Source: Bloomberg

Author: Alberto Nardelli, Jorge Valero

The European Union and its member states are preparing to take more bold measures to increase national security tools and consolidate the supply chain, which means that Europe has closer to the United States' strategy to reduce China's military capabilities to restrict China's military capabilities.

But there is still doubt about how to take action quickly.In some areas, the European Union's discussion is still in the early stages compared to the United States. Some officials who do not want to be named revealed that the EU needs time to clarify these problems and determine the risks.

A plan released by the European Union on Tuesday overlines the proposal about how to determine security risks, control key technology exports, and restrict future sensitive investment.The European Union is also seeking key resource supply (such as raw materials, semiconductors, and car batteries) for the fragile reform, and increasing investment in emerging technologies that are considered strategic importance.

EU officials try to achieve a delicate balance, which must not only be able to intervene in areas with military influence, but also maintain a wider trade connection with the Chinese market.They want to cooperate with the United States, although Washington sometimes urges Brussels to do more and faster.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang called on German companies not to play a leading role in risk (reducing China's dependence) during his visit to Berlin.At the same time, the European Union proposed a financial assistance plan of about 50 billion euros ($ 55 billion) to support Ukraine's development in the next few years.

"In terms of economic security, we are evaluating a limited, small amount of cutting -edge technology," the European Commission chairman Feng Delin told reporters when asked about the Chinese issue on Tuesday."We want to ensure that they will not enhance the military capabilities of some countries."

The above -mentioned officials said that the restrictions on overseas investment before the end of the year are a particularly optimistic timetable.

member states also need to take wider security measures, involving key commodity exports, investment, and technical transfer that are usually accompanied by these investment.


What is worrying is that if a country is prohibited from exports and other countries cannot be prohibited, investment will be transferred to the latter, which means that the approach to export control countries will become invalid.Similarly, the funds flowing into the EU, especially the key infrastructure and research and development of funds, will also cause loopholes without coordination.

German Prime Minister Shuerz said on Monday that he agreed to implement export control for some high -tech products to help enhance economic security.At a business conference before the German -China government's consultation on Tuesday, Shuerz said that his government would be particularly concerned about "the issue of defense and weapons."

"We don't want certain military equipment to be transported from China to Russia. In fact, it is not what we want to see from any country to Russia. This position needs to be clear," Salar said."This is also related to the technology used by the monitoring operation, and it must be cautious in this regard."

EU leaders will discuss the draft economic security case and discuss Chinese issues next week when the EU leadership will hold a meeting next week.