The new Chinese strategic white paper recently announced by the German government, using Go as a cover on behalf of China. It seems that it means to play chess with China. What chess is this?

The German comprehensive China strategy mentioned that it is necessary to maintain cooperation with China and define China as an institutional opponent, which is very similar to the United States' policy against China this year.The white paper actually has a major modification before and after, and it is necessary to modify every time that the relationship between China and Germany have occurred.The documents have been formulated since the end of 2021, but because the Green Party and the Social Democratic Party in the ruling alliance have a large conflict in specific words and policies, the two sides have been deadlocked and announced until these two days.The pragmatic faction of relationships, and the fierce conflict and fragile balance of new left factions that pay more attention to the concepts of freedom and democracy and radical environmental protection.

There were three versions published by the media before, two of which were concentrated before the German Chancellor Tsutz visited China last year and before the Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang's visit to Germany this year.Now there are two relatively large differences between this strategic report and the part of the media before. One is to soften sharply in terms of wording. For example, the issue of Xinjiang has changed from "condemnation" to "Respect for Human Right".One is the comprehensive deletion of China. For example, the Green Party has always wanted to join the "pressure test" of German companies' dependence on China. Now it is given the initiative such as the so -called "de -risk" to the enterprise instead of the government instead of the government, not the governmentEssence

In general, the pragmatic faction has occupied the upper hand.

Interestingly, the cover of this report is a photo of Go, and I also introduced Go to Go: Chinese Strategic Game Go is one of the oldest chessboard games in the world.White chess pieces are placed on the grid, and there are 10,170 possible ways to place the chess pieces on the chessboard.Unlike international chess, the purpose of Go is not to die, but to gain a favorable position and defend the so -called "qi".Here, the "Liberties", which represents both the "qi" meaning in the Go, is also a double -barrier of "freedom". It seems to be to combine both Chinese traditions and explain the purpose of this report, that is, defending Germany's "free democracy"Value.

One deeper layer, you may also want to express the so -called "de -risk" strategy in Europe and the United States. The same is the same as Go. It is not to "death" by the other party, but to leave one hand.

In fact, this report is very similar to the economic security strategy released by the European Union in June, and many contents are similar.In addition to the policy description, the EU's economic security strategy also gives countermeasures, including but not limited to reviewing foreign investment, reviewing foreign investment, and "to China" with private enterprises and let them form a collective security strategy, greatly increase security censorshipetc.

It is expected that in the future, European review and restrictions on China will only become more and more and more stringent, and Germany will probably continue to increase.The author once published a text of Go and the Cold War in the Cold War on January 5th on January 5th. In 2009, US President Barack Obama visited China for the first time and presented 361 chess pieces to Chinese leaders.EssenceIn the context of the fierce competition behind the Chinese and beautiful scenes, gifts can convey relevant information in a silent way, and can "concrete" very abstract diplomatic strategies.profound.The Germans today also seem to have some experience.

It's just that this game of chess is not good. For German companies that still highly depend on the Chinese economy, where they can "de -risk", what can be replaced by China, the world's largest consumer market, and in the world, as well asWhat about the fascinators who are in the field of low -carbon environmental protection and green energy and Europe are the most firmly standing together?If it is neither a player nor accepting the symbiotic concept in Go, China -Europe will likely not have strategic consensus, and China -Europe relations will eventually be attached to Sino -US relations.

The author is the Deputy Dean of Chengdu Shitong Research Institute