Source: Xinjing News

Author: Xiong Bingqi

The Chinese college entrance examination has just passed, the topic#Mom takes the college entrance examination to end her daughter's cosmetic surgery to improve self -confidence#to cause heated discussion among netizens.

According to the Urban Express · Orange Persimmon Interactive report, on June 21, the mother of Tieling, Liaoning, took the daughter of the college entrance examination to cosmetic surgery.The child's mother Ms. Feng introduced that her daughter especially liked to play games when she got in high school. She and her child's father considered it because her daughter was not good -looking and unconfident.In order to prevent her from playing games, she has more social worlds and wants her to make her more beautiful, she communicates with her daughter. When she is very recognized, she takes her nose and chin.Now that relatives come to the house, I see my daughter's exaggeration.

"School Flowers", students are not news after the college entrance examination.But today's students' "cosmetic heat" has also changed. In the past, students wanted to cosmetic surgery. Parents did not particularly support, but now their parents have initiated the situation that they have proposed to make cosmetic surgery.This will undoubtedly help students to heat up further heat, and even "cosmetic surgery comparisons" will exacerbate students' "appearance anxiety".

Although high school graduates are already adults, cosmetic surgery is still a decision to be a family, but this "cosmetic wind" should not be long.Parents make their children more confident and cannot be realized through plastic surgery, but they should cultivate their children's independence, responsibility, and self -confidence.By cosmetic surgery, the child's self -confidence is obviously crooked. This will not only mislead the child to focus on the appearance and body, but also develop cosmetic dependence and constantly go to cosmetic surgery.

After the college entrance examination, the student plastic surgery is formed by many factors.The advertisements of cosmetic agencies are pervasive and incompatible, which instills students' "decisiveness" on the development of social, career and career development, and deliberately sells their appearance anxiety.And some short video bloggers shared the experience of cosmetic surgery. It seems to be the self -distribution of individuals, and there is actually a shadow of cosmetic institutions behind it.This has also led to a significant aging trend in appearance anxiety.

Not long ago, a survey conducted by a class 2020 student edited and published by the School of Literature of South China Normal University showed that 69.7%of college students had appearance anxiety, of which girls accounted for the highest proportion.Most boys and girls have a medium recognition of their own appearance, but boys accounted for more than girls who are not satisfied with their appearance than girls.Therefore, both men and girls can be obviously affected by appearance anxiety.

There are general methods of praising children with cleverness and pretty in Chinese society, but smart and beautiful are congenital factors, not the result of the hard work of the day after tomorrow.In fact, excessive attention to appearance will also affect children's views and success views.Some students believe that the success of students is because they look good, rather than trying to work hard.

Therefore, it is no problem to make your appearance look better by plastic surgery, but it cannot overestimate its role in the development of life, occupation and career.In particular, parents should not compare their appearance when educating their children, but pay attention to cultivate children's confident and optimistic attitude towards life.

Back to the cosmetic cosmetic incident that caused social controversy, her daughter liked to play games after the college entrance examination. The parents analyzed that "not good -looking, unconfident", at most it is only one reason; more important reason isLack of planning after the college entrance examination, and nothing to find interest.

In fact, this is also the common problem of many college entrance examinations.After the college entrance examination, the students who "suddenly idle" became a little confused. I don't know what they should do, so students "revenge" to play games, and even indulge in the game.

It is certain that the fundamental problem is not solved. Even after the plastic surgery becomes better, the children will still play games.At this time, parents are particularly unable to take a crooked road. Instead, they should guide their children to make their own summer vacation arrangements, plan the college entrance examination and college, and make their children confident in their future roads.