Recently, the police notification of Wenzhou Ryan has caused widespread controversy.On June 11, the local police issued a notice stating that on the 9th and 10th, two villagers organized personnel to organize personnel in the river without authorization. During the 9th event, the dragon boat sinking water, and the staff on board were falling.Human casualties.Police were punished by administrative detention of Huang and Li in accordance with the law, and the case was investigating further.

It turns out that Ruian has banned the people's dragon boats in the city for many years, which means that the organizational event itself violates local regulations.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the dragon boat is a traditional Chinese folk event. Now some people are detained because they organize dragon boat competitions. Netizens have puzzled them.What is even more shocking is that Ruian's "Dragon Banning Band" is not new, and it has nothing to do with the special circumstances of the epidemic, but it was launched as early as 2014.According to the Ruian Municipal Government, it is forbidden for the folk dragon boats to prevent the dragon boat from conflicts and fights caused by the dragon boat many times, and there are phenomena such as stalls, vulgar, superstitions such as the folk dragon boat activity.

Therefore, it was because some illegal or uncivilized behaviors appeared during the dragon boat activity. The local government directly banned the folk dragon boat.Isn't such logic and practices a typical "pour children with bathing water together"?Because I do n’t want to control and ca n’t manage it, I ’m simply banned by“ one -size -fits -all ”. This is a typical“ lazy administration ”.

However, after being "forbidden" due to "laziness", the problem has not been solved.Ten years after Ruian banned the people's dragon boats, some people continued to organize folk dragon boats, and the problem still existed. Even because the official was "banned" and lacked supervision, these activities became more dangerous and unavoidable.

The easiest way to deal with it is the rough and useless. It is not only "laziness", but also the embodiment of insufficient administrative management capabilities and governance levels.If there is a fight, you should supervise and manage the fighting; there are mandatory stalls to investigate and deal with the mandatory distribution issues; there are vulgar and superstitions, strengthen guidance and standardization.It is not easy to change the bad habits derived from a traditional activity, but it does not mean that it does not mean not to do it, and it does not mean that it can be exempted from directly.

Some folklore experts point out that the dragon boat is a folk tradition, and the people of communities and groups should be encouraged to inherit the spirit of the dragon boat spontaneously according to their needs, and it should not be denied due to negative issues.In fact, such a simple truth, everyone can understand without folk experts.Rather than not understanding the local government of Ryan, it is more about not concerned -not concern the development of folk activities, or not, whether it is convenient and simple or not.

In fact, Ruian banned the folk dragon boat and only allows everyone to participate in the official competition. The practice of "a competitive dragon boat instead of traditional dragon boat" is not established.The activity of the dragon boat itself has a strong sense of clan and family inheritance. The spirit of the dragon boat represents the good blessings of future life, and it also reflects the cultural self -confidence and cohesion of the village.The decoration has its unattractive significance.For example, the Guangzhou Village in Guangzhou will have recently played in the 2023 Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament. Among them, the "Xindongpo" dragon boat will participate in the colorful dragon competition project. In the design of themes and decorationShow the inheritance of the dragon boat culture and heritage of the village.

The official dragon boat competition organized by Ruian is completely uniformly trained and unified in accordance with the requirements of the athletes. Even the hull design is uniform, and the "soul" of the dragon boat itself has been lost.

It is forbidden for the Dragon Boat of the Folk. This approach is very arrogant. It can neither promote the development of folk activities, nor can it guarantee the safety of the activity itself.