Source: Red Star News

Author: Li Zhongxi

A mobile phone number can counter all the information, and then set off a "invasion" of the Internet world to the real world?Recently, media investigations found that cyber storms were not just on the content of "hot search", and the threshold for ordinary people was also getting lower and lower.Among them, the mobile phone number has become a key clue for the trading of cyber violence.From human flesh search, to "bombing" by phone, to attacking the water army, the Internet storm is not just a tide of a netizen, there is a complete and more hidden industrial chain behind it.

Storm goal.The perpetrators have only been addicted to mouth addiction. They also extend "punishment" from the virtual world to the real world through various methods: exposing the other party's work, family, income and other privacy information, sending package threats, abusive attacks, and "call callTools like you "and other tools interfere with each other's life.The means are not clever, but the damage is extremely strong.

The cause of this kind of "private criminal". From the past report, it may just say that the other party does not like to hear, and does not like a certain "love beans", which is stained with special hair color, or because it is given to give itRunning a reward of 200 yuan (RMB, S $ 37), or simply just because "it looks like a sneak shot" ... No matter how small it sounds like, the final result is likely to destroy others' lives and even devour a person's

The original intention of

The real -name system of the network is to protect and guide Internet users, and the real name of the mobile phone number is an important means to realize the real name of the network.However, now, the perpetrators are through the real -name mobile phone number, or there is no teacher self -explanatory, the whole network search for the whole network, or the light car is familiar with the road, and the light -fingers can find the black "accomplice".Army and hot search for the other party to achieve "social death".

This scene cannot be creepy.People who have watched power games may think of the "different ghosts" who are ready to attack Vistelo continent at any time outside the Great Wall of the North.Once there is a gap in the Great Wall, the "different ghost" attacks, the winter is approaching, and the creature is coated with charcoal.Just like once the mobile phone number exposes breaks the boundaries of the virtual reality, those who are hiding behind the screen and the violence of emotional defects will have the opportunity to show the power of online violence.

How to curb the ferocious momentum of Internet storms and build a clear cyber space, how do "everyone shout" how to fight?

A very simple truth: If the incoming violence, the impression left to the public has always been that the threshold is very low, the process is very refreshing, and the price is small, which will inevitably wake up the evil of human nature.Not long ago, the three departments were soliciting opinions on punishing the cyber violence. The voices of cyber storms became higher and higher, and it was the general trend to increase the cost of illegal crimes.At the same time, with the addition of various reports and interpretations, the damage to the harm of cyber storms, as more and more things participating in the participation of the Internet storm are increasing, the concept of "key" blade has begun to popularize.Discussion on the threshold of the Internet violence should attract more attention and actions.

In the end, the platform's user privacy awareness and data security protection ability should be improved, and the "city wall" of data security cannot be built.In the past, the Internet security awareness of ordinary people must be improved, and it is not exposed to the Internet with pictures, videos, and text that contains personal privacy. This habit of using the Internet must be established;Clues such as mobile phone numbers cannot be made, and it has become a tool for hacking to harm people behind the scenes.