Source: "Pentium Thinking Tide" website

Author: Yiguan City

Bismarck, Prime Minister of the German Empire, once said: "God gives special blessings to fools, drunks, and the United States." He further explained: "Americans are not lucky nations.The United States is such a unique place in God.This special gift makes Americans proud of their own destiny.

Out of profound religious beliefs, original political systems, and superior geographical conditions, since the founding of the United States, the United States has continuously emphasized the uniqueness of the United States and constructed a set of "American exceptions".The United States claims that it is the "city of the top of the mountain" and "the country of lighthouse", which is reflected in the exception of the United States in foreign policy that makes the United States consider itself to be an "indispensable country", "the leader of the free world" and "the free empire", soConstruct a set of liberal hegemony theory.

This exceptional theory reached its peak at the end of the Cold War. The United States believes that their freedom and democracy defeated the dictatorship and it was God's blessing to make them better than atheism.Therefore, they are more confident that the United States is a unique country. On the one hand, they also have the mission of promoting freedom and democracy, and on the other hand, they also enjoy unrestrained privileges.This set of theory profoundly affects the US foreign policy after the Cold War, with religious halo in international relations that emphasizes real national interests.

But this set of tools that were originally used to construct national identity and community condensation for the guiding principles of national foreign policy have generated fundamental contradictions.On the one hand, the American exceptions emphasize the unique and enviable characteristics of the United States, and on the other hand, it must prove the superiority of its own value by changing other countries to engage in institutional transplantation and political transformation.The most troublesome in the United States is the religious ingredients in American politics.The United States believes that the United States is the country of heaven and has "Manifest Destiny".Politbrications in the United States also like to emphasize "God is on our side".The United States considers its uniqueness to make the United States destined and (God) to play a special and positive guiding role on the world stage.In fact, this foreign policy that is almost religious fanatical rather than real country strength and international environment has actually made the US foreign policy confused and inefficient.

In the eyes of other countries, especially in the eyes of the third world with colonial experience, this exceptional theory with religious halo is not the same as the past imperialism.British imperialists under the "burden of white people" and established the imperial empire.France and Spain also sang the high -profile "open mission" and colonized everywhere.Even the Soviet Union's self -proclaimed socialist motherland would lead the world's proletariat into socialist utopia.They all cover up privileges and intervention in the name of a grand.

But Americans believe that the United States is different from other empires or hegemony. The United States advocates freedom, protects human rights, and respects the rule of law.This may be the case in the United States, but the international community in an anarchy is not necessarily.The United States has refused to sign many international human rights conventions, refuses to participate in the International Criminal Court, and supports many dictatorships with bad human rights records.The United States is notorious in the Guandahawan Prison in Cuba in Cuba, which is notorious, full of prisoner and prisoner's bad record.

We must not fully wipe out the contribution of the American characteristics to the world, especially the end of World War II, the reconstruction of the United States for the world order, the establishment of international political and economic norms, and the impact and enlightenment of the value and education of free and democracy.Credit.American political master Hang Tington believes that the superiority of the United States is playing a critical influence on the world's freedom, democracy, open economy, and international order.In the second half of the last century, Hangington's statement was indeed true, but in the 21st century, the color revolution and the Spring of Arabia did not bring stable democracy to these countries. The democracy in the United States was declining.The drama that will only appear in the Banana Republic; after the United States promotes economic globalization, the manufacturing industry has left, the gap between the rich and the poor has deteriorated, and the market that was open in the past gradually closed the door and began to go to the economic policy of globalization.Only from Afghanistan withdrawn from Afghanistan, the Russian and Ukraine War has not yet rest, and the US's ability to maintain international order is even more confident.

It is this excessive self -confidence.Recently, General Mark Milley Chairman Mark Milley, chairman of the United States Staff, stated at the Graduation Ceremony of the National Defense University.Russia and China.In addition to these three superpowers, hegemony in other regions is also rising, which means that the world has moved towards Multipolar World.It is not easy to believe that the American exception Americans acknowledge that the single world is no longer.The problem is that Americans are ready to face the multi -pole pattern?Will the United States be equal to all international rules?

The Cold War ended, and the United States dominated the world.Paul Wolfowitz, the second Ministry of Defense, advocated that the United States must maintain super military forces to obscure any possible competitors, and also believe that the United States should not be bound by international construction.This is the so -called Wafevitz principle, which has become the guiding principle of the national strategy since the end of the Cold War.Does the United States acknowledge that single hegemony will no longer amend this principle?We still can't see it.Looking at whether the United States can honestly face the changes in the international structure, it depends on how they amend the exception of the United States. The most specific is the attitude towards international rules, especially the international construction that restricts the freedom of the United States. For example, the United States likes to hang on the mouth.The United Nations Marine Law Convention, which is unwilling to join.

Stephen Walt once said: "If the United States really proves that it is different, it is to look at the overall theory of the United States with questioning."It is not that she is smarter than other countries, but because she has more ability to repair the mistakes she made. "Perhaps Miley acknowledged that the US single -pole hegemony is no longer, that is, the beginning of the past error, let us wait and see.