The intensified game between China and the United States, the internationalization of Taiwan issues, and the penetration of China in the regional countries, in recent years, have become issues that Western media and think tanks have followed.

Australian Institute of Think Tank Roy's Institute of International Policy issued a survey in April saying that the influence of the United States in Asia in the past five years has lost China.In the 10 Asian safe countries, the United States has a greater influence in the Philippines and Singapore than China.

Radio Free Asia launched a topic at the end of June to explore the relationship between the way of receiving news and information in Chinese and New Zealand Chinese in Malaysia and New Zealand.It is said that Chinese who have received news from China to receive WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin, political identity is obviously different from the Chinese who watch news from other channels.

Two cases interviewed by Liberty Asia, Xiaoling, the second -generation Malaysian Chinese, 65 -year -old, and 62 -year -old Qiu Ping (both pseudonym) are convinced of Beijing's official narrative.Consistent.The most amazing thing is that they hope that Malaysia can be led by Xi Jinping.It can be seen that the interviewees were summoned by the "Chinese Dream of the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation" and did not change their nationality.

The proportion of the Malaysian Chinese population has declined after the new hostel.The shadow of the "May 13th" racial conflict, coupled with indigenous policy policies, has made the Chinese be deprived, which led to some older Malaysian Chinese people to have their identity.But it is because of the majority of Malaysians. Even if there are many Chinese people who have confused national identity due to internal and external factors, it is not enough to shake the foundation of Malaysia.

Singapore is the opposite.Xiaohong Dot is the most Chinese population outside the Greater China.Because of this, how China has given on the influence in the newly added China News Agency, it has attracted attention.

The Pew Research Center in the United States issued a report in 2021 stating that in most surveyed advanced economies, Singapore is the only positive impression on China.The report in Petoya 2022 is another that Singapore and Malaysia are among the 19 countries in 19 countries, and only two of Southeast Asian countries that have a good opinion of China.The 2023 Report was announced this week that the new horse was not the target of the investigation.

As China and the United States move towards the New Cold War, the competition of different thought camps in this area will only become hotter.How to define themselves in Singapore Chinese and naturalized new immigrants, and how to "brainwash" tug of war with different camps with external camps to clarify the identity of "who am I".It is not to deal with the survey of Western think tanks or care about how Western media think of the Singapore Chinese Society, but because of the multi -social shaping of common national identity, it is the key stability of the country when facing huge external force.

Independent accidental characteristics brought challenges to the establishment of national identity in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.After the country's development and increasingly internationalization, people in the four seas of seas flowed in and directly impacted national identity.But good or bad always two sides, open a little sense, every impact in life is a chance to clarify identity.When I work outside work, I deepen my identity by communicating with the local people.

Most impressive is that when Singapore armored vehicles were deducted in Hong Kong, I was on a business trip in Dongshan, Fujian.After the interview, the chartered car went straight to the station. The driving master went straight into a single knife: "You are also Chinese in Singapore, why do you do with us?"

That is a hard -working but interesting dialogue.Explain to the master that although I have grown up with him, "Singapore Chinese" is different from "Chinese who grew up in China", and Singapore is a sovereign independent country, nor is it a single Chinese society.Consider.Just understand the understanding of "Chinese", "Singaporean" and "Singaporean Chinese", and say less for 20 minutes.I told the master that we can be regarded as the fellow, and my ancestral home is Dongshan.

In the end, no one we persuaded, but the atmosphere of conversation was friendly.The master's discussion revolves around the same point, and the same article must stand on the same line.I insist that the common values surpass everything, and ask if the same text is the same as the same person, how can there be so many endless controversy on the other side of Taiwan?

Watching sports competitions, especially group competitions, supporting which team is also a kind of reflection and test of "who am I".

When I was in elementary school, Gu Guangming's Chinese national football team came to Singapore to play. The parents' words in the family revealed their support for the Chinese team.The complex mentality behind the "pro -Chinese" emotions of the old Chinese school can understand that I can understand it, but the instant scene became an eternal memory, and it has also become one of the indicators for my loyalty to observe the audience's national loyalty.If the Singapore football team has the opportunity to play against the Chinese team, I am curious about what will the two old and new immigrants in the family react.

No matter what the answer is, the characteristics of the diversified and open society are doomed to unremittingly consensively consensus and unity in Singapore.Several generations of Singaporeans may not have a common past, but at least they live in common present, and they also hope to be better common futures.