Source: Report

Author: Zheng Jieyi

For 30 years of Italian political, former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi died, and the current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni intends to use his political heritage as a bleach for his pro -pro -to -right school to wash his own past.The best matchmaker for the European People's Party Alliance.The ambitious Melonney will output her "success" experience to Europe and promote the European Parliament election next year to the right.

The lion that can't be closed is hard to escape

On June 9th, after Berluskini was admitted to the hospital, she still contacted the Italian Prime Minister Meloni to ask her to visit Tunisia; he also followed Antonio Tajani, a foreign minister in Washington, in Washington.Call, understand the latest US dynamics.Berlusco, who once served as the Prime Minister of Italy for four times, also explained that the secretary arranged for the future plan. He wanted to reorganize the Forza Italia he created, and he was also concerned about Ukraine's peace.What he did not expect was that he was waiting in front of him.

On June 12, Berluskini died. For an old 87 -year -old man, this was a day closer, but the news still shocked many people, including his family and doctor.He had done heart surgery and COVID-19, and was hospitalized for 45 days in April, but he did not admit defeat nor the old. His private doctor described, "Berluskini is a lion that can't be closed."

The lion can't resist the hand of death. The lion knows that it is difficult to escape, but they are unwilling to face it. They did not identify any heirs, nor did they set any inheritance procedures.

In the late 1970s, Berluskini, who started in spontaneous, built a case in the outskirts of Milan to make him worth a high value. His private television network broke the state -owned radio and television exclusive situation and became a media tycoon for Italians. Then,He held the defeat of the AC Milan football team as the champion team.In 1992, the Tangentopoli incident broke out. The corruption scandal dragged down the middle and right Iron Triangle of Italy for many years. Bettino Craxi, who had served as Prime Minister, fled Tunisia. Finally,Guest death.

Berluskini is very close to politicians, and has joined the P2 to organize the Litles Club involved in the coup.He decided to participate in politics in 1994 to obtain judicial exemption and avoid the lawsuit that destroyed his business.He entered politics with the posture of the richest man and promised to lead the country with the spirit of entrepreneurs, but also opened a psychedelic era of the conflict of political interests in Italy.His new political party is called "Forza Italia", which is the slogan of the fans. Every time he cheers the national team, it is like supporting him.He also applied for a football term that he announced the election, saying that he decided to "enter the field."

The coach leaves, the team is still on the court

On the political arena, Berluskini is the forward of attracting the audience, a coach, and a referee.He repeatedly revisited the law to escape the law's sanctions. In addition to his three television channels, he also put his hand deep into the National Guang Radio and brought the business advertising method into political propaganda. The audience was his voters, his fans, and his consumption.By.Now Berluskini has "exited" and left the leader in the party with no heads of dragons.

The European debt crisis was extended to Italy at the end of 2011. As the government debt was crumbling, Berluskini was busy dealing with his sexual scandal and finally stepped down.Italian has no longer the scenery of the party, and the votes have slipped from the peak to 8%, but Italy, which is favored by the party, is still a key minority.

Among the right co -government led by the first female Prime Minister Melononi, the Italian party has the least seats, but only Berluskini can let Matteo Salvini, chairman of Matti SalviniPersonal grievances are united for the political interests of the right.Without the founder of Italy, the party is dying. Without Berluskini as a buffer, Melonini and Salvini will affect the stability of the cabinet.

The Italian Moved Party is a personal party of Berluskini. The funds are noted by his family, and the loan is guaranteed by him in his personal name.Who will bear these debts is a difficult problem. What's more difficult is, who comes to successor in Italy?

Melonney wants to change the day to take over

The party emblem of the Italian Party has written the name of the party, and it also reads "Chairman Berluskini". Many supporters look forward to that of the five children of Berluskini, they have come forward to continue the party dynasty, but so far, there is no.People are willing to enter politics.The current Foreign Minister Tunani is the national commander of the Italian Party, but he lacks the charm of the masses and the majesty of the harmony of the faction. It is just a transitional candidate, but he has the best foreign aid -Meloni.After Berluskini's death, many people speculated that Meloni would take the opportunity to compile the Italian party to the party; in fact, she had a more precise plan, and she wanted Tamney to stabilize the Italian party's foot.

In 2008, Berluskini promoted 31 -year -old Meloni as the Minister of Youth and wrote the history of the youngest minister in Italian history.She can become the prime minister, and Berlusco is also indispensable. First, she fell down the pavilion and dragged the former government, and then persuaded the Alliance Party to campaign to pave the way for Melonney to flatten the Prime Minister.On June 14, she was the national funeral ceremony held by Berlusco in the Milan Cathedral as if she was "Feng Sheng" for this controversial leader and showed her close relationship with the survivor.However, her lifeblood of Berluskini and preserving the Italian advanced party was not to reward grace, but for political calculations.

If the Parliament of the Italian Ahead of the Party follows Melonini, it will increase the power of the Italian Brothers who led her leadership, but not all the party members of the Italian forward party agreed to her right, outside the line, as well asInconsistent experience with fascists.The Alliance Party and the Intermediate School are also holding Berluskini's political heritage. If some members of the Italian advanced party are absorbed, it may endanger the majority of Meloni's Congress and shake the cabinet.

Output "Meloni Model"

The ambitious Meloni also looks at European politics.She founded the Italian Brothers Party in 2012 with the Senate Speaker of the Senate and worshiped Mosrini in 2012 and worshiped Musarini. After taking over the party chairman in 2014, she tried to wash the fascist relics and fade the right color.Creating the party is the image of a normal right conservative party, and became chairman of the European Conservative and Reformist Party in 2020.

Melonney expects to form an alliance with the European Parliament elections with the famous European People's Party in June next year, squeezing the mainstream of the right, and the historical burden of fascist parties and far right party.The names of the European Conservatives and Reformist Party, which she led, include the Italian Brothers Party, the Spanish Civil Sound Party, the Swedish Democratic Party, the Orthodox Finnish Party, and the Poland's legal party.Married, the Polish legal party, which is currently governed, has also been accused of disrespecting human rights and judicial independence by the European Union.

Italy is a Western political laboratory. Fascist seduced German Nazis 100 years ago. Berluskini's businessman previewed Trump's storms in the United States.Model ", copying her" success "experience in Italy in the European Union.The Italian forward party, which belongs to the European People's Party, is her mainstream bridge to Europe. Taliani, the guardian of the Italian Party, is the best passers -by. He has served as Speaker of the European Parliament. He is now Foreign Minister.The connections are very wide.

Zhongzhong Right and Melonney, Europe Turn to Right Right

The current President of the European People's Party, Manfred Weber, is Tamney's many years of old knowledge. On the eve of Berluskini admission, Weber came to Rome to hold a party conference on June 8th and more than a hundred party members of the party. HeSaid: "The Italian Moved Party is the mainstay of the European People's Party. We struggle for a more powerful European."

Tamani, who is the vice chairman of the European People's Party, understands that the future alliance can be composed of the European People's Party, the European Conservatives and the Reformist Party, and Liberals.The Socialist Party, which is governed by the European Union, previews Europe to turn right to the right, blocking the re -election of Ursula von Der Leyen, the current European President of the European People's Party and the middle route.

In order to win the election, Berluskini began to cooperate with the Northern Righteous Alliance Party in the 1990s, and the Fascist National Alliance (Alleanza Nazionale).When the political rookie such as Melonney rises, Berluskini emphasizes that if he did not help the stigma, these post -waves were not today. "In 1994, I asked them to enter politics and help them legitimate and legalize."Melonney hopes that Berluskini, after death, can still be shaded, and turns gorgeously into the corner of the rightist of European politics.

The European People's Party is still the largest party at the European level, but under the rivers and rivers, the voting rate has slipped from 37 % in 1999 to 24 % of the last European parliament election in 2019. It is also a low support rate.Although the Spanish People's Party is expected to win in the election at the end of July, it is difficult to administer alone. It must unite the VOX (VOX) of the same camp with Melonony.In order to win the European election in 2024, Weber also hoped that with the momentum of Melonyne to form a pure right league in one fell swoop to get rid of the restraint of the Socialist Party.

The blessing of Weber and Tumani can cover Meloni's radical position, but the European Conservatives and Reformist Party led by her leaders in Poland and the German People's Party are like fires.Weber's voting in the European Parliament began to try to join forces with the European Conservatives and Reformist Party, advocating stricter immigration policies and blocking the EU's environmental protection policies, but so far, they have not been able to overthrow the middle school alliance.

Berluskini swept the Italian politics with populism, and he was degraded to him internationally.A member, he believes that he can tame this arrogant Italian politician.However, Berluskini could not change his mouth without being blocked. Before his death, he showed off his personal friendship with Russian President Putin, which made the European People's Party extremely embarrassing.

The power of the European People's Party is not as powerful as the past, and it is more difficult for Weber to tame Meloni.Weber's reputation is far less than that of the unity of the two virtues and promoting the integration of the European Union, let alone, Meloni's popularity is prosperous, the politics wrist is more fine and smooth, and there are many right party feathers in Europe.Meloni knew that he had cards in his hands, but the time was not yet mature.She reached an agreement with the Berluskini family to guard the guardian Tunani to "maintain the status quo" and maintain everything, for the huge changes in the future.