Taiwan has been attacked by the #Metoo storm in the past month. It has detonated from the political field and then expanded to education, culture, communication, and entertainment.In the past, some of the inequality gender relationships are being challenged, but is it possible for the Taiwan version of #Metoo to loosen the deeper patriarchal sandwichism?

Tarana Burke, an American anti -sex activist, put forward the word #Metoo in 2006, and marked #Metoo on social media to inspire the same sense of sexual assault and sexual harassment, and confront them togetherGender violence, in the next five or six years, the#METOO movement gradually became popular all over the world.The opportunity to make the #metoo movement widely attracts the attention of the public is: In 2017, Harvey Weinstein, a Hollywood movie producer in the United States, was accused of incoming violence.At that time, the superstar Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, and others joined the ranks.Winstan, who was in the United States film and television industry, and had close relationships with Democratic Party, was finally prosecuted in 2018 and was finally sentenced to 39 years.


The Winstan case prompted #Metoo to spread through the Internet like a virus, and eventually forced governments to respond politically.Many countries have started to practice the law. If sexual behavior is not due to the integrity of both parties, it may violate sexual assault.

On gender issues, Taiwan is at the forefront in Asia.The legislation of Taiwan's sexual assault began in the late 1990s.In 1996, Peng Wanru, a Taiwanese women's transport worker and director of the DPP Women's Development Department, was sexually assaulted by a taxi driver in Kaohsiung and was killed.The case has not been broken, but it has given birth to the revision of Taiwan's first sexual assault criminal prevention and control law and the correlation of the criminal law "obstructive autonomy".Later, the gender equality education law of sexual equality of sexual harassment prevention and control of sexual harassment was successively set, and Taiwan was the first to legalize through homosexual marriage in Asia.Many of the above -mentioned legislative work is jointly driven by the DPP and women's groups. It stands to reason that the concept of gender equality for the DPP should be very strong.

#Metoo During the time point, the DPP is nominated by the parliament of parliament.The Democratic Progressive Party, also the Presidential candidate Lai Qingde proposed the slogan of "Democratic Alliance". It is necessary to combine non -civilians and politicians to participate in Congress elections and strive for more than half of Congress, including a young man named Li Zhenghao.Li Zhenghao was born in the Kuomintang as a spokesman for the current party chairman Zhu Lilun to run for president. Later, he was relying on the Democratic Party. In the past, he was not consistent with the DPP.What is even more troublesome is that Li Zhenghao once involved the controversy of the privacy of his girlfriend, and has not yet been completely clarified.The DPP decided to nominate Li Zhenghao to detonate the dissatisfaction of the party's grassroots. Nearly 800 grass -roots party workers' associations opposed it. They questioned: "Candidates for a candidate for a secret image damage, control and threatening women, how to show the Democratic Progressive Party's party's party.Value? "

The Democratic Progressive Party has improved in gender consciousness, which also means that it will attract women with more distinctive awareness of sex, and they are more unbearable to gender inequality.Some female party workers and assistants of the DPP, who have been sexually harassed, temporarily tolerated the "care of the overall situation".Nowadays, they see political parties with progressive value, and Li Zhenghao, who is nominated for stains on sexual equilibrium issues, makes them feel that they are not worthy of swallowing in order to win the principle of sacrifice.Some of them are in charge of sexual harassment, and some are improper disposal in the face of the sexuality incident in the face of the appeal of the subordinates (the term used with sexuality is called "not caught them").The leader asked a warning message.

This wave of response #Metoo sports is many of them who have participated in the 2014 Sunflower Movement. When they were young, they supported it because they believed that the DPP promoted the value of progress.In terms of marriage and abolition of nuclear green energy, it has indeed made them see the progress of the DPP.If the DPP fails to actively respond to the #Metoo storm, it will affect the rebellion of the Democratic Progressive Party throughout the generation of the entire generation.

reflect the overall social culture of Taiwan

Lai Qingde's handling of this wave of flat storms is quite appropriate, and the storm has not expanded -Li Zhenghao's withdrawal, the party director who was reviewed and punished was also processed.The legislators also announced the refund of the election because they were responsible for supervising and dealing with the misconducting women's ministry.Lin Feifan is the main leader of the Sun Flower Movement. Seeing the view, many young generations will view him with high standards of "progressive value".In addition, Tsai Ing -wen also immediately proposed the direction of three personalized policies: "set the guidance of sexual harassment samples in order to do a good job of sexual education", "improvement of the appeal mechanism" and "the next session of the parliament will give priority to the law."

The culture of the Democratic Progressive Party has no more male Shawen than other political parties and organizations.For example, the Kuomintang's heavyweight politicians and former Hualien County Mayor Fu Kunzheng was accused of sexual show by the media person Dong Chengyu, but Fu Kunzheng denied his death, and the Kuomintang has not been dealt with.

The Democratic Progressive Party's sexual storm reflects the overall social culture of Taiwan.Cultural celebrities on the forefront, such as the president of Verse magazine, Zhang Tiezhi who undertake many government cultural bids, Zhu Xueheng, "House God" who dare to speak to any issue, and Huang Zijiao, a well -known entertainer.

The response methods of the accused are different, and some have responded to the "social dead". For example, Wu Naide announced that he would no longer participate in public affairs;Some people make up the story and attempt to get rid of, but attract more questions, such as Zhang Tiezhi; some are more intensely accused of self -harm, such as Huang Zijiao.

The storm is still expanding, but in the end, what changes can this wave of #Metoo storm have brought about the gender inequality structure of deep -rooted society?

Back to the initial question: Why do the DPP, which advocates progressive value and promotes many sexuality legislation?In addition to the aforementioned Democratic Progressive Party, women are more aware of improvement and are more difficult to tolerate gender inequality, another more structural reason is: sexual assault, sexual discrimination and sexual harassment, which is essentially an inequality, patriarchal patriarchyPower relationship under structure.After the DPP has obtained its governing status, it has more power advantages, and also allows men in the party who have controlled power to think that they have power advantages. In terms of gender interaction, they dare to use power and use powerBig boss Tsai Ing -wen created.

Not sweeping heavyweight politicians or entrepreneurs

Looking deeperly, in this patriarchal relationship between the sexes, the focus of sexual harassment is actually not satisfied with sexual desire, but the satisfaction of power desire.The gender of the power advantage can ignore the other party's feelings. They will not think that their words and deeds are disrespectful to the other party. On the contrary, they are expressing their favor and "green" to the other party.And when the other party refuses and resist these sexual and deeds, they will think that the other party does not know how to do it, angry because of the challenge of the patriarchal, and may even respond to the opposite sex more violently.In fact, in these men's subconsciousness, they believe that they have power advantages, and the disadvantages cannot effectively fight back, so they can consider arrogance.

The most important significance of the

#Metoo Movement is that the weak women who live in weakness in gender relationships have begun to vocalist resistance, scaring the "sand pigs", and sweep the patriarchal dignity.challenge.But it is worth playing: Taiwan's wave of #Metoo storm has not yet been swept to heavyweight politicians or entrepreneurs who really master important power and resources.In the end, this is these politicians and capitalists who know how to clean and love and love and love?Or the elites in these "Winner Circle" know how to manipulate the rightPower makes it more difficult for the vulnerable to challenge the core of the patriarchal structure?

The author is a senior media person in Taiwan, the chief of the new news of the Internet media