Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Shi Qiping

The Wall Street Journal reported in mid -June that since the end of May, Chinese President Xi Jinping has twice requested that the domestic "extreme" situation is prepared.On May 30, Xi said at a high -level national security meeting: "We must adhere to the bottom line of thinking and extreme thinking, and to be prepared to suffer a major test of the wind and waves." One week later, on another occasion, Xi said, "The construction of a large domestic cycle is to ensure that the national economy can run normally under extreme conditions. "It shows that the high -level Chinese high -level levels are stepping up their movements to prepare for pre -conflict pre -conflict.

This situation, Kissinger, who is a great strategyist, is naturally finger. Recently, in an exclusive interview with Bloomberg, it was difficult to say about Sino -US relations."I think military conflicts may occur."Bloomberg said that this is one of the most pessimistic remarks on China and the United States so far.

Kissinger also accepted an interview with the Wall Street Journal earlier. He pointed out that 1. The United States always has a "self -righteousness" style of acting in foreign policy, but China and other countries do not buy it.The rise and powerful of China is seeking "security" rather than wanting to "rule the world"; 3. In order to avoid military conflicts with China, the United States needs to restrain "blind confrontation".In my opinion, these views are the most thorough one for Kissinger about the evolution of Sino -US relations that has become more and more dangerous.

Kissinger first pointed out that the United States' self -righteous behavior in diplomacy is not welcomed by a group of countries including China; then it has clicked the crux of the continuous deterioration of Sino -US relations.It is even a potential opponent who replaces his hegemony position, but in fact, Kissinger's rate pointed out that China sought security and respect, rather than wanting to "rule the world."At this point, Kissinger has clearly pointed out the bias of the United States in cognition and action, so he understands that in order to avoid military conflicts with China, "the United States needs to restrain blind confrontation."

Kissinger, who has been 100 years old, also said that "there is no solution in Taiwan problems" not long ago. The subtext of this sentence actually means "Sino -US relations have no solution."It is just that the two parties should take a step back from the confrontation.Immediately after thinking, this may eventually flow in the wishful thinking.However, in addition to helplessness, he witnessed that China and the United States continued to move on the existing trajectory, and finally reached the edge of the cliff. In another step, the conflict was the war. Once the war broke out, "the two superpowers broke out.It is impossible for the war to win. "Even, as far as the current international situation is concerned, the war may not only explode between these two major powers, and its development and ending are unimaginable.

Kissinger specifically pointed out in the interview that "there are few conflicts of war in modern politicians, which may affect their judgment." In addition, a number of politicians in the United States are currently in China and the United States.The essence of contradictions lacks correct cognition and understanding, always thinking that the United States stands on the right and righteous side, but in fact, it is far from the opposite.At the time of the old age, Kissinger finally told the Americans that the truth he knew was in the United States rather than China, and he believed that the United States had to "restrain blind confrontation" franklyGe is obviously doing the last effort.

The 100 -year -old Kissinger obviously has his general skill 50 years ago in the insight, but when it comes to painting strategies, this is also at the moment.Essence

The author is a senior commentator of Phoenix Satellite TV