Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

Saravin, a US National Security Consultant, known as the "Political Star of Politics" in the future, gave a speech at the Brookings Research Institute of the US Think Tank at the end of April.The U.S. economic policy made a comprehensive and in -depth review and put forward the proposition of "Xinhua D.S. Consensus".Shalvin pointed out that the United States led a fragmented world after World War II, established international economic order to help the world achieve prosperity.However, in the past few decades, this old order has produced many cracks. Therefore, the United States should build a "Xinhua D.S. Consensus" and combine domestic economic policies with the global security agenda.

Some comments pointed out that this is a speech with important significance across the times, because Salvin rarely reflects and denied the free market economy policy that the United States has always respected and persisted in the United States.Since the Trump administration, many controversial policies have been rationalized from the theoretical perspective; further, it has also comprehensively analyzed the Bayeon government's forward direction and the dilemma of US -China relations.

Shatin pointed out in his speech that the current problems and challenges are facing four aspects:

I, the industrial foundation of the United States is hollowed out, and the manufacturing industry in the United States is empty.In the name of market efficiency, the entire supply chain of strategic materials, together with industrial and employment opportunities, has all moved to overseas.

Second, geopolitical and security faces a new situation or new dilemma.The economic dependence formed in the process of liberalization and globalization in the past few decades has made Europe and the United States being subject to people. These dependence has become a lever or tools for other countries to promote economic or geopolitical goals.

Three, the transformation of climate crisis and clean energy, in the environment of marketization and globalization, promotes difficulty.

Four, inequality and benefit tend to be widespread and serious, which constitutes a new challenge to the democracy and political development of the United States.

Looking at it objectively, these issues pointed out by Salvin are indeed facts, and they are indeed the trouble and challenges faced by the current development and security of the United States.Based on this, Shalvin put forward the concept and proposition of "Xinhua DC Consensus".

I first admit that the "free market economy" that has been emphasized in the past is defective; that is, the "non -interventional" policy that the government has insisted on industrial development is not completely correct.Therefore, the government should give subsidies and rewards to some specific industries or products.This "consensus" is obviously learned from mainland China.In the early years, the "Made in China 2025" in the United States was severely approved by the mainland, and now the United States is also engaged in the "chip and scientific bill".

Second, build a circle of friends with the United States as the core, such as Chip4 between the United States, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.

Third, try to use all means to decide with mainland China.In addition to requiring American companies to invest in scientific and technological investment in mainland China, US companies in mainland China are required to withdraw the United States; at the same time, American allies also require American allies to cut off their associations with mainland China in all aspects of science and technology, equipment, and parts.

Four, build a small wall of the small courtyard, strictly restrict the technology of the United States itself to prevent flowing into mainland China.

Obviously, the "Xinhua Dupuncton Consensus" is extremely targeted, and it is aimed at China, which makes the United States more and more anxious.In order to deal with mainland China, the United States has denied the free market economy that has been regarded as an important part of universal value, and it also "teachers' long skills to formulate".It is only based on the current vacuumization of the US manufacturing industry and the lack of supporting facilities in infrastructure, industrial chain and scientific and technological talents. It is worth observing how effective it can be observed by distorting or confronting the market by policies.

The greater uncertainty, I am afraid it is the requirements for the allies to meet the requirements of mainland China. Whether it can be truly implemented effectively during the long period of time. After all, each country has their own national interests, which may not be exactly the same as the national interests of the United States.It is necessary to barely form a "consensus" and have a long -term challenge. Even if it is a company in the United States, it may not necessarily have a "consensus". This is probably another level.

The "Washington Consensus" in the last century did make great contributions to the United States to become global hegemon. At that time, the "consensus" was mostly spontaneous rather than binding consensus.Time moves, the United States in the 21st century wants to use the concept of the 20th century to regain the economic leadership of the United States. Can it be successful? Let time give the answer!