Taiwan recently set off a wave of #metoo. From the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, many sexual harassment has been frequently revealed. The famous host Huang Zijiao "strong kiss girls take nude photos" a few days ago, all attracting the attention of readers and other bystanders.Singapore, which is also a typical Asian society, will we also have a day of #Metoo?We do not know, but the rise of this phenomenon is indeed worth exploring, and the discussion should not be limited to the importance of moral ethics and punishment, but the root of society and human nature.

From the remarks of people from all levels of society, we often see that messages flow on the surface and present a polarized response to expect others' behavior.Some social people are sympathetic to the victims, and others criticize the victims to obtain popularity.Some perpetrators will apologize, while others shirk responsibility and devastate the water.The original intention of the same #Metoo wave, the original intention of the waves and its self-eMPOWERMENT.

We may be satisfied at the high point of public opinion, but the fun of this "gloating disaster" and "falling down the well", but buried the empathy of the victims and actors, and reflected simple one -way thinking; this is also this is also#Metoo waves that are unprecedented.We can try to understand the nature of the problem with the perspective of psychology and "prevent" the coming of the future #Metoo.

First, many actors will use their sexual assault or contact with their pornography as the origin of "distorted personality" and "psychological abnormal".Taiwan's psychiatrist Yang Congcai pointed out that children have been curious about sex at the age of three, and parents' behavior will affect normal sexual growth during this sensitive period.A survey in the United States estimates that a quarter of girls and one -sixth boy will be sexually assaulted before the age of 18.Therefore, society is necessary to strengthen sexual education and prevent children from being violated.The question is, can we use twist or pervert as a reasonable reason for reducing accountability?The answer is not so direct.

The research of the University of Machary in 2013 shows that the so -called psychological perverts cannot actually treat the victims as "people".For example, we kill a ant and kill a person, which is usually different in conscience condemnation.However, although some psychological perverts have conscience, they cannot distinguish the moral responsibility of "people" and "non -human".If their moral cognition is different from ordinary people, it is really difficult for us to use the same moral standards.But I must emphasize that the victim is indeed innocent, and the actor must also be responsible for his actions, such as apologizing to the victims and receiving psychological treatment.The blame-shifting we see is usually a psychological self-protection model, but sometimes it may also be a disease of personality disorders.Therefore, it is impossible to define a person's "human nature" with simple observations.

Secondly, after the onlookers "review", they usually point their finger to the victims.The victim is sometimes accused of poor motivation, and even suspected of being suspected of "seduce" others' crimes.We must re -understand the rise of #Metoo. It is to provide the courage and support of the victims to overthrow the phenomenon of power in the society.

When the victim said that when he was sexually assaulted, he had to re -experience the fear and pain in it.So why did the victim not speak on the spot or stopped on the spot?A survey by the local women's action and research association (AWare) showed that more than 54%of the staff (most of the women) had sexual harassment in their jobs, and 12%of the staff were threatened to accept sexual harassment, otherwise they would revolutionize their duties.Among the young children who were sexually assaulted, 30%to 40%were violent by their families, and the other 50%was violated by friends or relatives familiar with their families.It is conceivable that victims are usually restricted by the inequality of workplace power and family relationships at home, not that they do not want to help.

In traditional patriarchal Asian society, many politicians and artists have also regarded women "Sexual Objectification" and regarded power and reputation as a blasphemy capital.The complex interpersonal relationships in the social system usually lead to interweaving the unreasonable behavior in the family and working environment.As a result, the victim's concerns will be enlarged when interweaving, causing them to be timid and unable to speak on their own.In the case of intertwined, the power of power is easy to use unbalanced rights to cover up their bad behaviors, and use the concerns of the victims.

We can find that actors and victims are actually trapped in an unsafe social system.Some people may think that an actor will make mistakes because society does not provide them with an environment that is far from pornographic and sexual harassment, and society itself advocates patriarchal power and the wrong views of watching women.However, we cannot stop ourselves and others to define the right or wrong of the actor and the victim.Who is wrong?Public opinion is the beginning of changes, not to define right or wrong.Society must have moral standards, and the actor must be punished and counseled, and the victim must have the right to speak and freedom.Although the people who eat melon love to talk about right and wrong, as long as they understand the deepest layer after the precipitation, and re -examine the original intention of #Metoo, society may be less disaster and more kind.

The author is a local doctor and a clinical psychology researcher