Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The murderous case of Diamond Mountain Hollywood shocks the society, strengthening supporting mental recovery and people with mental health is the official responsibility of the SAR. However, some members asked officials at the Legislative Council.The district finds local "resettle these friends" and "release them".Regarding the discussion, not only because of the components of people who implicitly rejection of the spiritual recovery, but also involved whether there is a correct view of the integration of the Greater Bay Area.The central government implements the governance of the patriot. Senior officials and members of the Legislative Council have recently led a group to visit the Greater Bay Area. They should understand the construction of the Greater Bay Area. The goal is to promote mutual benefit and win -win.", Make difficulties and return to yourself.To solve the problem of the people's livelihood in Hong Kong, those who govern Hong Kong must show their due responsibilities. They should not fight the central and mainland ideas without moving, trying to pass their responsibilities into others.

"Bay Area Releases Psycho"

Members say that the manifestation is Funny

In response to the murder of Hollywood Plaza, the government proposed 10 measures after listening to the suggestion of the mental health consulting committee, including the needs of people who resigned in the community.Appropriate community support, such as mental health assessment, prevention of recurrence, drug management, crisis intervention, pressure treatment, etc., to help them re -integrate into the society, and at the same time, they will also strengthen support to caregivers and family members.In addition, the official will also study whether there are conditions for the presence of conditions to go to the hospital, consider the family environment of the Fuyuan people, and whether they can get enough support after discharge.

The Legislative Council's Health Affairs Committee met this week. Many members pay attention to whether the official is sufficient. For example, the case manager and support the spiritual recovery of returning to the community, hoping that the official can put more resources and strengthen related services.Shao Jiahui, a member of the Liberal Party Legislative Council (wholesale and retail), "has another view."Mr. Shao claimed that some "originally hospitalized" people, "unknown whether it was because the relevant parties were not enough" and were put home, bringing tremendous pressure to the family. As a result, unfortunate incidents occurred.Find these friends in the Greater Bay Area "and" Will they release them to the Greater Bay Area. "At the end of the meeting, Mr. Shao talked about the "conditional discharge" mechanism and asked if the official had enough bed to accept psychiatric patients.According to the Hospital Authority, the use rate of psychiatric beds is about 67 %, and the implication is that the hardware facilities are sufficient.Government officials did not explicitly rejected Mr. Shao's proposal, but only stated that they would have to rank, such as whether to strengthen local processing capabilities.

Those who have a spiritual recovery need support rather than exclusion.After the murder of Hollywood Plaza, officials and people of the people have repeatedly emphasized that those who do not respond to spiritual recovery or people with mental health need to deduct negative labels.prejudice.Violent cases involving mental patients can easily make social attention, but this kind of case only accounts for a very few cases of local murderous murders throughout the year.EssenceIt is not surprising that the family's pressure is stressful, but the blood is thicker than the water. I believe that many family members would rather take care of them at home, instead of letting them be detained in the mental hospital for a long time.It is the basic problem.

According to the mental health regulations, if the patient's mental disorders are sufficient to constitute a reason to keep him in a "limited period" of a psychiatric hospital, the Hospital Authority can apply to the court and force the parties to enter the hospital.If the patient's condition is stable, the Hospital Authority may hold a cross -professional case meeting, which will be discussed by the main doctor, medical social workers, and case managers to decide whether to be discharged by conditions. The relevant conditions may be required to live in the indicator of the local and designate outpatient clinics.Regular retransmits and prescription drugs, as well as supervision of the Social Affairs Office, can recall patients with psychiatric hospitals without observing conditions.Only psychiatric patients who are enrolled in hospital and have a tendency to use criminal violence can apply the "conditional release" arrangement. Most of the remaining patients, including non -martial arts admission, can be discharged unconditionally.In short, whether it is forced to be admitted to the hospital or the conditions to be discharged from the hospital, it must be professional assessed, which has nothing to do with the hospital's "insufficient manpower" or "insufficient beds".Now the official and hand -talked question is whether the Fuyuan and their families can get enough support in the community. The two cannot be confused.

If you have a shelter to borrow the "cross bridge" in the Mainland

This is not the case for governance of the patriot

The central government implements the governing of the country to govern Hong Kong, and has expectations for the quality level of officials generated under the new system.Housing, medical care, education and other people's livelihood affairs should be managed to do it by themselves. This is to reflect the main responsibility of governance. Officials must be determined to eliminate the consolidated interests that prevent people's livelihood development.If you have any troubles or difficulties, you will be expected to help the mainland or the central government.It is the responsibility of the SAR Government to support the mental recovery and the need for mental health. There are many things that can be done locally. There is no reason to pass the responsibility to others.

Building the Greater Bay Area, focusing on complementary advantages and exerting synergy.Officials have inspected the Greater Bay Area and should be well known.Some people's livelihood issues, such as An Lao, are placed under the framework of the Greater Bay Area, and can indeed have more ways to deal with it, but the premise is that the Mainland also believes that this is mutually beneficial and win -win.If Hong Kong only regards the Greater Bay Area as a "problem -receiving place", it will be pushed to others if there are troubles. If you have a number, you will stretch your palms. Other Greater Bay Area cities will not accept it.A few years ago, the SAR Government proposed the construction of a "Super Funeral City" on the Shenzhen -Shenzhen -Shenzhen border, which caused the people of the Mainland to criticize Hong Kong for "what they do not want to do people."Councilor Shao responded to the incident yesterday and reiterated that "very respect for the Greater Bay Area", but the initiative of "resettlement of mental patients to the Greater Bay Area" is indeed reminiscent of previous political people's claims to apply to the central government for lease of Guishan Island reclamation to build a father -in -lawThe house, the two are equally empty, ignore the feelings of the mainland people, and do not consider the needs of the locals and the actual feasibility. What is reflected behind it is the mentality of unloading and responsible for the sake of refuge and lack of responsibility.Patriots should not rule Hong Kong.