Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Society

With US Secretary of State Brosky's visit to the middle and talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping a few days ago, the tension between the United States and China has turned around, and Taiwan should also respond carefully.In fact, since the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland launched a survey of Taiwan trade barriers on April 12, this newspaper reminded a series of editorials: Taiwan's top priority is under the premise of objectively understanding the influence of the mainland economy on me.The economic and trade strategy of the main body can establish a healthy and equivalent cross -strait economic and trade relations.In particular, the mainland has proposed the "overall strategy of Taiwan". If Taiwan cannot propose the corresponding "overall strategy of the land", it will gradually fall into the dilemma of the left branch and right.

In recent years, the reason why Taiwan has faced with the mainland's measures and loses the evidence is its main and objective factors.In terms of objective, it is mainly because the power of cross -strait strength under the rise of the mainland's economy is not recognized; on the subjective aspect, the core meaning of the mainland's overall strategy of Taiwan is not understood, so that the mainland policy has been misused.

From the perspective of data, there is no need to repeat the rapid rise of the mainland economy, and its total GDP has exceeded 18 % of the global economy, second only to the United States.In contrast, the proportion of Taiwan's economic aggregate in the mainland was reduced from 43.8 % in 1990 to 4.2 % in 2022.Although the land area, population and other conditions on both sides of the strait are huge, and they cannot be completely analogized, as the mainland joins the WTO (WTO) in 2000, the rising coastal economy provinces have accelerated, and the total economic volume has surpassed Taiwan.Compared with the city, the rankings are behind year -end. In 2022, it has been surpassed by Fujian and fell to the ninth.In addition, foreign direct investment in the number of households in 2022. Although Taiwanese companies still rank among the top 15 in the mainland investment sources, they account for less than 1 % if they are calculated.

In other words, objectively speaking, since the establishment of the government in the mainland government, it has never changed its political intention to Taiwan; the only difference is that with the strong national strength of the mainland, the political value of Taiwan to the mainland has gradually higher than the economic value.Essence

On the other hand, since the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Mainland Government in 2021 proposed the so -called "overall strategy of Taiwan", it revealed the design and overall strategy of the top layer of the platform.Although the "overall strategy of Taiwan" is mostly a principled and political discussion, judging from the official documents of the mainland government, the mainland's "overall strategy of Taiwan" does not take off the following connotations: the unity of the two sides of the strait is the key to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;2. The solution of the Taiwan issue must be based on the development and progress of the mainland; 3. Third, cross -strait should promote integration and development through exchanges, and ultimately achieve the spiritual fit.Therefore, based on the "overall strategy", it can be confirmed that for the mainland governments, the unified goal of cross -strait tasks that have been launched as sacred historical tasks can definitely not be able to give up;To fight for the people's hearts of Taiwan is still the main axis of the mainland's policy on Taiwan.

Under the guidance of the "overall strategy", the mainland has set up four major fronts including Taiwan's policies to promote unification, anti -independence, promotion, and anti -intervention.In practice, these four major fronts are not promoted alone, but are rubbed in various fields.Basically, promotion is the ultimate goal. Anti -independence is the basic principle. The promotion is the main means at the stage of cash.Therefore, it can be observed that in recent years, the mainland has used the revival of the Chinese nation as a call in recent years, hoping to build more recognition on both sides of the strait; it has also proposed a variety of so -called "platform measures" to develop the development of Taiwanese enterprises and talents to invest in Mainland.At the same time, it is constantly being normalized through military exercises and stealth of the strait midline, so that Taiwan is unwilling to independence in order to avoid war. It also uses economic and trade sanctions as a means to prevent Western countries involved in the Taiwan Strait affairs.

Under the premise that "time and potential" is on the mainland, so under the premise of "firmly grasping the dominance and initiative of cross -strait relations", the mainland basically adopts a soft, softer, harder and harder strategy for Taiwan.EssenceHowever, because Taiwan cannot rationally analyze the interests of Taiwan's policy under Taiwan's policy, even if the mainland has proposed a favorable policy such as ECFA, Taiwan can only reprimand the conspiracy or united front of the mainland government when it is weak to resist.Facing the economic and trade sanctions of the land, such as the survey of the embargo or trade barriers of agricultural and fishery products, Taiwan is even more unable to propose a specific strategy to solve the problem. It can only jump acupuncture condemnation, or resort to the nationalism of righteousness and regiments.In other words, regardless of the use of benefits or pressure on the mainland, Taiwan can only adopt a passive defensive strategy, and it cannot show the subjective motion of the subject.

Taiwan must understand: With the intensification of the US -China technology confrontation, the focus of the mainland's strategic focus on Taiwan has shifted to strengthening the links of cross -strait economic and industries; and based on the law of comparative interests, the mainland also hopes that Taiwan can be in the process of upgrading and transformation of mainland industries in the mainland industry.Play more important roles.Therefore, Taiwan should plan a path map to enhance Taiwan's economic toughness with the principles of pragmatic thinking and elasticity; the key is to effectively grasp the overall strategy of Taiwan to Taiwan and Taiwan policy, cut in from the economic and trade field, and formulate overall strategy of land.

Facing the rapid changes in the global economic and trade situation, Taiwan has no negative capital; in response to the step -by -step advancement of the mainland's overall strategy, Taiwan should not blindly retreat.Although it is a reality that it is difficult to reverse, the hard power of the economic measures on both sides of the strait is difficult to reverse, but the hard power of Taiwan's specific industries and the soft power contained in culturally have made Taiwan have enough to think about how to accelerate the global layout.Actively use the mainland to step out of the best path that is the best in Taiwan.