Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Liu Birong

U.S. Secretary of State Bringson visited Saudi Arabia for three days last week and talked with Saudi Arabia to talk about the normalization of Iran, Sudan, regional infrastructure, and even Saudi and Israel.One day after the visit, Meisha announced at the same time that under the mediation of the two countries, the two sides of the Sudan war agreed to stop fire for 24 hours from 6 am on the 10th.It is proved that as long as the two countries are willing, they can still cooperate with the specific concerns of common concern.

However, the environment has changed, and the relationship between Meisha is no longer possible to return to the past.In July last year, Biden ran to Saudi Arabia with his scalp and touched the Crown Prince MBS to show his fists. He hoped that Saudi would agree to increase the production of oil to reduce oil prices. As a result, he touched a soft nail.Instead of promised to increase production, the Saudi State had not agreed to increase production, but instead reduced oil on the grounds of OPEC+. He was so angry that Biden said that he wanted Saudi Arabia to bear the consequences, and MBS also privately said that he was unwilling to deal with the United States anymore.In December, Saudi Arabia ushered in Xi Jinping who visited.

Of course, the United States did not have any consequences in the end, and Saudi Arabia continued to associate with the United States.What Saudi Arabia wants is not to choose a border between China and the United States, but to hope that there are more foreign policies.This can be seen from Saudi Arabia's diplomatic operation before and after the visit of Saudi Saudi: MBS warmly greeted the Venezuelan President Madelo, who was regarded by the United States as a dictatorship before seeing Brinken;The embassy; after Blint's departure, the Saudi country also plans to host a heavyweight meeting between Arabia and the Chinese business community.

The independent route of the Sand country diplomacy is not a case.Many observers point out that under the trend of "de -globalization", the world has become more and more broken; the reorganization of the supply chain has brought about the trend of "friendly shore outsourcing" and "near -shore outsourcing", and it has also made many "Southern Global Southern".The rise of medium -sized countries has become a regional trade and financial center.These rising global southern countries have Saudi Arabia.Others include Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey.Some scholars of these six medium -sized countries call it "Swing Six Kingdoms."

The six kingdoms have no ideological constraints, and their diplomatic is more flexible. The increase in the influence of geopolitics and geographical economy has also become the target of the United States and China.Before giving a speech at the Hiroshima G7 Summit in May, the Saudi Alliance Summit was given to support the support of the Saudi Alliance Summit to see the amount of the rise of the Saudi country.

Compared with the south of the world is the "global northern" of the country.Although the northern world is still the head of the United States, it has also begun to talk to southern countries through the G7 architecture.Mainland China hopes that in the way of expanding the BRICS countries, it will join the global southern countries to join and compare with the rich country.Honduras announced on the 10th that it was the best example to formally apply for joining the BRICS New Development Bank.

But it is impossible to "swing the six kingdoms" to fully follow China and Russia's support for BRICS routes.The six kingdoms still have their own independent stance.The only exception is that if the US -China confrontation continues to rise, some scholars also pointed out that in the end, in the event of scientific and technological issues, such as AI, 5G communications, biotechnology, quantum operations, etc.Choose edge.

But the crushing of international order is an irreversible fact.In reducing carbon emissions and confrontation with desertification, the rich country also needs to actively participate in the south of the world.Some Western scholars have therefore pointed out that what the United States needs now is not individual to attract specific southern countries, but to have policies that interact with the entire global south; when the United States or northern countries want any policies, they must first want to swing the Six Congress of the Six Congress.reaction.These suggestions make sense, but northern countries must first accept the fact that the world has become increasingly diverse.Are they ready?

(the author is a professor at the Department of Political Department of Soochow University)