The latest labor market report announced by the Ministry of Human Ministry shows that in the first quarter of this year, Singapore's total unemployment rate was 1.8%, a new low since March 2015.During the same period, the total number of employment increased by 33,000, an increase of 3.8%from the end of 2019 before the crown disease epidemic.However, the growth rate of total employment has slowed down, and the number of layoffs rose for three consecutive quarters, from 2990 in the fourth quarter of last year to 3820 in the first quarter of this year.

Dr. Chen Shilong, Minister of Human Management and Second Minister of Trade and Industry, said on Facebook that the Ministry of Human Ministry is closely paying attention to the employment market and is exploring how to provide better support for the unemployed.

At the same time, Zheng Deyuan, assistant secretary of the National Federation of Workers, issued a warning on Facebook post. The number of layoffs will continue to rise in the second quarter.Faced with anti -winds in the field of communication technology, layoffs may increase like snowballs.

The slowdown in economic growth, corporate reorganization, and cost measures for corporate cutting may be pushed up.In the current high interest rate environment, borrowing costs have risen, and many companies have reduced costs by layoffs.In addition, the wave of layoffs set off by American technology companies has also had a chilling effect on global companies and business models.

U.S. technology companies expand their market share during the epidemic.But the rise in interest rates has paid more attention to the profitability of technology companies.Under the pressure of shareholders, they have lost weight in global layoffs, impacted, including employees in Singapore and Singapore companies listed in the US stock market.

Last Tuesday (June 20), GRAB Holdings, a private call application and food delivery service company of Singapore as the headquarters, announced the reduction of 1,000 jobs, which is equivalent to 11%of the total number of employees.The company's largest layoff.The company's director pointed out in the letter to the employee that layoffs were to control the cost.Grab has been listed in the US stock market. Since its establishment, it has not yet made a profit. The first quarter of net loss has reached $ 244 million.

The market economy is pursuing "creative destruction".In the process of corporate reorganization, layoffs are the most commonly used methods for saving expenses.However, employees are one of the stakeholders of the enterprise, and layoffs should be the last choice of the enterprise.In the planning of human resources, enterprises should be discussed from a long plan to avoid recruiting at this moment, and they will lay off a large -scale layoff at that time.

If a company has to be layoffs, it should be carried out in a responsible way.The so -called "good and good, good start, good end".The Ministry of Manpower has formulated a set of "responsible layoffs" criteria that helps labor and capital disputes that may occur during layoffs.This includes reasonable compensation, assisted by the staff arranged or sought jobs, and gives them certain dignity and respect when retreating employees.This will help improve the image of the enterprise and attract the talents they need.

The rapid development of

Technology has changed the landscape of the workplace, accelerated the pace of corporate reorganization, and increased the probability of layoffs.It is necessary for the migrant workers to truly accept the history of the lifelong employment system, and the era of the world has already passed.It is necessary for Chinese people to master convertible skills and continue to learn new skills to meet the requirements of rapid changes in the workplace.In addition, the perfect financial planning helps the migrant family to face the doom of layoffs more frankly.

The global economy is full of uncertain factors, and weak external demand will inevitably impact Singapore's job market.The rapid development of science and technology has eliminated many tasks, and has also exacerbated structural unemployment problems that do not match skills and work needs.The superposition of these two factors may worsen the layoffs.In an environment of high inflation, layoffs make the migrant workers suffer greater psychological pressure.When the company's pursuit of maximization of interests, it should also properly handle the layoffs to avoid destroying the harmonious and harmonious relationship between labor and capital and government and government and government in Singapore for a long time.