In the NATO Summit held in Lithuania's capital Vernis, Secretary -General Stoltenberg announced the historic significance of the summit before the meeting.The theme of this year's summit responds to the key theory of international relations and highlights the important role of alliances and geopolitical factors in shaping the national foreign policy.However, the actual results may fail to meet the original expectations.

In 1949, the goal of NATO was to respond to the expansion of the Soviet Union to Europe after World War II.The United States, the founding member of the founding member who is looking forward to ensuring that they will rescue them from the threat of Nazi Germany, will never completely evacuate the Atlantic Ocean.Now, NATO has expanded to 31 member states. They take mutual aid commitments as a bond. If a country is attacked, other countries will provide assistance.However, people have doubts about NATO's ability to suppress the increasingly aggressive Russia. At present, only seven member states have reached the goal of 2%of the total domestic production value stipulated by NATO.

In the Russian and Ukraine War, NATO played a certain role, which prevented Russia from attacking Ukraine to a certain extent.The British Army Commander said that the Russian army almost lost half of the combat effectiveness.Last year, Russia launched 10 million artillery shells, but it could only produce up to 1 million pieces each year.Russia also lost 2,500 tanks on the battlefield of Russia, and it can only produce up to 200 vehicles each year.This highlights the great weakening of Russia in military strength.

However, it is necessary to note that although NATO played an important role in the Russia and Ukraine War, it did not fire any artillery, bullets or missiles in its name, and none of NATO soldiers sacrificed on the battlefield of Russia.Instead, NATO only provides assistance to weapons, equipment and funds, and strategically gives a lot of guidance and support to Ukraine.These strategic investment allowed Ukraine to effectively resist Russia's aggression.Although Ukraine's military strength is far less than Russia, with the help of NATO, it has successfully resisted further offensive and caused Russia to fall in a passive defensive situation in military, diplomacy, and politics.

The main goal of Russian President Putin's military operations on Ukraine is to prevent NATO from expanding along the Russian border.However, in April of this year, NATO accepted Finland, which has a 1340 -kilometer border with Russia, which shows that the defense alliance formed after the Cold War has not changed, and their determination to prevent Russia from attacking.In addition, Switzerland and Austria may also join the German anti -Russian air defense alliance.

Nevertheless, the internal problems in NATO still exist, and faction disputes are a significant feature.Recently, the British Defense Minister Wallace acknowledged his failure to run for NATO Secretary -General in an interview with economists.Although he has a strong qualifications and has played an important role in Ukraine after Russia's invasion, the election process seems to be biased towards a compromise candidate with the least offense of related countries.Wallace hinted that he was facing opposition from the United States and France. The next secretary -general would have to please French President Macron and US President Biden at the same time.This reflects the complex internal political struggle during the NATO Secretary -General's election.

Although Stoltenberg showed a firm determination to the outside world, it promised that Turkey would no longer obstruct the Sweden to enter the NATO, but the reality is far more complicated and distorted than his promise.Although Sweden has obtained the consent of Turkey and can join NATO, the official additional time is delayed to the summer break in the Turkish parliament.The United States is also preparing to sell the F-16 fighter from Turkey and support Turkey to join the European Union in exchange for its support for joining NATO in Sweden.This further emphasizes Robert Pitonan's "double -layer game" theory, that is, domestic and international determination of national diplomatic politics.Through this summit, NATO regarded the Russian and Ukraine War as an agent war, reiterating its important position in the current international environment, and highlighting the key role of international relations theory and geopolitics in shaping the national foreign policy.

In general, even in the face of internal differences, NATO still plays a key role in the global security governance pattern.Although there are differences in some issues, such as Ukraine's joining NATO, there are differences between member states, but it does not affect the common interests of NATO to maintain member states and fight with the power of threatening these interests.The Russia -Ukraine War proved that NATO's key role in responding to global security challenges.For observer, this may be a pessimistic view, but for NATO, it laid a solid foundation in a complex international environment, which may be a hidden optimism prospect.

The author is Malaysian data engineer, former media person