Source: Rule of Law Daily

The luxury cars rented by driving are rubbed on the highway; squatting near the restaurant, squatting spots, specially found the vehicles that are suspected of drunk driving to rub ... The scammers' touching porcelain routines are constantly renovated, so that some old driversIt is also difficult to distinguish between authenticity and heavy losses.Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province handled such a case. The defendant involved in the case was in this way, and the fraud was more than 100,000 yuan.

In September 2022, Mr. Xu drove a small passenger car from Anhui Tianchang to Shanghai, driving to the Shanghai -Rong Expressway, and suddenly heard a slight noise when he changed the road.Because Mr. Xu did not care because of normal driving.It didn't take long for a silver Mercedes -Benz car to come from the rear and drove side by side with Mr. Xu. The Mercedes -Benz driver shook off the window to show that Mr. Xu stopped and approached several times.

Subsequently, the three men in the Mercedes -Benz car negotiated with Mr. Xu, saying that the vehicle's rearview mirror was destroyed by Mr. Xu.Mr. Xu took a closer look and found that there were really traces of rubbing on his body.Seeing that the other person was crowded, Mr. Xu agreed to privately spending money to eliminate the disaster.When he returned home, Mr. Xu thought about it, and he published the "private" video and WeChat transfer records of the mobile phone to the network short video platform.

Who knows that some netizens have a private letter Mr. Xu, saying that he encountered a similar accident on the same high -speed section, it seemed to have re -engraved Mr. Xu's experience.After communicating, the two found that the vehicle and driver they encountered were the same group, and they called the police.After investigation by the public security organs, members of criminal gangs such as Li were arrested. In February 2023, the case was transferred to the Huishan District Procuratorate for review and prosecution.

After investigation, since August 2022, the defendants Li, Zhang Moujia, He Mou, and Wang Mou combined to drive Mercedes -Benz and BMW cars to damage the car's reflector in advance and replace them with fake licenses.On the Shanghai -Nanjing and Shanghai -Rong high -speed roads, they were looking for target vehicles, and used preparation of slingshot, olives and other items to hit target vehicles. The body's abnormal rhythm heard by the victim, Mr. Xu, came from this.After Li and others stopped the target vehicle, while the victim was not noticed, the target vehicle was worn with sandpaper, causing the illusion to make the other party compensate.The above four defendants have committed nearly 40 consecutive crimes and illegally made more than 60,000 yuan.

"In fact, the victims encountered a typical highway touched porcelain scams." Wang Dong, director of the First Procuratorate of the Huishan District Procuratorate and the first -level prosecutor, said that the case of the case was clearCome; members flow around, and frequent crimes.At the same time, on the highway, the vehicle was hit by a slingshot and olives, and the overtaking stopped, which easily caused the driver to be distracted, causing risks to public safety.

During the investigation of the case, the procuratorate discovered the new criminal facts of the gang.Li and other four people believed that they only rely on high -speed fraud, and they paid too little a few hundred thousand yuan each time, and they attracted Zhang Mouyi to join the group to find a drunk driving vehicle near the restaurant to "touch porcelain".

On June 11, the prosecutor of the Procuratorate of Huishan District filed a public prosecution. The defendant Li and other five people were sentenced to three years to one year in prison for fraud and extortion.wait.

"There are various ways to touch porcelain in vehicles, but there are many things in common." Ao Yu, a prosecutor of Huishan District Procuratorate, who had handled the "upgraded version" drunk drunk porcelain case, introduced that the "most obvious feature of such crimes is the" most obvious feature is that it isThe other party will take the initiative to privately refuse to call the police for various reasons, and do not deal with normal procedures. "He reminded the driver that he must strictly abide by traffic regulations.Don't be afraid of any scams if you are strong.