President Halima's last state visit before the term of office was about to end, and chose Qatar, the small country in the Middle East, which was very significant.Like Singapore, Qatar is surrounded by large powers. Although the geopolitical environment is different, they also face survival challenges.Therefore, there are many experiences that can be referenced with each other.Because the economic structure is different, there are also room for complementary cooperation between the two countries to be developed.

Through the president's interview, the new card signed a total of five memorandums of understanding, which covers the liquefied natural gas (LNG) and low -carbon technology cooperation, food security, network security, training and innovation fields.Therefore, this is not only a etiquette interview, but also the gains in bilateral cooperation.With the signing of the above memo, the Singapore Enterprise Development Bureau will cooperate with about 30 local SMEs in the fields of fintech, medical care, energy and logistics, and lead three delegations to Qatar in September to find room for cooperation.We hope these follow -up movements can achieve actual results.

Harrima's trip shows that as a head of state, foreign access can play a role in diplomacy for the country, deepen the friendship and connection with other countries, expand diplomatic space for Singapore, and bring more economic opportunities.As the president said to the accompanying local media, although the state visit is the duties of the president's etiquette, she is also committed to ensuring that access can bring important economic results to Singapore and Singaporeans.She also emphasized that in this world of geopolitical tension and challenging, it is necessary to let the international community hear the voices of small countries such as Qatar and Singapore.She said that for us, diplomacy is important to safeguard our national interests.

Qatar encountered a very serious crisis in 2017.In June of that year, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Barin, and Egypt broke the diplomatic and economic relations with the country on the grounds that Qatar suspected of supporting terrorism.Faced with the threat of survival, Qatar rejected the talks and conditions proposed by the four countries, including closing the headquarters of Peninsula Television Broadcasting Network, which is located in Daha, the capital.Qatar has been blocked for more than three years.

Qatar is surrounded by the four countries and the geopolitical factors of complex regional regional, and it is also closely related to the independent diplomacy implemented by the country.The incident caused a debate on the diplomatic posture of small countries in Singapore.In any case, Qatar's experience in responding to the crisis of national security through his own strength and diplomacy should be worthy of our reference.

There is no doubt that a small country must be able to withstand such powerful foreign pressures. First of all, we must be able to do a good job of internal affairs, self -improvement, and have certain self -defense ability and resilience.Qatar, which is sandwiched in the middle of the fierce game of a large regional country, naturally has a psychological preparation in this regard.Therefore, after the crisis, it can be calmly cope. On the one hand, mobilize its own defense force, and on the other hand, it exerts the motivation of diplomacy, such as seeking other alternative markets for natural gas resources.The two sides reached reconciliation.

Simply put, internal affairs are closely related to diplomacy.The small country is in disadvantages in the jungle of the nation. If there is no certain ability, under the squeezing of the power of the big country, it will inevitably be unhappy.Speak on the international stage.

Singapore has no rich natural resources like Qatar, but because of its long -term governance, it has accumulated considerable soft power. Therefore, it can be folded into the bottle in diplomacy to exert its influence.In addition to forming a sub -security with neighbors, formed a regional force, it can also combine small countries such as Luxembourg to launch a small country forum in the United Nations and organize the United Nations Global Governance Organization with 30 SMEs.

In addition, various talents cultivated by Singapore have emerged on the world stage in recent years, and have also formed a new diplomatic force.Deng Hongsen, the former director of the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, was appointed as the director of the UN intellectual property organization.Agreement ", etc., is a good example.

Diplomacy is the continuation of the internal affairs, and the internal affairs cannot talk about diplomacy. The experience of Singapore and Qatar shows that it is especially important for small countries to do well in internal affairs.Facing the highly sinister world's geopolitical and political environment, small countries should be more improvised and strengthen cooperation and unity. Correspondingly, they can be linked with each other.Essence