Source: Ming Pao

Author: Zhou Yongxin

Earlier this month, the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce issued a report named for talent shortage investigation 2023, which pointed out that 74%of the questionnaires of the 196 member companies received were called people's shortages, of which 61%claimed talents of talents.The shortage lasted for 1 to 3 years.There is no fresh topic in Hong Kong's shortage of talents, but it is noticeable to report that 70%of members of the members who have a shortage of talents say that the shortage of talents is due to employees who resign for immigration.After reading this report, I believe that many people will think that Hong Kong talents are so short because they all immigrate.

Is the shortage of talents due to immigration?

There are so many talents in Hong Kong who leave their jobs due to immigration?First of all, the report of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce is analyzed based on the recovered questionnaire.According to the author's experience, such voluntary return of questionnaires are generally discounted, because companies that have no shortage of talents, I believe that many of them will not return the questionnaire.In other words, the report only represents the situation of the company's shortage of companies. It must not be comprehensive. I think that each company in Hong Kong is not enough for talents, let alone the person who lost the person for immigration.

Secondly, when a member company answers the reasons for the shortage of talents, there are more than one item.Therefore, although 70%of member companies choose immigration as a reason for talent, it does not mean that 100 talents have been taken, 70 of which are for immigration.In fact, in the answer, 79%of them chose to "seek higher salary", that is, leaving another high, which is more serious than immigrants.In general, what the General Chamber of Commerce's investigation report can confirm that in recent years, there have been more immigrants in Hong Kong, making the shortage of talents more tense.

The author has no intention of diluting the shortage of talents in Hong Kong, and also unintentionally denying immigration in recent years.In fact, as long as you pay attention to the movement of relatives and friends around you, you know that not some people in Hong Kong's immigration waves are gone.After the storm in 2019, the author discussed the immigration wave in Hong Kong in the column. At that time, many Hong Kong people immigrated to loyalty to their beliefs, or to adhere to their own values., Decide to live in another place where they can cultivate their children with peace of mind.

Talent loss slowly drags the pace of development in Hong Kong

In the past two or three years, the reasons for immigrants from Hong Kong people are different. Among them, there are many talents needed by Hong Kong, and more or less will slow down the pace of Hong Kong's forward development.The investigation report of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce also shows that the shortest person is employees with an annual salary of 200,000 to 500,000 yuan, which is less than 200,000 yuan, but it is definitely not a "migrant emperor" with an annual salary of 1.5 million yuan or more.In terms of numbers, Hong Kong people who have been immigrant in the past few years should be mostly middle -income talents and their family.They may have a certain savings or assets. Once they decide to leave Hong Kong, they are more capable of buying business and rebuilding their homes in other places.They are most unfortunate. I believe that they must leave Hong Kong, which they have lived for decades.

How long will this immigration tide last?After the crown disease epidemic is eased, is the number of immigrants from Hong Kong rising or declining?The author has not done any relevant investigations, and there are no numbers for analysis. Moreover, immigrants are very personal decisions and do not easily reveal the reasons for their immigrants.However, as far as he observed and contacted himself, the author found that since the beginning of the year, the Hong Kong people's feelings and views of immigrants seem to have changed. I put it out here. After all, immigrants can escape from many Hong Kong people.Topics.

Is immigration?Considering life after immigration

First, the decision of immigrants, it seems that Hong Kong people have taken the primary consideration from the past to some issues related to the living conditions after immigrants.What they think now is: Can I find a job after immigration?Is it difficult for yourself and your family to adapt?Do I have enough savings to maintain my life in the next few years?

The author has previously said that many Hong Kong people who decided to leave after repairing the storm are because they do not believe that Hong Kong can maintain the original system, and there are some values that they cherish, especially Hong Kong, such as democracy, freedom, human rights, rule of law, etc.The core value will not be valued, and it is no longer the goal pursued by Hong Kong people.At that time, the Hong Kong people who decided to immigrate to leave often said: "Hong Kong is no longer Hong Kong we know."

This situation with value -based orientation is about two years after almost two years.The author does not say that Hong Kong people who are interested in immigration now no longer pay attention to the value concepts such as freedom and democracy; but their views on these values, because the objective environment changes, it seems that there are new experiences, such as: democratic political system is not the same as the same as the sameOne vote is directly elected, and democratic elections can adopt various forms; personal rights and freedoms are guaranteed by the Basic Law, but they cannot endanger national security.Of course, some of the Hong Kong people who are interested in immigration still adhere to their views on the concepts of values such as democracy and freedom, and as the primary consideration of whether they are immigrants, but Hong Kong people who hold this attitude seem to be less and less.

The author found that before the decision to immigrate to the Hong Kong people who intend to immigrate now, they consider more about their life after immigration.Many Hong Kong people who immigrants after the storm are said that they leave after leaving, and do not care about what may happen after immigration. Today, Hong Kong people who intend to immigrate can know what is going on from the relatives and friends of immigrants.In the middle of bitterness, they should be clear.If they are going to immigrate now, they must prepare more, and they must not be impulsive.

Immigration and children studying abroad are no longer connected to overseas

Secondly, many Hong Kong people in the past immigrated to the education and future for their children. They could not accept the general department of the SAR government with citizens and social development sections.Therefore, he resolutely immigrated to his children, or sent his children to study in foreign countries. He hoped that they could stay locally after graduation. They were unwilling to see their children being forced to give up their faith in Hong Kong, and they were afraid that their children would not accept the existing social atmosphere in Hong Kong.

Today, the whole family immigrants have decreased significantly for their children.Although the phenomenon of sending children to foreign countries is still very common, those who send children to foreign countries now are not sure to arrange their immigrants, and they will give their children a chance to choose from.Decide.In fact, whether to send children to foreign countries now, parents' considerations are many aspects: first, when studying in foreign countries, the annual costs are 300,000 to 400,000 Hong Kong dollars;At the forefront of Hong Kong universities, it is not as difficult as the past. Is the children studying in Hong Kong unacceptable?Third, the Hong Kong education system does not seem to be so bad. Children can stay with their parents at least to study in Hong Kong.

The definition of immigration is no longer a leaving

Third, in the past, immigrants lived in foreign countries, and the definition of immigrants today has become blurred.After the storm, some Hong Kong people left Hong Kong because of fear; but some of the Hong Kong people who left had already held foreign passports or residence rights. They left were not immigrants, but exercised their right to residence in foreign countries.In addition, some Hong Kong people who left after the storms, it seems that they only intend to live in other places, or do not fixed jobs, or they should not calculate the list of immigrants.After the restrictions set by the SAR government have been relieved of the epidemic, some Hong Kong people who have left in the past two or three years have seen that they have appeared or returned to visit relatives from time to time.

In summary, the author does not know if the tide of immigration of Hong Kong people will continue, but the situation has changed, including the value concept orientation is no longer the main reason for leading immigrants.Reading does not want to arrange for immigration and immigrants.

In response to the above changes, how the SAR government builds Hong Kong to become a place where Hong Kong people love to stay, and have the opportunity to talk about it in the future.

The author is Professor Rongxiu, the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of Hong Kong University