From the current situation of Russia, especially the red field parade on May 9th, not only morale, but also Russia's internationally isolated situation; the comparison of Kuroka is high in Ukraine's nation.All occupied territories.Ukraine's counterattack has begun, I believe it will be destroyed.

For more than a year since the Kai -war of Russia, I have been afraid that China has been dragged into the quagmire by Russia into the quagmire and endangers China's own development.What is relieved is that China has maintained a strategic settlement. Although facing Russia's extremely attractive position, it has always held a neutral position of persuasion and talk, calling on all parties to achieve political solutions through dialogue and find the way for long -term stability.

But with the development of the current situation, the trend of war, especially from the perspective of national interests, the author believes that China, as a pivotal geopolitical country, should further adjust its position to Russia and Ukraine, and clearly states that it is decisively standing in history.The winner.Just like Stalin in 1949, the famous saying said what Mao Zedong, who visited the Soviet Union: "The winner is not trial (judge), and cannot condemn the winner. This is general axiom." Supporting Ukraine will not only greatly improve China's international imageTo enhance the status of a large country internationally, it will also laid a solid foundation in the post -war Ukraine reconstruction work and the comprehensive improvement of the relationship with the European Union.

First, this move is about China's future national movement.In the past 20 years, the international political decision related to the Chinese National Games, one is the September 11 incident that fundamentally changed the US security environment in 2001, and the other is the Ukrainian war that fundamentally changed the European security order.It is precisely because of China's decisive decision on anti -terrorism issues that year that not only immediately reversed the long -lasting Chinese policy of the United States Republicans, but also made China successfully join the WTO on December 11 of that year, and laid a solid status for today's economic power.Base.

Although China has always been neutral this time, from the actual effect of more than a year, whether it is the entire Western camp behind Ukraine and the entire Western camp behindEssenceTo this day, the war situation has no suspense and Ukraine's victory is just around the corner. It is not the best strategy to continue to "abide by neutrality". It should be further cut with Russia as soon as possible.As the so -called "one time, this time", there is no trivial matter of national interests, no matter what considerations are, they should be focused on state affairs.On May 9th, the neutral statement of Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang attracted the attack of German Foreign Minister Berbak: "Neutral means standing on the side of the invaders. This is why our guiding principle clearly shows that we are standing on the side of the victim."

Therefore, instead of all parties, it is better to stand at the end of the war and decisively stand on the Ukrainian side that is about to win.In the cooperation country, to avoid being dragged into the quagmire in Germany, which had been dragged into the quagmire, it was a valuable national interest for the poverty and weak China at that time.

China must raise the situation in Ukraine to the height of the entire European security order in order to understand the "special military operations" opened by Russia, which exceeds the impact of almost all geopolitical conflicts since World War II, so that the entire EuropeIt is shrouded in a strong sense of uncertainty and sense of crisis.Therefore, China at this time will definitely become the cornerstone of the relationship with Europe and the entire Western relations in the next 30 years.

Second, this move can surpass the limitations of the Sino -US game, and highly consistent with the spirit of the human destiny community proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping many times, so that China will re -stand to maintain the commanding heights of world peace and justice.Take a step back, just to start the war of war on another United Nations member states alone, and openly violates all the basic principles of the United Nations Charter and all the basic principles of modern international law, and it has also been incompatible with the five principles of peace in peace with China.

Qin Gang emphasized when he met with German Chancellor, Tsolz, that the international order after the war must be maintained, and international fairness and justice must be stretched.Challenge international axioms and order, and move against historical trends, destined to be a must.This is not only to warn the United States not to provoke on the Taiwan Strait issue, but also to affirm the basic position of the UN Charter again.

Third, you can see that the West has no intention to see the old West represented by Europe as the enemy of the West, because it does not conform to the national interests of China.This is also the signal that Qin Gang's visit to Europe in May, but it is clear that Europe also expects China to make a more clear expression and action to support Ukraine.Only in this way can China comprehensively improve relations with the European Union and laid a solid foundation.In particular, the European Union has an irreplaceable balance in a balance between China and the United States, which can be felt from the visiting leaders of Germany and France, and Qin Gang's visit to Europe.China can rely on the EU to weaken the impact of Sino -US confrontation and reserve foreshadowing for the improvement of Sino -US relations in the future.After all, Sino -US relations still have to look forward, and must surpass the current confrontation and cooperate in competition.

Fourth, it can quickly adjust the discordant factors such as the split and polarization opposition of the Chinese folk on the Russia and Ukraine War.Since the start of the Russian and Ukraine, the Chinese people have differentiated into the media in this issue into a very Wuhe Russian parties.Therefore, this meeting will greatly reconcile the contradiction.As the so -called time, the place of place is not as good as that of others, only the family and everything are Fangxing.

Fifth, it can lay a solid foundation for China's reconstruction in Ukraine.At present, the capital gap required for the construction of Ukraine infrastructure has reached trillions of dollars, and this task cannot be taken independently by any country.Shuerz claims: "The rebuilding Ukraine will be a human mission comparable to the 'Marshall Plan'." The European Union promised to provide Kiev with macro fiscal assistance to Kiev in 2023.The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs have also mobilized about 700 French companies to participate in Ukraine reconstruction.French President Macron even said, "Mobilizing enterprises to participate in Ukraine's reconstruction is vital to my opinion." He called on enterprises to propose "solutions to help Ukraine's economic recovery" "instead of waiting for the end of the war."

All this means that the post -war reconstruction has officially on the agenda.Therefore, China must formulate a plan to participate in the reconstruction as soon as possible, and actively coordinate with the international community to avoid their respective politics, so as to obtain the maximum support and understanding as much as possible.This is an excellent opportunity that China, which is a world infrastructure, is also a country that advocates the country, and should not be missed.Especially in terms of energy and infrastructure construction, China has the advantages that other developed countries do not have.So the earlier participation, the more the right to speak, not to mention that this may be the last window period for China to intervene.

Sixth, you can better strive for the Geophytic political influence after the Ukrainian war, which is also in line with China's national interests.You must know that Ukraine has irreplaceable influence in the three Baltic countries, as well as Poland, Czech Republic and other countries, especially after successfully defeating Russia.

Based on this, China should further clarify the understanding and support Ukraine to restore the complete justice of territorial sovereignty, and the heads of state of the two countries should arrange meetings as soon as possible.At the same time, China should continue to vigorously assist Ukraine, not only providing humanitarian assistance and necessary technical support, but also to maintain synchronization with the EU on the Ukrainian issue to comprehensively improve the obstacles to Sino -European relations.This is also fully consistent with the expectations of France that China can play a role in Ukraine.

In the end, China should also be actively prepared for the upcoming Putin era as soon as possible to avoid the problem of vacuum vacuum after Putin appears. At the same time, alert to a politician who is not friendly to China will take advantage of it.

(The author is a professor at the University of China and a researcher at the Ash Democratic Governance and Innovation Center of Kennedy College of Harvard University)