the image of the country, or they can find new governance and development for themselves.