Like Li Hui, a special representative of the Chinese government Eurasian affairs in May, the mediation of the Ukrainian crisis is not available to political resolution. In June, the African "peace delegation" led by South African President Rama Tsata.After meeting with Ukrainian President Zelegiski and Russian President Putin, he did not bring any substantial results.

Although this "result of no results" has not exceeded people's expectations, it is optimistic about mediation of the prospects of the Russia and Ukraine war. At least it is a little reduced.Especially when Rama PCM announced the "10 peaceful ideas" on the "Peace delegation" on the "Peace delegation" as soon as possible, Zelei Settica proposed in front of a number of African countries leaders: "Russia does not withdraw troops,Can't negotiate "and rejected their mediation.Putin interrupted the speeches of Coros, Senegal, and South Africa leaders while talking with seven African countries leaders.The reality.One party ’s“ do not withdraw the troops without negotiation ”, and the“ new reality ”of the other party can talk about it. The attitude of Russia and Ukraine's singing and different attitudes is difficult to believe that the recent mediation will have the results.

Is there really no "result"?In fact, it is not necessary, it depends on the perspective of observation and "results".

On the one hand, people who look forward to the rapid end of the war and the good of Russia and Ukraine are naturally "no results."Judging from the current stance of Russia and Ukraine, there is limited space for mediation and peace talks.However, after all, I look forward to a certain or more enthusiastic "peacemaker" country, and the two sides of the war returned to the Rakuten Pie on the peace talk table. There is no probability that there will be no.

On the other hand, the contradiction between Russia and Ukraine and even triggers the ins and outs of the war end, or turning over the historical chapter of the conflict between the ancients and the end of the country.The hard work of Hua Xing and snow will not work in one battle.Talking is stronger than not to talk, some people mediate and others promote peace, it is always better than that of both sides.Like China's "special representative" and the mediation of the African "Peace delegation", although it is "no result" for a while, isn't the "result of no result" a "result"?First of all, not refusing to talk about peace talks itself is one of the results, showing the possibility and expectations of peace in the battle.Both Ukraine and Russia expressed their welcome to persuade the promotion, at least how to "talk" and what kind of "and" achieved the space.

Secondly, we lay the foundation for further mediation and peace talks, and clarify the position and bottom line of both Russia and Ukraine.The future work is to strive for the largest number of conventions between "no negotiations will not be negotiated" and considering "new reality".

The third result is to show the efficacy and influence of mediation, promotion, and in the resolution of international contradictions and conflicts.Although fundamentally speaking, Russia and Ukraine can finally form a consensus of consensus, which is closely related to the duel toughness of the two sides, the degree of intervention of the international community, and the development of the domestic situation.All countries have not held public opposition to mediation and peace talks, and the event of the Russian and Ukraine War always will always make a biggest convention ending, which shows that the horizontal and vertical countries want to stimulate the Russian and Ukraine War.There are almost no, and it also determines the vitality and influence of mediation, promotion and promotion in this world.The latter promotes this to seven countries in China and Africa. In the following days, some new "special representatives" and "peace delegations" have appeared. It is estimated that it is also a high probability.

Therefore, the result of no result is also the result, but the previous result of a certain final result came out- "the final result" depends on the indispensable result of the birth. This is the conclusion that history gives today.

The 747 -day peace talks in the Korean War, from July 1951 to July 1953, the war fought for three years, and the peace talks were two years.During the conference 58 times and 733 times, most of the talks were "no results", and even because the "result" could not be seen. The shortest negotiation was that the representatives of all parties announced that they just sat at the negotiating table.Second.But it is this "25 seconds" "no result", and finally in exchange for the final "result" of the Banmen Store's suspension agreement.

Similar situations are too much in the relationship between countries.During the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union held a package of disarmament negotiations in Geneva. If it was not calculated several times after the beginning of 1983, it was only from the negotiations between the two sides around the space weapons, strategic nuclear weapons and medium -range nuclear weapons in 1985 to the negotiations of the two sides, and to the negotiations of the strategic nuclear weapons and medium -range nuclear weapons to the two sides to the negotiations of the two sides, and to the negotiations of the strategic nuclear weapons and medium -range nuclear weapons.In 1991, the Soviet President Gorbachev and the US President Bush officially signed a treaty to reduce offensive strategic weapons. Most of the negotiations of more than six years are also "results" of "no results".Before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the two sides of the ambassador at Warsaw took nearly 15 years. Most of the talks were spoken and unhappy.However, it is such a "result" "result" that continues the conviction of reconciliation and maintains the pattern of peace talks. As a result, the ease of Sumei and Sino -US relations, and preach the gospel of peace for the world.

It can be seen that there is nothing to cause people to be frustrated for the time being.As a process, the "result" of "no result" often contains real results. What it accumulates is the patience, toughness, and the belief that the patience, toughness, and mediation, and talks are necessary to deal with international contradictions.This is undoubtedly the real "result" of "no result" to the "results".

This "result" is too needed in today's world -if you really have expectations for peace.

The author is a professor at the School of Administration of Shanxi