Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Su Yonglin

The delay for half a year of US Secretary of State Brosyl's visit to mainland China will finally begin from June 18th to 19th.No accident, whether it is Beijing or Washington, it means that the significance of this trip is not necessary.In other words, the basic pattern of competition between the United States and China is greater than the risk of conflict and the risk of conflict.However, for the United States and China, Brincken's trip is a political task that both parties have to complete.

The reason why "the political tasks that have to be completed" are because September this year will hold the G20 summit in September this year, and the APEC summit will be held in San Francisco in November.If the U.S. -China leader in September, the New Delhi G20 can still be the first time that the two sides will not see the king of the king of the two parties at the Shangri -La dialogue.In any case, Biden also meets Xi Jinping alone based on hospitality. This has produced a sense of urgency to prepare for the November "worshiping party".

In fact, after the "worshiping party" last year, the high -level and middle -levels of the United States intended to draw a period for the previous persistence to make 2023 the year of "re -contact" between the two parties.Blingken visited the Bank of China because this was a established arrangement for the "Worshiping Club" document.However, as the global conflict of the United States and China had formed a structure, coupled with the triggering of the balloon incident at the time, Mainland Foreign Minister Qin Gang said in the Calleon on the 14th that "new difficulties and challenges have encountered new difficulties and challenges since the beginning of the year."It is describing the situation from February to early May of this year.

However, the results of the US -China head of state summit always be implemented.The node that truly opened the situation and restarted the recovery of both parties was Wang Yi, the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office of the mainland government in early May, and the 8 -hour meeting of the White House Guoan consultant, Shali, in Vienna.Since then, there have been a visit to the United States, the Minister of Commerce, the Minister of Commerce in the United States, and the visit of the Asia -Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda.As for the Shangri -La dialogue, the friction between the US -China ship in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait and the defense of the defense of both parties were just a episode, which would not affect the progress of recovering high -level contact between the two parties.

Many people have noticed that the United States in the visit of Brinkens was released by the United States through the media, and China did not confirm it until Brinken and Qin Gang talked on the phone, and they still used "the two parties" instead of "invited" instead of "invited".Wording.Indeed, under the current atmosphere of the United States and China, Beijing is unlikely to issue an invitation. It can only be paved and looking for reasons for the visit to Brinken.Similarly, after the visit to Brinken, Qin Gang's visit to the United States will also make arrangements. The key is to see if the two parties have a good meeting in India in September, and then formally talks in November.

Before the visit to Brinken, the United States released three sensitive messages: First, the US media revealed Beijing's deployment of love search facilities in Cuba; second, the United States said that the US chief executive Li Jiachao, who had not determined to invite sanctions, participated in the APEC meeting; the third was AIT AITChairman Rosen Berg and the director of the Taipei Office Sun Xiaoya successively expressed their statements to the Taiwan election.It can be basically determined that these three issues will be important chips that Brins want to get "answers" or "commitment" in Beijing.

Interestingly, the United States has not released any hints that APEC intends to invite Tsai Ing -wen as the leader of "Chinese Taipei" to attend in the near future. Presumably, the possibility of Lai Qingde used the possibility of visiting China -South American friendship in the United States.Washington "rubbed".

The author is a think tank researcher