Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

The Kuomintang at the end of last year's nine -in -one elections won the momentum. After just half a year of consumption, it has now worn mostly.The main problem is that after the Party Central Committee recruited Hou Youyi to participate in the presidential election, Guo Taiming, who participated in the preliminary election, did not practice the promise of returning to the team, and Hou Youyi's performance was far less than expected, and he was disrupting the full deployment rhythm of the blue camp.Recently, the Democratic Progressive Party has continuously revealed sexual harassment incidents, which has made the image seriously; at the same time, Hou Youyi handles the "feeding medicine" in New Taipei City Kindergarten's suspicion cloud, but it cannot clearly clarify the case and responsibility, but the loss is even more serious.

From Hou Youyi's recent response, whether it is a conversation with young students, or responding to the outside world's questioning of the feeding storm, it can be seen that his team is disordered and cannot be effective in social expectations.Therefore, the doubt that was quickly clarified, but has been trapped by the error message, or trapped in his own experience.This kind of incident has been staged three times, and it will inevitably cast a shadow in the hearts of the people. He believes that the talents of the Hou team are insufficient, and even suspect Hou Youyi's own administrative ability and employment ability.Once such an impression is formed, it is extremely difficult to change.

The reason why

performed such a situation is that it is difficult to get rid of the cause and stubbornness of Hou Youyi himself.After Hou Youyi was nominated, the outside world repeatedly suggested that he must immediately expand the campaign team to include more talents.One is to expand its political opinions and vision to make preparations, so that voters can see his leadership and pattern; second, they can help him cope with the swords and swords of swords and swords from all directions to help him clean up the battlefield;The continuous movement of the presidential election campaign and legislators campaigns, in the two battlefields, respond to each other and build each other to form a larger climate.

It is regrettable that Hou Youyi and his team are stubborn. They neither accept the strategic suggestions and support of the Party Central Committee, and close the portal in daily response, so as not to let other blue camp comrades understand details.In this way, the Kuomintang's cross -regional legislators or members of the Kuomintang could not enter the door even if they were full of enthusiasm and did not know how to support it.Many people may think that comrades in the Kuomintang are watching the fire across the shore and watching Hou Youyi's good show; as everyone knows, the Hou Youyi team feels good and does not change the character of "not sticking to the pot".The crux of the landslide all the way.

After Hou Youyi was nominated, his polls have fallen twice, and the polls of several media even fell to third, back behind Ke Wenzhe.This trend is the accumulation of the incidents again and again: Hou Youyi and the Party Central Committee have been unable to cooperate, pushing each other responsibilities, leaving the blue army without unity.If Hou Youyi cannot be aware of his problems and weaknesses, does not change his election mode in time, and continues to have such a combat method, it will inevitably cause serious drag on the election of the blue camp legislators.Imagine that as a presidential candidate, if his own party comrades cannot trust and integrate, how can voters believe that he can lead the country?

This kind of dragging water, the party chairman Zhu Lilun certainly couldn't blame it.At the beginning, he introduced Guo Dong to the primary election situation, but in the end he could not let the other party guard the gentleman's agreement. Instead, he made the party standing in the party and the Guo faction fighting each other.After that, the murmur within the party and the old man's own self -proclaimed herself, Zhu Lilun did not make good mediation as the chairman.Recently, some people in the Kuomintang called on Zhu Lilun to "hand over military power" and let Hou Youyi lead the rhythm of the election campaign.However, with the current performance of the Hou team, even the handling of New Taipei affairs has not been arrested. It may be a luxurious talk about "leading the rhythm of the election campaign", and the situation may worsen.

In today's plan, Hou Youyi must open his mind and re -establish a election team with a combat, vision, and sensitivity.In this regard, without the assistance of the Party Central Committee and comrades, it is impossible to do it.He must first prove that he can make good use of talents in the party and the ability to solve problems in order to prove to the society that he is a leader who can use people and do things.Only in this way can he extinguish the "change" sound that has never disappeared in the blue camp.Hou Youyi's biggest enemy is not the friendly of people inside and outside the party, but his own lack of openness.