Can the university's sustainable development plan help create a better world?

Recently, when preparing a recruitment, colleagues of the organizing committee carefully studied the catering costs to determine whether the packaging materials used were biodegradable.Although such a subtle actions seem to be insignificant on the global environment, this procurement practice reflects the concepts we insist on as a university.It proves that in the process of our efforts to build a more environmentally friendly university, it actively encourages sustainable development to become a mentality, which is manifested in daily decision -making and action evaluation.

Sustainable development is the buzzword of our era.It is not just a popular search word, but now it is a general language.Regardless of our ranking in the global order, there is almost no reason to protect world resources.

In order to implement the UN 2030 Angeles of Sustainable Development, the United Nations has launched a global collective action in 2015 to achieve sustainable development goals (SGDS) in 2015.Although the ultimate goal is to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality, but to change the rules of the game, it actually depends on how we cope with climate change.Among the 17 targets, four are related to climate change: including target 7 (economically available clean energy), target 11 (sustainable cities and communities), target 12 (responsible consumption and production) and target 13 and target 13(Climate action).At the same time, the United Nations also calls everyone to sustain the earth's natural resources through target 14 (underwater creature) and target 15 (land organisms).

Promoting Sustainable Development Method

More and more enterprises are examining the process and adopting responsibility for the environment.Consumers are now more willing to change the impact of consumption methods and reduce the impact on the environment (according to the report of 2022 of the IBM Business Value Research Institute of International Business Machinery Company, this ratio is 62%), the company's sustainable development strategy has now become a new benchmark.

Universities are also in the plan of sustainable goals.In the United States and Canada, 700 universities have adopted sustainable development results tracking, evaluation and rating system (Stars).This system encourages universities to notify and measure their performance in the field of sustainable development, which is consistent with the UN sustainable development goals.

In some cases, sustainable development will appear in the form of retaining and environmental protection -reduce the impact on the large amount of resources in the world. In this way, our descendants will not be because of ourExcessive indulgence and loss of these resources.Therefore, the school has set various goals, including reducing carbon emissions of campus building, reducing water or waste, and expanding sustainable procurement and investment.Oxford University's environmental sustainable development strategy is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2035 and solve the effects of operation and supply chain on biodiversity.The framework of Princeton University emphasizes the use of energy saving solutions by reducing consumption and improving alternative energy usage.

Beyond Metering

These goals indicate the determination to improve the environment from all walks of life.However, if the continuous plan is completely located through the degree of lens, they can only reduce and restore their best, and the effect is extremely limited.

We must explore what sustainable development and sustainable life really need to make a difference.We need an overall plan to change attitudes and behaviors, rather than just the planning of the plan into the decision -making of the infrastructure and which is the decision -making of resource allocation.We also need to allow sustainable development plans to step forward with a broader strategic agenda in universities, rather than carrying out a single sustainable development plan.

At the Singapore Management University, our sustainable development blueprint combines changes in behavior and thinking.According to the vision of the New University in 2025, the blueprint outlines the sustainable development strategy: 1. Create a greener university; 2. Cultivate the promoters of changes; 3. Promote influential research; 4. Create a tough community.The goal is synchronized with the relevant UN sustainable development goals, so that the planning action has focused and practicality.

Comprehensive Curriculum Plan

Universities strengthen research and planning sustainable development courses to produce creative solutions and cultivate talents, which is a timely approach.

We should ensure that this is not only a symbolic representative of the Ashutan of Sustainable Development, or only reduced to superficial kung fu.

In order to give it the attention of it, we can incorporate the requirements of sustainable development courses into the undergraduate course and let students understand the basic concepts contained in the United Nations sustainable development goals.

In order to cultivate the transformation in the new major, our goal is to integrate the sustainable development education into the basic courses of all new students.In addition, through the Social Sciences College of Social Sciences, through the Sustainable Future Specialty, it provides students with a complete set of related courses, including sustainable development of laws and policies, and sustainable digital cities; business schools allow students to master the "Sustainable Development" course for students, To take courses such as sustainable development, product value claim design, and sustainable operation.

We also strengthen the acquisition of knowledge in this regard by complementary extracurricular activities.Universities can encourage students to participate in community projects with social consciousness, sustainable development and achieving specific sustainable development goals.

This conscious planning will establish talent channels for the green industry and provide solutions for complex environmental challenges.We believe this can also have a change in knowledge, attitude, and behavior.

Toughness and Social sustainability

Educating students means helping them to prepare for the future leaders of the organization, but these institutions cannot inevitably encounter the threat brought by economic and scientific and technological subversion.The World Economic Forum realizes the increasing reality of economy, social or political turmoil. In May 2022, the Resilience consortium was launched to establish global toughness and ensure that everyone has a sustainable future.

Similarly, universities should also set goals for the establishment of toughness and social sustainability.If our stakeholders can maintain their physical and mental health in life and crisis, their environment and work environment can be positively affected.

In order to cultivate a tough community, we must adopt a multi -priced framework and consider the interdependence dimension of physical and mental health -physical, intelligence, society, emotion, occupation and finance.We have established a framework for students to guide procedural development, with the premise of three aspects: education -sharing of knowledge and skills, encouragement -to support each other through professional and peer support platforms, and experienceenvironment.

Mainly consistent with the national goals

Finally, the university plan can only obtain traction and tension only with the sustainable development agenda of its cities or countries.In many aspects, the new blueprint is based on the vision of green development blueprints in Singapore in 2030.Singapore's green development blueprint consists of five parts, which are cities, energy strategies, sustainable life, green economy and toughness in nature in nature. It has strengthened the promise of Singapore's net zero emissions in 2050.

Through the preferred research in urban infrastructure and sustain finance, universities can contribute to economic and social priority matters.An example is the Singapore Green Finance Center jointly established by Li Guangqian Business School of Singapore and the British School of Business.The center established in 2020 has been supported by the world's leading financial institutions. In the field of sustainable development, climate and green finance, multi -disciplinary research, giving talent development opportunities to support and transform Asian companies.

Universities must add sustainable development, because we will affect the future economy and society.By in economic growth, environmental management and social welfareBetween establishing a balanced expansion perspective, we can consolidate the faith system and build capabilities, and maintain this subtle balance relationship over time.

The author is the president of Singapore Management University (Chinese translation is provided by the new big)